My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 303 Sikong Shaoqiu

As long as the armored train has not arrived in YJ City, they must stick to the train station until the armored train arrives.

You must know that from yesterday to now, they have not rested for almost 24 hours. Although many soldiers can still hold on now, they are very tired. Moreover, the bullets and shells fired from yesterday to now have almost exceeded six If the armored train still fails to arrive by then, they will have to evacuate the train station.

Then the few days of persistence and the ammunition consumed will be in vain.

"Is there no other way? For example, let the armored train change its route and head here from another direction?"

Cai Wenjie asked helplessly thinking about the current situation.

"It's not that there are no methods. The central government has also proposed a backup plan. Because the current situation at the border is not optimistic, the armored train must arrive at the border on time. Therefore, the central government has proposed such a method, which is to forcibly break through and be occupied by the rebels. railway station, take advantage of the armored train’s own advantages to intimidate CC’s railway station, and then quickly pass through the railway station and continue heading north.”

“This method is good”

"I haven't finished yet. Although the central government has proposed this backup plan, this plan is based on the fact that the rebels do not have heavy weapons and weapons that can cause damage to armored trains. If the rebels on the opposite side have weapons that can Weapons that cause damage to armored trains, then this plan is too risky for armored trains. You must know that armored trains carry not only necessary supplies for life, but also a large amount of arms, weapons and ammunition. Once these weapons and ammunition appear If there is an accident, the entire armored train will be blown up into the sky."

Listening to Li Jianjun's words, Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered that Li Jianjun seemed to have said that the troops in the CC train station gathering area had been disarmed, which meant that the rebels were likely to have heavy weapons, not to mention rocket launchers. And all kinds of explosives can make armored trains eat a pot.

Just when Li Jianjun and Cai Wenjie were troubled about the armored train, the armored train on the other side, one of the protagonists this time, stopped at a small station ten kilometers away from the CC Railway Station, waiting for the CC Railway Station. latest news.

"What's going on at CC now?"

"Report to the chief! We are still not allowed to pass at the CC train station!"

Upon hearing the news, Admiral Iwamatsu, who was the person in charge of the armored train, was immediately angry. He suddenly stood up from his desk, and then slammed his right hand on the desk.


With a loud noise, Admiral Yansong was furious.

"Now the gathering places on the border and in various cities in the north are in urgent need of our support! Now they are delayed because of this kind of thing! The longer we stay here, the more people continue to die on the border and other gathering places in the north, TNND will not Wait! Adjutant! Send me my order! Let me use full firepower to break through the CC train station immediately!

An adjutant who was slightly younger than Admiral Iwamatsu immediately stood up and answered loudly.


After saying that, the adjutant turned around and conveyed General Iwasatsu's order to have the armed train break through the CC train station.

A few minutes later, the steel monster that had been dormant for several hours woke up again. With a dull and huge roar, the heavy armored train began to move again.

And all the defense systems of the armored train have begun to operate. Heavy machine guns, close-in defense guns, missiles, and machine guns are all ready to fire. They are ready to fire at the enemy at any time, even the light prism tower used as a test weapon. It also started to operate.

You must know that in addition to emitting a huge beam of light to attack the enemy, this light prism tower can also be used as a defensive weapon, such as using laser to defend against high-speed flying missiles or rockets.

Ten kilometers is far or close. For Fangzheng, it was less than ten minutes for this heavy armored train. When this heavy armored train approached the CC railway station at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, , the rebels inside the train station also reacted.

"Chief! A train is approaching our territory quickly! What should we do?"

A young man who was a little thin and wearing a khaki striped down jacket said to a young man next to him with a 95 rifle snatched from a soldier.

As for this young man who is called the leader, he has a sinister face, a pair of deep and bright black eyes, which are set off by deep eyebrows, slender eyelashes that are not curled up, and a nose that is as measured as a ruler. , resolute and heroic, no emotion could be seen from his expression. His straight and powerful legs landed firmly on the ground, like a cheetah ready to go, calm and elegant.

To put it simply, he is very handsome, just like a well-educated noble son, noble and elegant, not like a rebel at all, more like a noble man who accidentally fell into a den of thieves.

And his name is; Sikong Shaoqiu.

But just such a person is the leader of this group of rebels, their so-called leader.

"Train? I remember. A few hours ago, there seemed to be a train that wanted to apply to pass through the railway station. However, I remember that I clearly refused. It seems that the train can't understand human language. Li Kui, you take a battalion of soldiers to stop the approaching train and unload all the people and materials on the train. If there are people, they will be detained for a while, and if there are materials, they will be directly stored in the warehouse."

"Yes! I understand, leader!"

After saying this, the young man named Li Kui made a chest-beating gesture with his right hand to the young man who looked like a nobleman, and his expression was very serious when doing this gesture, like a unique gesture of some organization.

After Li Kui finished the chest-beating gesture, he immediately took the weapon in his hand to gather a battalion of people, ready to stop the train. The battalion here refers to 250 people. These rebels are generally divided into three stages, namely squadron, squadron, and battalion. The squad refers to a team of ten people, the squadron is 50 people, and the battalion is 250 people.

That is to say, Li Kui now has to gather 250 rebels to force a train to stop. Yes, in fact, until now, they still don't know what kind of train they are going to force to stop. In their imagination, the so-called train is actually a green train with at most a dozen carriages full of supplies. They never thought that what was coming back was a heavy armored train.

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