My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 26 The First Clone Soldier

The closer Cai Wenjie drove to the university street, the more corpses there were, and scattered zombies began to appear.

Most of the zombies chased the evacuating troops, and the ones left behind were basically zombies with broken limbs and legs. Because they were shot in the legs, they could not run at all, and could only limp on the road or crawl aimlessly.

Cai Wenjie ran over the zombies lying on the road without hesitation, and he would not hesitate to take the points. Finally, after running over countless corpses along the way, he arrived at the east gate of the university, which was where the fierce gunfire had just occurred.

Cai Wenjie looked at the points in the system. The original 8,000 points rose to 9,300, which means that Cai Wenjie ran over thirteen living zombies when he just arrived.

【At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎】

Cai Wenjie picked up the VSS on the passenger seat and opened the car door. He stepped down and closed the door. Cai Wenjie saw the zombies wandering around. Basically, none of these zombies were complete. Some were missing an arm, some were missing a leg, or they were just corpse sticks.

"It's just 700 points away from 10,000. I'll use you to brush it."

After Cai Wenjie raised the VSS and stood firmly in a standard shooting posture, he began to call out the names one by one.

With the "puff" sound left by the bullet passing through the barrel, the zombies around began to fall one by one.

Because the VSS used by Cai Wenjie is characterized by silent shooting, and the effective shooting distance of 400 meters is enough to deal with any scene.

As time went by, Cai Wenjie quickly finished the magazine of 20 bullets. Cai Wenjie threw the empty magazine into the system space, took out a new magazine from the tactical vest and pressed it on the gun, loaded, aimed, and shot, all in one go.

Cai Wenjie's shooting movements became more and more skilled, and his shooting skills were gradually improving, but the sound was not silent after all. After Cai Wenjie finished the fifth magazine, the remaining zombies slowly began to discover Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie was approaching Cai Wenjie at a crazy speed, but he was not afraid of them after he had almost cleared the VSS. After emptying the magazine of VSS again, Cai Wenjie did not continue to change the bullets this time, but threw the VSS with no bullets directly into the system space.

He pulled out the MK23 in the holster and aimed at the zombies approaching Cai Wenjie.

"Puff, puff, puff"

With three gunshots, the zombies rushing towards Cai Wenjie declared death, and Cai Wenjie finally cleared all the zombies at the east gate of the university.

Cai Wenjie looked around and found that no one could move. For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie walked around the university gate and found that Cai Wenjie would use MK23 to shoot the corpses without head wounds.

Facts proved that Cai Wenjie was right. After he finished shooting and replaced the new magazine, he shot the head of a male corpse wearing a down jacket. The corpse obviously moved. If Cai Wenjie had not been cautious, it would have been dangerous if the zombie suddenly jumped up and attacked Cai Wenjie after approaching. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

Finally, after Cai Wenjie consumed three magazines, he had shot all the zombies around him that were not headshot.

And Cai Wenjie's points also reached 15,300 points, which means that Cai Wenjie has eliminated a total of 60 zombies around him. If Cai Wenjie had not wasted bullets due to his lack of shooting experience, he would not have consumed so many bullets.

"I still need to practice my shooting skills. I can hit the target within 50 meters, but the accuracy drops by half beyond 50 meters. This is too embarrassing. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise it would be a black history. How can I convince people in the future?"

Cai Wenjie knew that no matter how good the gun was, it could not stop people from hitting it.

"It seems that I should exchange for a clone soldier first, and let him teach me how to shoot."

Thinking of sitting down, Cai Wenjie immediately returned to the car, closed the door and called the system

"System, I want to exchange for a clone soldier"

"Understood, Chief! Please customize the basic attributes"

The system directly opened the store interface and opened the clone soldier option.

Clone soldier:

Race [Custom]

Gender [Custom]

Age [Custom]

Price: 10,000 points

Cai Wenjie looked at the interface and started to customize.

"Race? Undoubtedly yellow, male is better, age is set at 25"

The main purpose now is survival and development, and a wife can be made at any time. Now the main focus is still on combat. When you form your own army in the future, the clones will all be officers.

The clones of the system can randomly bring a skill, which can be roughly classified into planting, engineering, water and electricity, combat, cooking, and medical.

Planting skills, as the name suggests, can plant all kinds of food and herbs.

Engineering skills, build defense facilities and houses, and repair or modify vehicles.

Water and electricity skills, basically all problems about water and electricity can be solved by them.

Combat skills, clones with combat skills are professional soldiers and basic officers, and can be said to be the most powerful soldiers in the world.

Cooking skills, needless to say, it is to cook, but don't underestimate him, the dishes he makes are so good that even the world's top chefs have to admit defeat, and he can be called a cooking god, and a delicious meal can greatly improve morale, which can be said to be the most reliable source of morale in the end-of-the-world survival.

Medical skills, needless to say, as long as you don't die on the spot, he can save you. Even in the later stage, as long as there are enough resources and medical environment, the vaccine for the zombie virus can be produced.

After Cai Wenjie finished his choice, the system gave him a choice.

"Do you want to descend directly? Or choose to descend with a body?"

"Is there any difference between these two choices?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the system and took out an empty magazine to start loading bullets while asking with some doubts

"When descending directly, the leader also needs to customize the appearance and body shape of the clone, while the body requires the leader to provide a body or corpse with a body integrity of not less than 90%. The body or corpse will maintain the appearance and characteristics of the body before death. The only thing in common is that the clone soldiers created by the two methods will always be loyal to the leader"

"In other words, one needs to pinch the face, and the other does not need it but needs the body, right?"

"Yes, that's right"

Cai Wenjie thought about it and put the loaded magazine After loading the MK23, the remaining ones were inserted into the tactical uniform, and then he got out of the car and began to observe suitable corpses.

Suddenly, Cai Wenjie found a soldier's body not far away. He walked up to check and found that there was a mouth-sized gap at the ankle of the corpse, which seemed to be a piece of meat bitten off by the zombies.

The cause of death of this soldier was not the gap in the ankle, but suicide. It seemed that after discovering that he was bitten, he committed suicide in despair.

Now the soldier's body was leaning against a car used to block the zombies' steps, with his head against the car door and the car window had been sprayed blood red by the soldier's brain. His right hand was weakly placed on his leg and he was holding a 95 rifle in his hand.

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