My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 328 Contact

"I leave my parents to you. Please rescue them safely. Then I will die without regrets."

"And my wife, please take care of me as well, instructor."

"My son too"

"my daughter"

While the militiamen were shooting wildly at the zombies, they turned to their instructors and begged.

Because when the disaster occurred, the militiamen here took their family members to the gathering place here to protect their lives, so the survivors in this gathering place were basically so-and-so. Family members or relatives of militiamen.

And this is also the main reason why these militiamen can stop the zombies at all costs, because behind them are their families. If they can't hold on, the family members behind them will also die together. This is not what they want to see. arrived, so they tried their best to block the zombies' advance and buy time for the family behind them to escape safely.

"You guys!!! Oh! I promised you! Take care!"

When Instructor Tang said this, he clenched his hands and looked a little painful, but in the end he chose to respect the determination of the militiamen. After bidding farewell to these militiamen for the last time, he resolutely led the other survivors from Completely surrounded gathering area with back door evacuation.

The survivors did not know the seriousness of the matter. They thought that after they and others left here safely, the militiamen behind them would follow, so they did not hesitate when evacuating, and did not complain at all, because they I firmly believe that my husband and father will come over to meet them later.

But no one would have thought that this separation would last forever. Although Instructor Tang knew that the militiamen would most likely be annihilated, in order to allow the survivors to evacuate without hesitation, he did not tell the survivors the truth. He silently endured the torment in his heart.

And when the old man brought the matter up again, Instructor Tang finally decided not to hide it anymore, because continuing to lie to these survivors so that they could gain false comfort was not a long-term solution. Even if the truth was concealed for a long time, the truth would eventually be revealed. The moment of exposure.

"I'm sorry, uncle, your Xiaofei has been sacrificed."

When Instructor Tang said this, it was as if there was a fishbone stuck in his throat. It was very painful. His relationship with the militiamen was the purest comradeship, just like the soldiers who lived together for a long time in the general army. Instructor Tang always regarded the militiamen he trained as his comrades, so only he knew how painful it was when he admitted that all his comrades had sacrificed.

After hearing Instructor Tang's words, the old man didn't have much emotional fluctuations, but the remaining turbid light in his eyes completely dimmed, and his already hunched back became even more deflated. Hunchbacked.


The uncle could no longer say anything else, all his words and emotions turned into a short lament.

The survivors around them immediately began to panic after hearing the truth told by the instructor. Then they swarmed close to Instructor Tang and asked nervously.

"Instructor Tang, how is my husband? He must still be alive. He said he would come back alive, so he can't die, right, Instructor Tang? Say something!"

A young woman dressed a little plainly held her hands together nervously, and then her whole body was trembling, with an expression about to collapse on her face. She nervously asked Instructor Tang who was standing in front of her, and then During Instructor Tang's continued silence, his voice gradually grew louder, and in the end he even started to roar.

Other survivors, like the militia wife, nervously asked about their husbands, fathers, and sons.

"Instructor Tang, my son must still be alive, right? It's just that we can't contact him right now. We can see them in a while, right?"

"Uncle Tang, why hasn't my father come back yet? Can you take me to see my father? I miss him."

More and more survivors came forward and began to ask about their families. Some survivors had completely lost hope and tears began to flow on their faces.

As Instructor Tang remained silent with a painful expression, more and more survivors began to realize that something was wrong, and then began to cry sadly, but none of them stood up and pointed at Instructor Tang. If it hadn't been for Instructor Tang on the way, they would have been killed by zombies many times. Although the death of their loved ones was sad, they couldn't blame Instructor Tang who had always protected them.

"Everyone, your husbands, sons, and fathers all took the initiative to sacrifice themselves to protect us. Their sacrifices are great! They are true martyrs! We will remember them forever and continue to carry on with their faith in this end of the world. Let’s survive until we defeat the end and regain our old life.”

After Instructor Tang said these words, although the survivors around him were still immersed in the sadness of losing their loved ones, they still took steps for the future.

Instructor Tang looked at the survivors who were moving again. After wiping his eyes and drying his tears, he began to alert the surroundings and moved with the survivors.

But at this moment, an infantry fighting vehicle appeared in their field of vision.

Along with the infantry fighting vehicles came two troop transport trucks, whose main purpose was to pick up the survivors.

Watching the three vehicles approaching, Instructor Tang alertly asked the survivors to hide in the street on the left side of the road, while he stood in the middle of the road motionless, and then half raised his hands to show that he would not resist.

The reason why Instructor Tang did this was mainly to be on the safe side. If the three infantry fighting vehicles and troop transport trucks on the opposite side were military personnel, it would be fine, but if not, it would be a big trouble.

Those who can rob military vehicles are definitely not good people, and they are likely to be a group of vicious thugs.

In order to ensure the safety of the remaining survivors, Instructor Tang decided to go alone to test who was coming from the opposite side. If the situation was not right, he had already told others that as long as he was in any danger, he would quickly escape from here from another road and then seek shelter in the two nearest official gathering places.

Leading the way was an infantry fighting vehicle, followed by two troop transport trucks. When the infantry fighting vehicle stopped ten meters away from Instructor Tang, a squad of soldiers quickly emerged from the vehicle and set up a simple defensive line around Instructor Tang.

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