My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 353: Rapid March and Deployment of Defense Lines

Three kilometers, not far, not close, and because of the forced march.

Cai Wenjie led the soldiers of the rapid response force and arrived near the small train station in just fifteen minutes. This was calculated after avoiding all obstacles along the way and dealing with the zombies blocking the road. Otherwise, the time would be even shorter.

Because this small train station is located on the edge of the town, there are not many buildings here, nor are there many zombie groups. There is only a lonely small train station, and a small parking lot in front of it.

Similarly, the parking lot here is still full of various family cars and various buses for some reason. It has been abandoned for nearly 20 days, so it has become a little gray.

Cai Wenjie led more than 200 soldiers of the rapid response force and lurked in various parts of the parking lot, using the abandoned cars parked here as cover to avoid being discovered by the terrorists of the international terrorist organization in the small train station.

The armored train where General Yansong was was only one step away. As long as they crossed the small train station in front of them, Cai Wenjie could lead the rapid response force to meet General Yansong.

The only problem was the terrorists stationed in the small train station. According to the information provided by Brigadier General Hong before departure, there was at least a battalion of terrorists stationed in this small train station, which means that there were at least 300 to 500 armed terrorists in this small train station.

The number of the rapid response force led by Cai Wenjie and the number of terrorists inside was about 1 to 2.

Cai Wenjie did not feel any difficulty about this. After all, two hundred well-trained and well-equipped soldiers could not defeat a few hundred terrorists?

Although Cai Wenjie did not think he would lose, because of his particularly cautious character, he decided to adopt a more stable method to eliminate the terrorists inside step by step.

"Song Yichen, you take the ten best marksmen in our company and occupy the best sniper points and commanding heights nearby to cover the main force and kill the enemy's heavily-armed terrorists. Never let them take advantage of firepower!"

"Yes! Ensure the completion of the mission"

"First platoon leader, you take four machine gun groups and deploy two machine gun groups on the left and right sides of the main entrance of the railway station to form a cross-fire defense line and kill as many enemy personnel as possible!"

"Yes! Got it!"

"Second platoon leader! I want you to take your soldiers and deploy a fire defense line in front of the railway station as the backbone of the defense battle to kill as many enemy personnel as possible!"

" Yes! I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

"Third Platoon Leader! Fourth Platoon Leader! You have the heaviest task! Once we start a direct battle with the terrorists, I ask you to lead your third and fourth platoons to go around from a distance to the rear of the terrorists and launch a surprise attack, so that the terrorists will be surrounded and then annihilate them in one round. ♦♦  ♦♦Do you have the confidence to do it!"

"Don't worry! We guarantee to complete the mission!"

I forgot to mention that for the convenience of command, Cai Wenjie divided the more than 200 rapid response forces into four reinforced platoons, and the number of people in each platoon increased from 30 to 45. As for the remaining 20 people, they are Cai Wenjie's guard platoon.

The main task of Cai Wenjie's 20-man guard platoon is to be responsible for Cai Wenjie's safety while always paying attention to the zombies that may wander from the rear. In order to prevent the troops from being attacked by zombies, they need to ensure the safety of the rear of the troops, which is also the most important task.

After Cai Wenjie arranged the combat mission, the four platoon leaders and the sniper team led by Song Yichen immediately began to quickly reach the designated combat position according to Cai Wenjie's order, waiting for the first gunshot.

There was no one guarding or standing guard at the main entrance of the small train station. The main entrance of the train station was just blocked tightly. After all, in the minds of these terrorists, as long as the zombies' route was blocked, there was no need for any defensive personnel. Only a symbolic person was arranged to stand on the top floor of the train station as a human alarm to remind everyone when the zombies attacked.

But perhaps because of being too bored, this person who served as an alarm actually fell asleep on the roof, and he fell asleep in the posture of lying on the roof with a newspaper covering his face and his legs crossed.

This also provided precious time for the soldiers under Cai Wenjie to arrange the defensive formation. Song Yichen brought ten soldiers with the best marksmanship to the ten most suitable places for sniping nearby, and arranged cross sniping points. As long as the heavy firepower of the opposite side came out, it was guaranteed that he could get a candy bean in the first time.

Because the sniping in the parking lot and the train station is at most one or two hundred meters, these sharpshooters who serve as temporary snipers are not equipped with special sniper rifles, but still use ordinary rifles as sniper rifles. However, whether it is a rifle or a sniper rifle, it makes no difference in their hands. After all, at a distance of one or two hundred meters, the hit rate of the two guns is basically the same. Even at this distance, these sharpshooters will dislike the slow loading of sniper rifles.

As for the machine gun team led by the platoon leader, they all carry the latest light machine guns, which are not much different from the M249 light machine guns of the United States, but the caliber of the ammunition used is the familiar 8mm bullet. This new light machine gun can use a 100-round drum or a 150-round box for ammunition at a time, so there is no need to worry about its firepower durability.

And the combat rate of fire of this light machine gun is three times that of the original Type 95 light machine gun, which means that it fires 300 rounds per minute. Note that this is the combat rate of fire, not the theoretical rate of fire. The two are different.

And because this light machine gun has undergone special modifications due to the doomsday, as long as the barrel and several other small parts are replaced, this light machine gun can be transformed into a heavy machine gun that can fire 7mm. Whether it is fighting ordinary zombies or mutant zombies, it is not a problem, and it can effectively kill.

Not to mention a group of terrorists, as long as they dare to show up, they will empty a box of bullets for you in minutes.

And Cai Wenjie was assigned a total of four of these new light machine guns. Under normal circumstances, these four light machine guns were originally used as squad weapons, but as a rapid reaction force, they have four light machine guns, which is good.

Therefore, good steel should be used where it is most needed. Instead of distributing these four light machine guns evenly to four platoons, it is better to concentrate them together and use four light machine guns to set up a cross-fire defense line to kill as many terrorists on the opposite side as possible.

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