My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 330 Train Arrival

A few hours later.

It was five o'clock in the afternoon. Although it was not yet night, it was already getting dark. It gets dark very quickly in the winter in the north, so it was quite normal.

Cai Wenjie woke up from the lounge he had prepared for himself. He had not taken an afternoon nap for a long time. The first thing Cai Wenjie did after waking up was to check the time.

"It's five o'clock in the afternoon. I didn't expect that I slept for three hours."

Cai Wenjie shook his head first, woke up, then yawned and stood up from the sofa and walked to the door of the temporary lounge.

"Good afternoon, Chief!"

The two soldiers on guard immediately tensed up and greeted Cai Wenjie after seeing Cai Wenjie coming out of the lounge.

"Thank you for your hard work. Go back and rest."


In the final analysis, the main reason why Cai Wenjie asked the two soldiers to stand guard was to wake him up as quickly as possible when he was sleeping to avoid major events. Now that he was awake, he naturally didn't need the soldiers to stand guard.

Just when Cai Wenjie sent away the soldiers on guard and prepared to wash up, Cai Wenjie found that the entire train station began to tremble slightly, and the trembling feeling was constantly increasing.


Cai Wenjie's first thought was an earthquake, and then he quickly came to a window ready to jump out at any time. Although this is the second floor of the train station and at least five meters above the ground, Cai Wenjie believes that with his physical fitness, he can jump out of here without any damage.

But before Cai Wenjie could get out of the window, Li Jianjun rushed out from another lounge next to him and looked at Cai Wenjie.

Compared to Cai Wenjie who was about to jump out of the window, Li Jianjun was excited. He walked quickly to Cai Wenjie, grabbed Cai Wenjie who wanted to jump out of the window and said.

"Hurry! Get ready quickly, the armored train will arrive here soon"

After hearing the news that the armored train was about to arrive, Cai Wenjie immediately realized that the current trembling was not caused by the earthquake, but by the armored train moving fast.

After figuring this out, Cai Wenjie immediately left the window and walked quickly to the train platform with Li Jianjun.

During this period, Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun also gathered the soldiers of all the firepower points except the necessary defense positions together and simply organized a welcoming team, but the welcoming team was not holding flowers, but various deadly firearms.

Under the orders of Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun, the soldiers lined up and filled one side of the train platform. Almost every five meters, there would be a soldier holding a rifle and standing in a standard military posture, standing on the side of the passage of the armored train that was about to enter the station.

Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun were no exception. One of them was a major battalion commander, and the other was the person in charge of the YJ Air Force command. However, compared with the person in charge of the armored train that was about to arrive, they were not a little bit worse.

What is the concept of a general? A general is the highest level among generals and the highest level of officers.

Simply put, the general is equivalent to the top person in a military region. This is the first time that Cai Wenjie has seen such a big man in his previous life. Therefore, Cai Wenjie is still a little nervous now. After all, this person can be said to be his immediate superior.

In a few minutes, from the farthest point of the railway, you can clearly see that a steel behemoth is slowly approaching the train station. The speed of the armored train is not fast, it can be said to be very slow. As for why this is the case, the reason is also very simple. The main reason is that if the train enters the station too fast, it will be difficult to stop, let alone brake.

Because this armored train is too heavy, if you don’t control the speed before entering the station, don’t even think about stopping at the train platform.

"The train has arrived! Everyone listen to my orders! Salute the chief!"

After that, Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun took the lead and began to perform standard salutes to the slowly entering train, and the soldiers around them also began to solemnly salute the armored train entering the station under the orders of the squad leaders.

And because of the high morale and murderous intent of the soldiers caused by the continuous fighting in the past 24 hours, just a salute and a standard standing posture can make these soldiers show a different momentum.

And the Army General Yan Song, who was standing in the first-class compartment of the train, looked at the soldiers standing in a row outside the train and saluted him, and couldn't help but return a salute, but the old general forgot one thing, that is, for his safety, the windows of the entire train compartment are made of the kind of glass that can be seen from the inside, but not from the outside.

So the soldiers outside couldn't see the old general's salute.

"The guys outside are all very good, and I like the murderous look in their eyes! This is what the army should look like!"

"General, the root cause of the report says that the YJ Railway Station is now jointly defended by Major Cai Wenjie and Director Li Jianjun"

"Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun? I seem to have some impression. Ah, I remembered. I personally approved the promotion of this major named Cai Wenjie. With a company of troops, he withstood the attack of 30,000 zombies and thousands of mutant zombies. And after several hours of fierce fighting, this group of zombies was completely wiped out. At that time, I regarded his deeds as a model and gave a hard education to the people in our military region. Hahaha, it turned out to be him. Yes, good!"

General Yansong nodded with great satisfaction, and then burst into laughter. You must know that he not only approved Cai Wenjie's promotion, but also specially applied for first-class merit. However, because the procedure for approving first-class merit is a bit complicated, so he has not yet approved it. He felt it was a pity that there was no accurate information.

Cai Wenjie didn't know that his name and deeds had reached the ears of the old general. Cai Wenjie was now looking at the steel giant in front of him with constant admiration on his lips, and his eyes were full of longing, like Would that man refuse such a steel behemoth? Cai Wenjie was also an exception. His attention was completely attracted by the heavy armored train in front of him.

It wasn't until Li Jianjun next to him woke up Cai Wenjie in time that he regained consciousness.

"Don't be in a daze, remember. When you see General Yansong later, you must behave well. At least let General Yansong remember you deeply. As long as you leave a deep impression on the old general, you will be promoted when you are promoted. It will save you a lot of trouble”

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