My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 318: Another Alien Fighting Beast

Just when the soldiers and SWAT were about to use their close-quarters weapons to fight to the death with the paper zombies that were still emerging, suddenly, a roar appeared in the wall next to the passage, and the roar got louder and louder. It became clearer and clearer until a huge hole was knocked out of the wall, which allowed the soldiers and SWAT officers to react.


"Type 96 tanks! They are our reinforcements!"

It turns out that the source of this roaring sound is actually the sound of tank engines. Two Type 96 tanks that have been modified by magic officially joined the battlefield.

The originally narrow passages completely blocked all passages when the two modified Type 96 tanks appeared. The paper zombies on the opposite side could not get around under the size of the two tanks and could only howl towards them. The tank body collided.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

As mentioned before, how powerful is this modified version of the 96 tank? After seeing a group of paper zombies rushing towards the tank in a crazy way, they were immediately penetrated by the blades and spikes installed on the tank, especially at some speeds. A faster zombie, no matter how fast it is, how miserable it will be after being loaded into a tank.

At this time, a speaker installed on the outside of the tank began to sound. A few seconds later, a steady voice began to come from the speaker.

"We are the rescuers of the XX force. You are safe now. Evacuate along this road quickly. This place is left to us."

After saying that, the sound in the speaker suddenly stopped, and at the same time, the two modified 96 tanks began to park side by side, and then attacked the zombies that were still pouring in not far away. .

The four Gatling heavy machine guns on the tank began to exert their terrifying destructive power one after another. A large number of bullets were fired at the paper zombies as if they were free.


This is the unique sound of a Gatling heavy machine gun firing. With this sound, a terrifying rate of fire of 1,200 bullets per minute erupted. A large number of bullets were fired from the Gatling heavy machine gun in an instant. , and then hit the paper zombie's body hard, and the paper zombies that were hit were, without exception, beaten in half as if they had been severely injured.

In the blink of an eye, the originally crowded passages were cleared away by Gatling heavy machine guns and became empty. As for the paper zombies originally crowded between the passages, they were beaten into countless pieces. On the ground, There are fragments of their bodies on the walls.

But no matter how hard the tank cleared the passage, new paper zombies kept popping up from the opposite corner, and then charged towards the tank desperately.

"It's useless for you to fight like this! Their lair must be blown up, otherwise these zombies will rush out of the lair endlessly."

The SWAT captain, who had been stunned by the stench, was now shaking his dizzy head and shouting to the tank driver.

"What lair? Aren't these ordinary zombies?"

Perhaps after hearing the shouts of the SWAT captain, a tank crew member started asking questions using the speakers outside the tank.

"We will talk about the details later. The lair of these special zombies is in Hall No. 5. If you go straight along this passage, you will see Hall No. 5. Remember! The role of ordinary firearms against these special zombies is not the same. Not much, only weapons that can cause large-scale damage are the best weapons to deal with them."

"I understand, leave this matter to us. Infantry will enter later. You can follow them and leave here. I wish you good luck!"

After receiving this information, the tank crew immediately controlled the tank and began to advance towards the fifth hall. As for the soldiers and the special police, they left it to the infantry who came in one after another from behind.

Looking at the SWAT captain who had regained consciousness, the army officers on the side began to tease him.

"Hey, you're up. How did you sleep, Sleeping Beauty? Is it particularly comfortable?"

"Go to NDYD, if it wasn't for the stench, I would have"

Just when the SWAT captain was at a loss for words, the soldiers sent out to inform the regiment leader came back, along with a large group of soldiers armed to the teeth, and their regiment leader was also among them.

"Company Commander! Are you okay! I'm back with support."

The few soldiers running at the front shouted loudly and ran over quickly. When they saw that their company commander had no problem, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, you guys are fine, ha-ha"

Perhaps because he breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the company commander's safety, the soldier seemed to have lost all strength in his body and instantly collapsed to the ground, then gasped for air.

"Thank you for your hard work. You actually completed the support mission in such a short period of time. It's amazing. I will apply to the group leader to grant you a second-class collective merit later."

"No need to apply, I'm here"

"Hello, Captain!"

"Okay, no need to salute. Thank you for your hard work along the way."

"It's not hard work!"

Just when the two were about to continue communicating, a huge explosion attracted their attention, and the sound came from nowhere else but Hall No. 5, where the two magically modified Type 96 tanks went. This place is also the lair of paper zombies.

"Is this? The sound of tank gunfire? No! This is the sound of explosions!"

As an experienced regiment leader, he knew as soon as he heard it that this was not the sound of artillery, but the explosion sound made when the tank was killed.

"It seems that the two tanks just encountered some kind of problem, commander! I think we should go and take a look. At least we must find out what can destroy the tanks."

After thinking for a while, the company commander suggested to the regiment commander.

They don't know how terrifying it is to be able to destroy a tank, but one thing they know very well is that they cannot leave their comrades alone. The two tanks saved their lives just now, so it is their turn to save them this time. Those two tanks.

This side of Hall 5.

When the two tanks arrived at Hall No. 5, they were completely confused by the situation here. Hall No. 5 was occupied by an alien beast that appeared out of nowhere.

Moreover, this alien fighting beast kept eating the sarcoma in Hall No. 5. The alien fighting beast's bloody mouth can eat up a sarcoma in one bite, and what is even more strange is that as the alien fighting beast gnaws more and more tumors, As more and more sarcomas appeared, the Alien Fighting Beast's body began to slowly mutate. The Alien Fighting Beast, which was originally blue in appearance, began to slowly turn blood red while eating these sarcomas.

Moreover, the slender figure of the Alien Fighting Beast is now developing horizontally, and it feels like a balloon that has been blown up.

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