My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 375 The First Battle

Although it is the end of the world, except for a few places, the communication is still very good, and even the network signal is not disconnected.

Therefore, Cai Wenjie directly contacted the main force using conventional communication means and reported the situation here in detail.

"This is the situation. Because of the problem with the bridge, we can no longer reach the destination within the originally planned time. For the sake of safety, I hope that the main force can stop advancing and move after we find another road."

"Okay, I know, this is the only way now."

General Yansong did not say much and agreed directly.

"Thank you for your understanding, Chief."

After Cai Wenjie hung up the communication, he immediately ordered the troops to turn around and move to another road leading to the destination.

When the convoy arrived at the destination, it was two hours later than expected. If the situation had not been reported to the main force before, there would definitely be a big problem at this time.

"We're finally here. Order the convoy to prepare for battle."


The arrival of Cai Wenjie and others made the zombies wandering around the fortress feel excited, just like when they were hungry and just ordered takeout, and then found that the takeout shop was downstairs. It was an unusual excitement.

"Remember, our goal is to lead these zombies to other places. Don't be too reluctant to fight. Once the zombies' attention is firmly fixed on us, retreat immediately!"


"Also, be careful not to attack the fortress itself. That is for the large army. Don't destroy it."


Cai Wenjie immediately used the convoy's dedicated communication channel to issue a series of instructions. When all preparations were completed, the zombies who discovered the convoy had already begun to rush towards the convoy.

"Everyone pay attention, zombies are attacking, free shooting!"

The zombies rushing from the fortress were shot into pieces by the armored vehicle's vehicle-mounted machine guns and large-caliber heavy machine guns before they approached the convoy.

Especially the heavy machine guns installed on infantry fighting vehicles or tanks, every time a large-caliber bullet is fired, a zombie will be hit by the bullet and become a disabled person with an incomplete body.

Although he survived by chance because his head was not hit, he could only lie on the ground and could not move. There was no way. This zombie was unlucky. His legs and arms were all shot by the bullets of the heavy machine gun, leaving only the upper body helplessly lying on the ground and groaning constantly.

The sound of the convoy's counterattack was also heard by more zombies inside the fortress, and a large number of zombies poured out from all directions inside the fortress.

If there were people with intensive phobia here, they might die on the spot.

This also shows that there are a lot of zombies hidden in the fortress. Cai Wenjie estimates that there are at least tens of thousands of zombies inside the fortress alone, plus the zombies wandering around, there should be a huge group of about 100,000 zombies in total.

If it were the previous Cai Wenjie, he might retreat, after all, the gap in combat power and quantity was too large, but now he is the commander of at least an armored battalion, and he is not afraid of these zombies at all.

However, Cai Wenjie did not forget his mission, so when the zombies in the fortress were almost out, Cai Wenjie immediately ordered the convoy to evacuate to a predetermined plain according to the plan.

This plain is vast and has few obstacles, so it is very suitable for guerrilla warfare. Cai Wenjie decided to deal with the zombies that were attracted here.

Soon, almost all the zombies inside the fortress were attracted by the convoy, left the fortress, and were desperately chasing the convoy.

"It's almost done, all armored vehicles in the convoy, leave the battle and evacuate this place immediately"


When all the vehicles received the order, they stopped attacking at the same time, and then turned 180 degrees on the spot, the front team became the rear team, the rear team became the front team, and they quickly left the battle at full throttle.

The zombies finally saw the living people, how could they watch them leave, so almost all the zombies followed the convoy out of the fortress.

In order to prevent the zombies from falling behind or getting separated, the convoy would make some noise from time to time to stimulate the zombies behind, and in order to let the zombies catch up with the convoy, the overall speed of the convoy was deliberately slowed down to keep the zombies and the convoy at a safe distance, not too far or too close.

In this state, after driving for nearly an hour, they finally arrived at the plain area.

"Okay, all vehicles in the convoy, arrange the attack plan according to the original plan, and disband!"

After arriving at the plain area, the armored vehicles and tanks of the convoy were scattered, no longer maintaining the original terrain, but dispersed into countless small targets. At the same time, the zombies that had been following the convoy were also divided into countless small groups, each following their own targets.

Because the free attack was ordered, all the vehicles in the convoy began to shoot freely. For a while, the gunshots were loud, and the zombies following behind were hit in the body or head by bullets shot from nowhere without knowing it and died miserably.

Each armored vehicle has its own area. Basically, unless its area is already crowded with zombies, the armored vehicle will not leave this area.

Moreover, the way the armored vehicle kills zombies is that the armored vehicle in the area where the zombie enters will be responsible for killing it.

The main reason for doing this is to avoid accidental injuries. If an armored vehicle accidentally enters the area in charge of other armored vehicles, and there happens to be a group of zombies next to it, it is very likely that the armored vehicles in this area will accidentally injure friendly forces in order to eliminate the zombies.

As the commander, Cai Wenjie did not participate in the battle because his vehicle only had a self-defense machine gun.

Instead, he found a high ground with a good view and commanded other armored vehicles in real time. For example, when the armored vehicle was about to enter the area of ​​other armored vehicles, he would inform it to turn in time.

Or if there were more zombies in that area, the armored vehicles and soldiers in this area should not get too close to the zombies.

This feels like playing a game, but the difference is that once a mistake is made in reality, it may cause irreparable losses.

So Cai Wenjie kept his nerves tight at all times, observing all the armored vehicles in the plain to avoid any accidents.

"Driver of vehicle No. 17, please note that there is a mutant zombie approaching you quietly 50 meters behind you on the right. Kill him!"

"Driver of vehicle No. 19, please note that you are about to cross your area, turn the car around immediately"

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