My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 312 Discovery!

The soldiers slowly and firmly approached the blood-red tumors covering the gate, with their weapons in a state of being ready to fire at any time. Read М

At this time, gunshots were heard from the other two halls, which meant that the other two halls had already started to rescue the hostages.

"The other two teams have already started to act, and we can't fall behind"


At this time, the soldiers and special police were already quite close to the tumor at the gate, almost within reach.

"Okay, let's place the bomb, blow up this damn thing and the hall door together, so that it will be easier to move."


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As a well-equipped SWAT team, they also brought a few C4 explosives, which came in handy now. A SWAT team member took out a brick-sized C4 bomb from his backpack and started pressing the timer on the front of the bomb. The timer was set to 30 seconds by the SWAT team member, and then carefully placed the C4 bomb right under the blood-red tumor.

"Search for shelter! Quickly!"


Soon the SWAT and soldiers each found a place to hide to avoid being accidentally injured by the exploding C4 bomb.

"Drop! Drop! Drop! Drop--Boom!!!"

With a huge explosion, the C4 bomb was successfully detonated. Although the special police and soldiers were well prepared for explosion prevention, they were still shocked by the explosion. It can be seen how powerful this C4 time bomb is.

When the soldiers and special police came out of the bunker, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

"This! What the hell is this!"

The reason for their shock was not because of the power of the C4 bomb, but because the scene behind the door was too bloody and disgusting. The hall was full of blood-red tumors, and the number was so large that it almost filled the entire hall. You know, this hall can accommodate at least 10,000 people, but now it is almost filled with this blood-red tumor.

The floor of the hall was full of human remains, and various corpses were piled together. Each corpse was still in a mutilated state, either missing arms and legs or missing the head or other parts.

And the strangest thing is that there was no blood flowing like a river when so many corpses were piled together.

Instead, the blood and internal organs in the body disappeared, as if they were specially collected and disappeared without a trace.


Suddenly, a younger SWAT officer in the team covered his mouth and quickly began to retch beside the runway. This was like a switch. More and more SWAT officers and soldiers began to retch because they could not accept the scene in front of them.

As the leading officer and SWAT captain in the team, although they also felt a little nauseous, they still endured it. The two looked at each other, nodded, and began to raise their weapons and walked into the hall cautiously.

As for the others?

They have begun to complain now. It can be said that they have completely lost their combat effectiveness. Instead of carrying so many burdens, it is better for the two of them to go in and search simply.

"Is there anyone? We are the rescue team. If you hear us, answer us. We are here to save you. Come out!"

The two did not forget the purpose of coming here, so they shouted loudly while searching the hall.

The two of them shuttled through the hall filled with blood-red tumors and human remains, trying to find a living person, even if there was only one breath left.

Perhaps their shouting finally worked, and soon the two heard a very small sound.

"Help me, I'm in pain, help me, is there anyone?"

When they heard the cry for help, both the SWAT captain and the officer showed a surprised expression.

"You heard it, it's a cry for help! Someone is shouting for help"

"Yes, I heard it, I didn't expect that there would be someone alive in this situation"

"What are you waiting for, go and save people"

After the officer finished speaking, he was about to pull the SWAT captain to follow the sound to save people, but the SWAT captain had a different opinion.

"Wait a minute, don't be so reckless. Although I also heard the cry for help, we should still confirm whether it is really a 'living person' who is calling for help."

"What are you talking about? In the current situation, every second we delay, the survivor will lose one second of the best rescue time. Instead of planning here, it is better to go to the scene and take a look in person. By then, it will be clear whether it is a person or a ghost. Don't forget that you and I have this in our hands."

After speaking, the officer patted his rifle, indicating that it was just a bullet for all kinds of monsters. If it was not enough, then he would take another one. If it was still not enough, he would just empty the magazine. By then, he said, let alone monsters, even Jesus would not work.

"That being said, but"

"Okay! Stop talking. If you don't go, I will go by myself."

After speaking, the officer directly passed the SWAT captain who was blocking him, and followed the faint cry for help all the way, weaving through the tumor and the wreckage.


The SWAT captain looked at the figure gradually getting farther away, sighed, and then got up to his full energy and began to chase after it.

After all, the guy on the other side was his comrade-in-arms, and he couldn't just leave him alone. He had no choice but to take the risk and go take a look.

When the SWAT captain caught up with the officer, they had already gone about 100 meters deep into the hall. If it was normal, this distance would not be a big deal, but the problem was that there were flesh-colored tumors everywhere. Because they didn't know what was inside, the two dared not touch these tumors.

They could only avoid these tumors as much as possible. The hall had completely turned into a maze of tumors. The two hit the wall again and again, and changed their routes again and again. Finally, ten minutes later, they found the source of the cry for help.

When they saw the "person" who made the cry for help, their expressions were a little ugly. It turned out that the person who made the cry for help had half of his body swallowed by the tumor. No! It should be said that this person is now turning into a new tumor.

"Save me, save me, I feel so bad, I feel so bad"

Perhaps because he saw someone coming to save him, the dying man was now trying to raise his head, looking at the two with a curious look, and stretched out his right hand, which was no longer covered with flesh and blood, to touch the two.

"What should we do?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Judging from the situation, most of his body has turned into tumors, and his upper body is also continuously covered by tumors. At this rate, he will be completely finished in ten minutes."

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