My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 362 A sudden reversal

And this little gangster who suddenly broke in did not listen to the gang leader's words, but spoke anxiously. read

"It's not good, gang leader, I just received the news that the hundreds of brothers we sent out were all wiped out by the officers and soldiers in the train station. Not a single one was left alive. They are all dead."

As soon as these words came out, the two people who were still a little angry were instantly shocked, especially the deputy gang leader. It only took 1 second to change from an angry expression to a surprised expression. The change of face was so fast that it was incredible.

"What did you say? Say it again! Hundreds of people armed to the teeth have lost all their energy in just a moment!"

As he spoke, the deputy gang leader grabbed the young gangster by the collar, pulled him in front of him, and began to curse him at close range. At this moment, the distance between the two of them was less than ten centimeters, and the gangster could even smell the deputy gang leader's unpleasant smell. Suffocating bad breath.

"I, I, I was right, the hundreds of people we sent out have been wiped out."

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → 𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚]

The gangster suppressed his fear and bad breath, and tremblingly confirmed the accuracy of the news again.

At this time, the gang leader spoke.

"Where did you get this news?"

"Reporting to the gang leader, the news was brought by the No. 7 scavenging team who went out to look for supplies. They said that they saw hundreds of our brothers being annihilated by the army at the train station, although two brothers pretended to be dead. They wanted to escape, but they were still discovered and taken to the train station. They were taken out half an hour later. Although the two were free at that time, they were captured by a strange force before they could return. The mutated zombies were eaten alive, and their death was very miserable.”

When this little gangster described how the two of them were eaten, his facial expressions and body movements were very rich, as if he was the only one present at the time.

After listening to the gangster's explanation, the gang leader and deputy gang leader first looked at each other, and after confirming that the other party heard correctly, they began to communicate.

"What should we do? Gang leader, if what he said is true, I estimate that our position has been exposed to the army. We may be attacked by the army at any time. How about we change a place? This place has been It’s not safe anymore”

The first thing the deputy gang leader thought of was to run away. What a joke. Compared with the well-equipped and well-trained officers and soldiers, they were just chimpanzees with guns at most, not even as good as ordinary militiamen, so he didn't have any He mentioned that he wanted to fight to the death with the officers and soldiers, but just ran away.

As for the deputy gang leader's proposal, the gang leader actually began to seriously consider it.

"You are right, we may be rounded up by the army at any time, but the problem is that it is impossible to transfer such a group of people in a short time. Besides, there is no place safer and richer in supplies than here. If we move our base camp hastily, we might be completely wiped out. Not to mention joining the parliament, we ourselves may be able to use our own nicknames, so although I agree with the transfer, we need to be careful. "Wait a moment"

As a gang leader who manages hundreds of gangsters, his way of thinking is based on the group's approach, rather than just thinking about himself like the deputy gang leader.

"Gang leader, keep the green mountains here. Don't worry about running out of firewood. We can still find them if they are gone. Once we are gone, the gang will be automatically disbanded that day. You must think carefully about it."

Just when the two were about to have a heated discussion over this issue, another gangster broke in from the outside. Like the previous gangster, he also had a worried look on his face.

Before the gangster could speak, the gang leader and deputy gang leader said in unison.

"Come again!"

With just two words, the two of them confused the little gangster who just came in.

"Why are you still here? No! Gang leader! Deputy gang leader! It's not good! The department store is now surrounded by more than thousands of zombies. These zombies are banging on the windows on the first floor with all their strength, although the brothers are also trying their best. I tried my best to block all the entrances and windows on the first floor with objects, but I feel like I can’t hold on for long. Gang leader, what should we do?”

"What? Thousands of zombies? No, we have cleaned up the area here a long time ago. Even if there are a few fish that slip through the net, there won't be so many. Are you sure it's thousands of zombies?"

"Deputy Gang Leader, I wouldn't dare lie to you two even if I'm too brave. If you don't believe me, you can look down through the window over there to confirm."

Listening to what the little gangster was about to cry, the two of them had already believed most of it, but just in case, the two of them actually walked to the window to see if they were really surrounded by zombies below.

But what the two of them didn't know was that at the moment they turned and walked towards the window, the two gangsters who had come to report the news showed cold smiles, took out the two pistols hidden on their bodies, and pointed them at the sky. The leader and deputy leader of the powerful gang.

"Where are the zombies? Are ntm kidding me? Where are the zombies? Ah! Where are they!"

"Poof! Poof! Poof! Poof!"

The two looked out the window at the empty parking lot, and turned to look at the two gangsters angrily. However, before they could turn around completely, the two gangsters holding pistols fired at them several times. , until he had fired all the bullets in the magazine, then he stopped.

The gang leader and the deputy gang leader were killed on the spot and had no chance of survival. Moreover, because they used silenced pistols, no one except this room could hear the gunshots.

After dealing with the gang leader and the deputy gang leader, the two gangsters, no, it should be said that the undercover criminal police lurking in the Tianwei Gang, said to the women who were still limp on the ground.

"Don't be afraid, he and I are both criminal police from the XX Criminal Police Brigade. We are here to save you. Put on your clothes and go with us. Do you understand?"

Although these women have not yet fully understood the current situation, they still nodded subconsciously, stood up, and prepared to leave here with the two men.

Not only these women, but also other survivors were to be rescued. As early as an hour ago, the two of them put powerful sleeping pills in the lunch or drinks of all the gangsters. One pill was enough to make an elephant fall down and sleep for three days and three nights. Although it was diluted several times with a lot of water, the remaining potency was enough to make ordinary people sleep for half a day.

In this way, the two of them left the department store from the main entrance with hundreds of survivors. As for why they didn't tie these people up when they were sleeping, and then turn the tables, it was mainly because, in half an hour or an hour, there would really be thousands of zombies surrounding this place. It was simply a fantasy and impossible to stop them with the existing fortifications and weapons.

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