My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 325 The Facts and Reasons

"Report! I have already found out everything"

Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Shunliu, who had gone to find out the situation, also came back at this time, but when he saw Cai Wenjie comforting a child, he unconsciously lowered his voice. After hearing Shunliu's report, Cai Wenjie looked up, but only glanced at it, and then waved his hand, signaling Shunliu to come back and report later. Read М

After waiting for half an hour, when Li Yinghua had cried enough and fell asleep due to exhaustion, Cai Wenjie gently picked up Li Yinghua and handed him over to other soldiers to take care of him, and then turned to look at Shunliu.

"Tell me, what do you know?"

Cai Wenjie looked at Shunliu and asked seriously. He had decided to adopt these orphans, even if their parents came to ask for their children, there was no way! The moment these parents abandoned their children, they lost their qualifications to be parents. Cai Wenjie would not look at them well. You should know that the youngest of these children is only three years old.

Three years old, just learned to walk by themselves, and can't speak much. These parents dared to abandon them. Are they still human? Are they still parents? . →

Seeing that Cai Wenjie's face was not good, Shunliu tried to control his tone as much as possible when reporting, for fear of provoking Cai Wenjie.

"It's like this. About an hour ago, one of our soldiers saw a middle-aged woman approaching the back door of the train station with these children while standing guard on the rooftop. But when they were about to get close to the back door of the train station, the middle-aged woman abandoned the children and ran to the entrance of an alley alone in a trance and disappeared. Then the children continued to cry and shout towards the train station, and were taken in by Commander Li Jianjun."

"That's it?"

"That's it"

Cai Wenjie listened to Shunliu's report, but it was as if he hadn't listened. He had learned from Li Yinghua that the middle-aged woman was the director of their orphanage, but unlike Shunliu's one-sided understanding, Cai Wenjie analyzed more information from Li Yinghua. The first one was that the director of the orphanage did not abandon them, but was saving them.

As for why he said that, it was because Cai Wenjie learned from Li Yinghua that before sending them here, the director of their orphanage had fought with a particularly bad guy. Although she defeated the bad guy in the end, she was also injured. Li Yinghua said that a piece of flesh in her arm was bitten off by the bad guy.

When Cai Wenjie heard this, he had already judged that the so-called particularly bad guy should be a zombie, and the meaning of the so-called bitten off piece of flesh in the end was clear without thinking. When this brave director fought with the zombies again, although he finally won, he was also infected.

Cai Wenjie didn't need to think too much to restore the truth of the matter. In order to prevent herself from turning into a zombie and hurting these children, the director of the orphanage resolutely used the little time she had left to bring these children to the back door of the train station to seek their help. Unfortunately, due to time reasons, she could only take these children halfway. In order not to turn into a zombie in front of these children and hurt them, she was forced to leave these children and go to the entrance of the alley alone.

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie sighed again. Maybe the parents who abandoned these children were bastards, but the director of the orphanage who adopted them was a rare good man.

"Shunliu, take a squad of people to find the director of the orphanage and give her peace. If possible, bring her body back so that the children can say goodbye to her for the last time."


After Shunliu answered Cai Wenjie, he immediately turned around to gather soldiers and prepared to go outside to find the director of the orphanage.

There are not many zombies within a few kilometers around the railway station now, so he is not worried that Shunliu and others will encounter any danger. Even if they encounter a small number of zombies, according to the firepower arranged by Cai Wenjie for each squad, as long as they do not encounter a zombie group with a number of more than three digits at the same time, they will not be in too much danger.

As for the zombie group below three digits? For a squad of soldiers who have been through hundreds of battles and have sufficient firepower, zombies below three digits are here to die. They are confident that they can eliminate all zombies without injury.

Soon, Shunliu led a squad of soldiers and quickly left the train station. They entered an alley behind the train station and prepared to look for the orphanage director who had already turned into a corpse.

Because there was only one soldier who saw the orphanage director, Shunliu specially brought the soldier who saw the orphanage director with him to avoid mistaking him for someone else.

After sending Shunliu to find the orphanage director, Cai Wenjie immediately used his communication device to contact the transport helicopter on standby in the Xinguang gathering place.

"It's me. Send a transport helicopter to the train station immediately to report."

"Yes! We expect to arrive in ten minutes."

Cai Wenjie dispatched a transport helicopter mainly to transport these children back to the Xinguang gathering place. In the afternoon, they, including himself, had to follow the armored train to the northern border to clean up the mutant zombies there and retake the border. It was impossible to take these children with them all the time, so Cai Wenjie dispatched a transport helicopter to transport these children to the Xinguang gathering place.

On the other side, the helicopter pilot who received Cai Wenjie's order immediately called his partner and prepared to operate the transport helicopter to the YJ Railway Station.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Hurry up! The leader is calling us, we must rush over as soon as possible"

"I know even if you don't say it, you go to preheat the engine first, I'll be there soon"

Two transport helicopter pilots, one has already put on the equipment and is anxiously urging the other driver, while the other driver has just been dealing with personal problems in the toilet, so he started to put on the equipment now, so he can only let the driver who has already put on the equipment to preheat the helicopter engine first, and then put on the equipment as soon as possible before rushing over.

"I know, hurry up!"

The driver who got the answer immediately rushed out of the dormitory door and started to rush to the helipad where the transport helicopter was parked.

Two minutes later, when another driver arrived at the helipad where the transport helicopter was parked, the driver who arrived earlier had already preheated the engine and was ready to take off at any time.

"I'm waiting for you, come on up!"

"Let's go! Take off!"

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