My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 322: Safe Escape

After a while of communication, Sikong Shaoqiu successfully obtained a suitable identity for herself, and she boldly used her current identity to let the scouts in front of her help her return to where the survivors were.

"I'm really sorry to have delayed you, but I really can't get out of here. Can you help me find other survivors? Please"

Sikong Shaoqiu successfully got several scouts to help her speak with an innocent expression.

"It's really not appropriate for her to stay here, squad leader, let me send her off, at least so that she can find the way to the main force."

"Yes, squad leader, after all, we were wrong first, let us send this girl back."

"No! You two are the vanguards of our class, let me go, let them continue to look for the big leader here."

"No! I should go, I have the fastest legs and feet, even after sending this girl, I can rush back in a very short time, so let me go."

Several scouts quarreled over who would send Sikong Shaoqiu to the main force. As the squad leader of the reconnaissance squad, of course, he couldn't leave such a thing alone, so the squad leader shouted first to calm down the other scouts.

"Stop arguing! You are shit scouts for arguing over such a trivial matter. Everyone acts according to the original plan. As for this Sikong girl, I will send her back personally!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding scouts began to howl one by one, and they kept bursting out of their mouths.

"It's over. We'll have an extra sister-in-law next time we meet."

"The squad leader ran away. It's so unfair."

"Don't leave us singles behind, squad leader. Didn't we agree to be single nobles for life?"

Of course, these words were just a joke. In this doomsday, if you want to maintain a good mentality, you must learn how to release the pressure in your heart, otherwise they will collapse sooner or later.

Although these scouts are still nagging, their bodies are really continuing to search for the surrounding areas. After returning the ID card to Sikong Shaoqiu, the squad leader of the scouts immediately began to lead the way for her, preparing to take Sikong Shaoqiu away from here to find the survivors.

Sikong Shaoqiu is not stupid. Her combat literacy and physical fitness are not as good as the scout in front of her, so she did not resist when the two were alone, but followed the scout squad leader in front of her to find the large group.

Sikong Shaoqiu even chatted with the scout squad leader beside him, and they were all about daily life topics, and deliberately created a scene of a young girl with infinite curiosity about military life, and asked the scout squad leader questions in an admiring tone.

"Squad leader, I heard that the young men in the army are all that kind of "relationship". Is it true?"

When Sikong Shaoqiu suddenly asked this question, he deliberately emphasized the word "relationship" and his face was full of expectations for a response.

When the scout squad leader was asked this question, he did not turn the corner for a while, but asked back in a very puzzled tone.

"Relationship? What relationship? Ah, are you talking about comradeship? Of course, we have lived in the same army for several years, eating, living and training together, so the relationship is iron, we are all people who can entrust each other's backs!"

At this point, the scout squad leader did not realize how serious his words were.

"Hand your back to each other!!! Doesn't that mean everyone is!!!"

At this point, Sikong Shaoqiu seemed to know some big secret, his face flushed, and he became extremely excited. The scout squad leader beside him saw that Miss Sikong's face turned red and she was extremely excited, and thought she was sick, and asked hurriedly.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want me to carry you?"

"No, no, I just heard the news suddenly and got a little excited. I can continue! So squad leader, can you continue to tell me how close you are? Please"

Although he was still a little worried about whether the girl in front of him was healthy, the scout squad leader continued to tell all kinds of interesting things that happened between their comrades. Along the way, there was nothing else except the squad leader's storytelling voice and some sounds from Sikong Shaoqiu from time to time.

In this way, the two chatted for nearly ten minutes without realizing it. They also walked in the passage for ten minutes. At this time, the two of them finally walked out of the train station and found a large group of survivors who were resting in place outside the train station.

"We are here. Thank you, Miss Sikong. Although we only spent ten minutes together, I am still very happy to meet you. Can you please leave your contact information?"

When the scout squad leader said this again, his camouflage-covered face showed a slightly nervous expression, but Sikong Shaoqiu was very polite and took out his mobile phone.

"Of course, this is my WeChat QR code. Please send me a message when you have time. I am looking forward to chatting with you next time. And thank you and your comrades today. Say hello to your comrades for me. Goodbye!"

"Goodbye, Miss Sikong"

The scout squad leader stood there, watching Sikong Shaoqiu disappear into the crowd. When Sikong Shaoqiu was no longer visible, he turned around reluctantly and began to return to the original place at his fastest speed.

Sikong Shaoqiu, who had completely left the scout squad leader, had a youthful smile on his face, and then showed his signature cold smile. Looking at the extra contact on the mobile phone's WeChat, that is, the scout squad leader just now, he did not delete him, but classified him into a special list, and set a setting for him in the circle of friends, so that he could only see the circle of friends that he wanted to show him.

"This big-headed soldier will definitely be useful in the future, let's keep him for now"

What happened just now was not a deliberate act by Sikong Shaoqiu, but revealed what she should have been like at this age. As the leader of the rebels who managed thousands of people, she could only suppress herself on weekdays and had to always maintain the Sikong Shaoqiu as the leader of the rebels, not the Sikong Shaoqiu of a 22-year-old girl.

"Sure enough, those guys in the Presbyterian Church are a bunch of idiots. They want to control CC Railway Station with just these few people? It's really a fantasy."

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