After receiving the communication, Cai Wenjie immediately used his communication device to contact the soldiers stationed at the train station.

"It's me. I just received intelligence that the terrorists have sent reinforcements. I'm afraid they are in front of you now. I only have one request, and that is, leave no one behind!"


"By the way, I almost forgot, leaving one prisoner to provide information, and the others are as usual."


After Cai Wenjie issued an order not to stay, the soldiers stationed at the train station no longer hesitated and directly pulled the trigger tightly.

In an instant, this small train station turned directly into a military fortress. A large number of bullets were poured out at these gangsters. The gangsters who came for reinforcements were beaten by the soldiers before they could figure out what was going on. Caught off guard, almost one-fifth of the gangsters died suddenly on the spot.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

The remaining gangsters were also affected by countless stray bullets, and they lay on the ground one by one and screamed in pain. However, before they could scream a few more words, specialized soldiers struck in the distance, causing The gangsters who screamed after being hit by bullets suddenly lost their voices and their lives.

"No! The train station is occupied! Fight back! Fight back!"

A man who was obviously the leader of these gangsters pointed a small pistol in the direction of the train station, pulled the trigger without any purpose, and then shouted the same sentence just now, trying to make these stunned people The gangsters mustered up the courage to fight back.

It's a pity that gangsters are still gangsters after all. They have never seen such a scene before. Although there are no swords and guns, countless fatal bullets are flying towards them, and most of the bullets will hit their companions accurately. They suffered numerous casualties, especially those who were hit by large-caliber bullets, and the consequences were even more frightening.

Therefore, let alone fighting back, these gangsters could not even raise their heads. They could only hide behind the abandoned vehicles as bunkers, hoping that the soldiers on the opposite side would not take away their precious lives with a bullet.

However, these little gangsters are still a group of military illiterates. Anyone who knows something about firearms can shoot bullets. The body of an ordinary household vehicle cannot withstand the penetration of bullets. How can two thin car doors withstand it? Due to the penetrating power of bullets, the gangsters hiding behind these cars are more unlucky than the gangsters who are directly hit by bullets.

Because the bullet that was fired had started to rotate irregularly when it passed through the car body. When the bullet passed through the car body and hit the bodies of the gangsters, it was like being hit by a shotgun at close range. A huge hole appeared, and the damaged area became even larger.

Of course, this does not mean that the vehicle cannot completely block bullets. There are two places that can effectively block the penetration of bullets. One is the tire of the vehicle, and the other is the engine of the vehicle. As for why, you will know after a little thought.

No matter what, these little gangsters who hid behind the vehicles met tragic ends one after another. Except for those little gangsters who climbed down and pretended to be dead at the first opportunity, they were almost stationed in the small train station in a very short period of time. The soldiers defeated these little gangsters and defeated them.

Soon, in less than three minutes of fighting, the soldiers stationed at the train station wiped out these gangsters, except for those gangsters who pretended to be dead immediately.

Of course, it’s not that the soldiers didn’t discover these gangsters who were pretending to be dead, but that the soldiers deliberately didn’t shoot at these gangsters who were pretending to be dead. After all, Cai Wenjie had specifically asked to leave alive, and then from these survivors To spy on information.

Outside the train station, there is now a river of blood and mountains of corpses. Soldiers are dealing with these corpses. Otherwise, the smell of blood here alone can attract zombies within a radius of dozens of kilometers, especially the second time. After mutation, the sensitivity of the mutated zombies' noses is almost as good as that of dogs.

Therefore, these corpses must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise no one knows what will happen.

At this time, Cai Wenjie was sitting in the stationmaster's office of this small railway station, watching several gangsters who were tied up in front of him hurting each other.

Of course, it's not physical harm, but the kind of hitting one's companions with words.

"Sir, you must believe me. I am innocent. I have only been in this group for a week, and I have not had time to do anything harmful. He is different. He is already an old man in this group. What he did Damn it, the list can go around the world, so don’t kill me, kill him!”

"Nonsense. You are obviously the oldest member of the group. When I first joined the gang, you led me. Sir, don't listen to his nonsense. I'm reporting him. He has been joining this gang for almost ten years. , he is basically a veteran-level figure, so he knows a lot. If you have any questions, you can definitely go to him. If he says he doesn’t know, he is definitely pretending. As long as you punch him a few times, he will definitely do the same. I will tell you all the information as usual."

The two people who were interrupting each other were the ones who had used the skill of pretending to be dead to escape the battle just now. They were indeed as they said, both of them were veterans. One of them had joined the gang for twelve years, and the other for eleven years, while the history of this gang organization was only fifteen years. You can imagine how cunning these two people were.

Cai Wenjie was not interested in what their gang was like. He only knew who buried the explosives on the snowy mountain and the detailed information of the sniper.

"Stop talking nonsense. From now on, I ask and you answer. If you don't know, just shake your head. But if anyone dares to say more nonsense, I will send him to hell. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, you say"

"First, what is your relationship with those terrorist organizations?"

After Cai Wenjie asked the question, the two immediately raised their bound hands.

Cai Wenjie casually pointed to a tall but skinny gangster.

"You tell me"

"Sir, our gang is called Tianwei Gang, and the name of the terrorist organization is "Council of Judgment". Our gang leader is a peripheral member of this terrorist organization, and we also obey this organization. Otherwise, the gang leader will burn us alive. In short, we are a downstream gang of "Council of Judgment"

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