My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 368: A Battle!

However, even if a large number of zombies were eliminated by the border guards, there were still a steady stream of zombies pouring in.

Because there were too many zombies, other mountain roads that were originally blocked were turned into flat land. A large number of zombies acted as stepping stones in the pits, allowing other zombies to step over their bodies.

Of course, this does not mean that the zombies have wisdom, but because they were squeezed by the zombies behind them and had to fall down, and then the zombies behind them would also fall into the pits because of the zombies behind them. In this way, one zombie after another filled the pits made by the border guards.

But just when the zombies were about to use the corpses of other zombies to step over this pit, an unknown device that was completely black and square-shaped at the bottom of the pit suddenly made a "click!" sound.

Then, the pit that was originally filled with zombies suddenly had a new situation. The zombies that fell into the pit were sucked in by a strange suction force and were squeezed further down by force. However, this situation only lasted for a very short time.

Not long after the zombies were sucked in, the zombies that were originally sucked in suddenly stopped moving, and then a huge pressure began to erupt from the innermost part of the pit.

A translucent purple sphere suddenly appeared and covered all places with a radius of 100 meters from the pit as the center point, and this coverage area continued to expand with time, until the purple sphere covered all the surface and underground of half a kilometer from the pit as the center point, and suddenly began to shrink.

And when the purple sphere shrank, everything covered in the sphere, including the zombies, shrank together. In less than three seconds, the purple sphere that originally covered a full radius of half a kilometer disappeared without a trace like a flash of fireworks.

If the place where the purple sphere appeared had not turned into a huge pit, no one would have believed that this was a densely populated area of ​​zombies just a few seconds ago.

That's right, all the zombies and everything wrapped in the purple sphere are now gone. Just now, at least five-digit zombies and various mutant creatures were killed.

And they don't even leave corpses for you.

"Division Commander, Pandora's Box has been activated. According to the supercomputer's budget, the attack just now has at least killed tens of thousands of zombies and various mutant zombies."

The division commander, that is, the commander of the border soldiers, his name is Huang Lei, with a rank of major general, and is a serious senior officer.

"Very good, hahahaha, being able to eliminate so many zombies at the last moment is also an explanation to the country, it's worth it!"

"Commander, this is the experimental data of Pandora's Box just now, please take a look"

"No need, I, a rough man, don't understand these, this kind of thing should be shown to professionals, you send the experimental data of Pandora's Box to the central government immediately, immediately!"


This device called Pandora's Box is actually a high-tech weapon secretly researched by the country. Its principle is very simple, that is, continuous compression, compression, and compression, compressing everything wrapped in the sphere into an object the size of a particle.

This is the most basic principle of Pandora's Box. As for the rest, Huang Lei himself is not clear, but when the researcher handed this thing to him, he said this.

"Commander, this thing is all our hard work for decades, and it takes a lot of time and energy to make this Pandora's Box, not to mention the materials, so we have spent half our lives to make only three, one of which was handed over to the central government, another is kept in our research room, and the last one is this one. It is very precious, so don't use it unless it is necessary, and you must keep a safe distance after the Pandora's Box is activated. Remember, you must keep a safe distance!"

The researcher of the institute said the last warning twice in a very serious tone.

Huang Lei didn't care too much about this at the time, but now he finally understands why the institute said twice to keep a safe distance.

If this gets a little closer and enters the killing range of Pandora's Box, then let alone being alive, even the ashes will not have a chance to be scattered.

"Report! East! The defense bases on both sides of the west are attacked by zombies, and now the soldiers in the defense bases are fighting bloody battles!"

At this time, a signalman suddenly came to Huang Lei and reported loudly.

"Except for the cliff behind us, has the war started in all directions now?"

Although the border guards have the advantage of terrain and people, the zombies on the other side are not afraid of suspicion at all. No matter how much advantage they have, there is no possibility of a comeback.

In the final analysis, Huang Lei led the soldiers to retreat to the edge of the cliff just to delay the time of being wiped out. They have no way to retreat and no reinforcements, but the soldiers still have not lost confidence and are still resisting with high morale.

Even if they knew their fate from the beginning, they still did not give up themselves, because they knew that as long as they persisted here for one more second and killed one more zombie, they could make the world less dangerous and more hopeful.

Even if they died, there would be others who would take over their consciousness and hope and continue to fight to the end until the world returned to its original state.

"Report! The northern defense line was just breached by zombies! The 7th Company stationed on the northern defense line has been annihilated, and there are no survivors! Now the zombies that broke through the line are heading straight for us"

"I know, notify all the active personnel in the command center, bring weapons and follow me to kill zombies!"

"No! Commander, we haven't reached the last step yet. Our eastern and western defense lines are still resisting zombies. We still have hope. As long as we rush to these two defense lines and then rebuild new defense lines, we can! We can!"

When the signalman said the last part, he suddenly realized that no matter how much they moved the command center, they would inevitably die in the end, because that's why they came to this cliff.

"Okay, our ending is destined to die from the beginning, but even if I die, I will die on the battlefield, not being caught up by zombies while fleeing. You immediately convey my order to the defense positions on the east and west sides. There is a sling on the northern cliff. After I die, the remaining soldiers will escape through it."

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