My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 371 Banquet

There were hundreds of people crowded in this temporary restaurant, and almost all of these hundreds of people were officers at all levels. No, they should all be people with official positions. ReadМ

From the squad leader to the general, almost everyone who can manage a certain number of people has gathered here.

If the opponent is not zombies without the ability to think, but human enemies with long-range strike capabilities, as long as a missile is fired here, then everyone can basically declare that they will go back to their homes and find their own mothers.

In addition to the gatherings taking place in this hall, ordinary soldiers are also having barbecue gatherings in the open air in other places. There is enough beef, mutton, pork, and chicken, and beer is not limited to the supply.

Of course, in order to prevent zombies from sneak attacks, although there is an unlimited supply of beer, the soldiers still restrain themselves from drinking too much.

To be honest, the atmosphere of the soldiers' barbecue party was much better than the dinner party in the hall.

They can eat meat and drink as much as they want without restraint, but Cai Wenjie and others, because they are surrounded by officers of all levels, have to think twice before they speak.

Of course, this does not mean that someone is putting on airs. On the contrary, everyone is very kind and enthusiastic. But after all, where is the level? Even if you want to respond positively to other people's enthusiasm, you can only have a smile on your face. Can say some words to deal with people.

Although Cai Wenjie only led one company, his military rank and position were that of a real major battalion commander, so there were many people who came to talk to Cai Wenjie and make friends.

"Hello Major Cai, I am the company commander of a certain company. My name is xxx. Nice to meet you."

"Major Cai, I am the battalion commander of such-and-such battalion. I will take care of you from now on."

"Major Cai..."

Such conversations happened almost every moment, and Cai Wenjie couldn't say anything and could only respond to them all with a smile.

The people who spoke to Cai Wenjie were basically battalion-level officers. It didn’t mean that Cai Wenjie was a major battalion commander and these officers were the ones talking to him. It was because Cai Wenjie’s previous performance was outstanding that there were so many people. Want to make friends with him.

After all, capable people are welcome wherever they go, and the military is no exception.

Just when Cai Wenjie tried his best to respond to the greetings of these people, General Yansong, who was originally at the top of the hall, came to Cai Wenjie's surroundings at some unknown time.

"Hello, Chief!"

"Hello, Chief!"

The officers who were originally talking around Cai Wenjie immediately saluted General Yansong instinctively. Cai Wenjie was no exception and also saluted with the others.

"Okay, let's put it all down and relax."

Although Admiral Iwamatsu waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be so restrained, the surrounding officers would not really relax.

"I'm not here for any big thing, I just want to toast you. If you hadn't brought someone over to support you in time, maybe we wouldn't be in that place now."

"You are serious, General. Even if it wasn't me, other comrades would have come. I just did what I should do."

"Hahaha, it's not a bad thing for young people to be too modest. Come on, let me toast you."

After speaking, General Yansong held up a glass of liquor in his hand and filled it up. Seeing this, Cai Wenjie looked at the glass of high-strength liquor in his hand and drank it all in one gulp.

After the high-strength liquor was poured down his throat, Cai Wenjie felt a fire surging, and the smell of alcohol rushed to his forehead, and then breathed out through his nose.

Because Cai Wenjie usually doesn't like drinking, even beer, so he couldn't describe how he felt. The only thing he felt was that his body warmed up after taking a sip of liquor.

"Hahaha, good boy, such a strong liquor can be boring in one sip, not bad!"

For example, the wine that General Yansong drank was certainly not an ordinary product. The 80-year-old Maotai was something that could not be found on the market before the end of the world. Now General Yansong took out this bottle of wine and divided it. Let the people around you taste it together, even Cai Wenjie got the cup just now.

There is no way, I guess after tonight, even the oldest Moutai will have a chance to taste it.

"Okay, it's okay. I'll leave first. You can continue chatting."

After having a drink with Cai Wenjie, Admiral Yansong left with a smile.

"As expected of Brother Cai, even General Yansong came over personally to toast you with a glass of wine."

"Yes, Brother Cai will definitely be more appreciated by the general in the future."

"Brother Cai, come on! I'll toast you too!"

"Me too!"

"Together, together"

Many officers around Cai Wenjie also began to raise their wine glasses and toast to Cai Wenjie, and Cai Wenjie did not dare to neglect. After all, as the old saying goes, many friends have many ways out. If you survive in the apocalypse in the future, you will definitely have to fight with these people. To get along with each other, it is better to be friendly with these people now than to be at odds with them. You may not be able to trouble these people in the future.

"Thank you for your love. Let's drink to our friendship in the future!"

"Okay! Do it!"


Because there were so many people toasting with Cai Wenjie, Cai Wenjie had no choice but to bite the bullet and sip the liquor in his hands. Because some people don’t know how to drink liquor, Cai Wenjie even drank a lot of beer, and the beer Everyone knows its function, which is to speed up the absorption of alcohol.

In less than half an hour, Cai Wenjie had already drunk three kilograms of liquor and several boxes of beer. Ordinary people would have been drunk and unconscious if they drank so much, and they might even be sent to the hospital directly because of gastric perforation.

But Cai Wenjie is not an ordinary person. After being strengthened by strengthening drugs, his body has reached the limit that humans can reach. Therefore, after drinking so much wine, Cai Wenjie did not get drunk directly. Although he was a little drunk, he could still think as usual and still control his body 100%.

On the other hand, the officers who toasted were now drunk and almost lying on the ground.

"Cai, Brother Cai, I'm toasting you a glass"

An officer who was a little older than Cai Wenjie was obviously drunk and about to fall, but he still raised his glass and wanted to toast another glass of wine. However, before Cai Wenjie responded, the officer was completely exhausted. With a bang, he fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Cai Wenjie was shocked. His head, which was still a little drunk, immediately became sober. He quickly squatted down to check on the officer's condition.

Fortunately, the officer was not seriously ill, he was just drunk. Cai Wenjie looked up and saw that almost all the officers around him were drunk. Some were talking nonsense, some were vomiting, and some were acting crazy.

In fact, Cai Wenjie could understand them. For everyone present, this was the last day they could relax. Starting tomorrow, no one knew where they would die. In this mood, it was inevitable that they would get drunk.

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