My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 371: The Current Situation of the Xinguang Gathering Place

At this time, an unexpected thing happened in the Xinguang gathering place hundreds of kilometers away.

A group of survivors, or a group of homeless people, wearing shabby clothes and faces full of vicissitudes of life, learned the location of Xinguang Gathering Place from somewhere, and formed a group to arrive at Xinguang Gathering Place.

These homeless people are now gathering outside the gate of Xinguang Gathering, waiting for inspection.

Within Xinguang Gathering Place, there were disagreements because of this group of homeless people. The reason for the disagreement was very simple, that is, whether or not to accept this group of homeless people.

Led by the clone soldiers left by Cai Wenjie, the third company commander Ji Qinglai's opinion is that these homeless people cannot be accepted. The reason is very simple, that is

"The chief asked us to be careful when leaving, and the chief has entrusted me with the security of the Xinguang gathering place. It is impossible for me to let these unknown people in."

In fact, there is one reason why Ji Qinglai is so firmly opposed to accepting this group of homeless people, and that is that these people cannot provide proof of their identity, such as ID cards or household registers, or even driver's licenses. But the problem is, these It wasn't just a few homeless people who couldn't take it out, but all of them, which made Ji Qinglai feel something was wrong.

Although he did not order the control of these homeless people, he would never let these unknown people enter the Xinguang gathering place.

Another group that is willing to accept these homeless people is the group of the Civil Affairs Center, which is composed of former police officers. As people who manage all civil affairs, large and small, in Xinguang Gathering Area, they naturally hope that there will be more residents in Xinguang Gathering Area, as long as they With enough people, we can cultivate more fields and sow more food in the spring. Although there are enough food reserves in Xinguang Gathering Area now, there will always be a day when we run out, so self-produced and self-sold food is a must. Wanted.

And as long as the number of people is large enough, more weapons and ammunition can be produced, more people can be armed, and the relative gathering area will be larger.

As the gathering place expands, it can accommodate more people and eliminate more zombies. As long as we follow this step by step, one day humans will be able to eliminate the zombies and regain the prosperous age of mankind.

"Company Commander Ji, I know that you refused to accept them for the safety of the Xinguang Gathering Area, but you have never thought about how many difficulties these people went through to barely reach our Xinguang Gathering Area. If we refuse to accept them , or even driven out of here, how miserable will they be in the future? They will be attacked by zombies, unable to find food, etc. Don’t you feel sorry for them? "

"Pity? Ha!"

When Ji Qinglai heard a woman from the community center opposite saying that these homeless people were pitiful, Ji Qinglai sneered and then laughed.

"In this apocalypse, are there still few pitiful people? If they were old, weak, women and children, I might be able to give them some mercy, but these people are all young and strong men, even if they are wearing tattered clothes , No matter how vicissitudes of expression on their faces, they can't hide it from my eyes. No matter how well they disguise it, I can still see greed in their eyes."

When Ji Qinglai said this, he automatically recalled the first time he saw these homeless people.

That was what happened before the homeless people arrived at the Xinguang gathering place. Ji Qinglai led his soldiers on a routine patrol. This time the patrol location was at the peaks surrounding the Xinguang gathering place, because Cai Wenjie had descended a The order is that once a living animal is found in the surrounding mountains, the living animal must be cleaned up.

The reason why Cai Wenjie issued this order before was also very simple, which was to prevent mutated animals from attacking the gathering place.

As a clone soldier summoned by Cai Wenjie, Ji Qinglai strictly followed Cai Wenjie's orders, patrolling various peaks every day, inspecting and maintaining protective nets, and killing any living animals he encountered with one hit, without exception.

Back to the topic, when Ji Qinglai was patrolling with his soldiers, he suddenly found a group of people at the bottom of the mountain, which was this group of homeless people. Because the distance was a bit far away, and there was some mist on the mountain, there were no homeless people at the bottom of the mountain at all. They found Ji Qing coming to them.

"Everyone is hiding. Unidentified survivors are found at the foot of the mountain. Don't alert them yet, just observe!"


Under Ji Qinglai's order, the soldiers quickly hid in the nearest hiding spot, then picked up various observation equipment to monitor the homeless people below.

The homeless people at this time did not have any expressions of vicissitudes of life on their faces, but the expressions of finally being able to eat after being hungry for many days. Their faces and eyes were full of desire and greed for food. .

"Company Commander, the survivors below seem to be eating something."

A soldier holding a telescope looked at the homeless people at the bottom of the mountain surrounding a small fire, cooking something in a black pot they didn't know where they came from. Because the homeless people blocked the soldier's view, this The soldier did not see what the tramp was cooking.

However, it is obvious that what is cooking in the pot must be meat! .

"It looks like it's some kind of meat, but I don't know what kind of meat it is."

While listening to the soldier, Ji Qinglai also began to observe with a military telescope. At this time, it was very coincidental that the meat cooked by the homeless people at the foot of the mountain should have been lost. The homeless people surrounding the black pot rushed forward and used various bowls and other things in their hands to frantically salvage the meat in the pot.

Similarly, because it was too much of a sight block, everyone still didn't find out what kind of meat it was.

Only after these homeless people grabbed the meat in the pot, Ji Qinglai and the soldiers were finally able to see the meat in the pot. Rather than looking at the remaining meat in the pot, it is better to say that they judge what these people are eating according to the bones left in the pot.

"Let me see!!!"

"What's wrong? Why do you look so ugly?"

A soldier who saw clearly what the bones in the pot looked like, his originally funny tone immediately turned into surprise, then disbelief, and finally an expression like looking at scum.

"Captain, take a look yourself. I don't feel like talking right now."

Ji Qinglai looked at the soldier who seemed to be holding back his anger, picked up his telescope with some surprise, and then looked at the bones in the pot.

After seeing what the bones inside looked like, Ji Qinglai's face became as ugly as that of the soldier just now.

"These beasts actually eat people!!!"

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