My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 266 Rescue Arrives

If it were just ordinary mutant zombies, Cai Shanchuan would not have asked the soldiers to hide, but the problem is that the mutant zombies outside are not ordinary mutant zombies. ♦♦  ♦♦

Two secondary evolved claw zombies and a tyrant zombie that can ignore ordinary pistols and small-caliber rifle bullets broke in from outside. With the weapons in the hands of Cai Shanchuan and other soldiers, it is difficult to kill the mutant zombies outside without getting hurt, so Cai Shanchuan can only quickly give orders to hide.

"Squad leader, what should we do? We can't hide until the mutant zombies outside leave automatically. I heard that we will leave here in the afternoon to support the border."

A soldier hiding behind the wall showed one eye and stared at the mutant zombies outside, and then whispered to Cai Shanchuan next to him.

"Yes, squad leader, why don't we just rush out? The train station is only a few hundred meters away from here, so we should be able to run out."

"No! We must not run out. The mutant zombies outside are not easy to deal with, especially the tyrant zombie. Ordinary pistol bullets and small-caliber rifle bullets have no effect on it at all, which means that the weapons in our hands cannot effectively harm it."

Cai Shanchuan immediately refuted the soldier who wanted to rush out directly, and then began to introduce the situation of several mutant zombies outside in detail. Knowing that the mutant zombie outside could ignore the attack of small-caliber bullets, some soldiers who originally wanted to rush out were silent instantly.

"Then, we can just blow them up with bombs. I still have four high-explosive grenades here."

As soon as this was said, other soldiers also agreed, and then began to say the number of grenades they had.

"I still have five"

"I still have three"

"I also have five"

"Me too!"

Basically, all the soldiers carried more than 40 high-explosive grenades in total, which could directly destroy a small building, but once this method was used, it also meant that they would also have to bear the risk of being wiped out.

After all, if they wanted to blow up all these grenades at once, they would either set up traps to attract the mutant zombies outside into a closed space, or someone would have to go out and exchange one for one with the mutant zombies outside at close range.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to eliminate the mutant zombies outside at once. If they could not eliminate the mutant zombies outside at once, even if only one was left, these soldiers would not be the opponents of the mutant zombies outside.

After all, their weapons were useless against the mutant zombies outside, and as long as they were scratched or bitten by the zombies outside, their voices would basically be over.

"No! This is too dangerous. Even if all the grenades are used to successfully kill the mutant zombies outside, this large supermarket will definitely be affected and may even collapse at any time! So I don't agree."

"Squad leader, this large supermarket survived yesterday's magnitude 8 earthquake. How could it collapse because of dozens of grenades?"

"It is precisely because this supermarket survived yesterday's earthquake that I will not agree to this plan. Look here and there."

Speaking, Cai Shanchuan pointed to every corner of the supermarket. The soldiers followed Cai Shanchuan's finger and looked over. They suddenly found that cracks had appeared on the supporting points of every corner of the supermarket. As long as yesterday's earthquake lasted for another minute, this large supermarket would definitely collapse like other buildings due to the shaking of the earthquake.

It is the same now. As long as the soldiers dare to use dozens of grenades to kill the mutant zombies outside, there is a great possibility that this building will collapse with the explosion.

The soldiers were completely out of ideas, and they all started to become dejected. Some of them had a hint of madness in their eyes besides disappointment.

Then they would all die, so why not die together with the mutant zombies outside? After all, instead of waiting quietly to be discovered and killed, it would be better to take the initiative to go out and die together with the mutant zombies.

In that way, at least others can say that they died heroically and were martyrs, not soldiers who died.

At this time, a sniper on the rooftop of the train station who was always paying attention to the large supermarket also found several mutant zombies that broke in, and immediately reported the situation here to Cai Wenjie.

"Report! I found a large supermarket"

Upon learning the news, Cai Wenjie issued a rescue order without hesitation, asking the infantry fighting vehicle that was originally used as a firepower platform to immediately set off to the large supermarket to rescue the comrades inside.

At the same time, Cai Wenjie also conveyed the news that the rescue team was about to arrive to Cai Shanchuan and others who were hiding in the large supermarket using the text message function of the communication device.

"The rescue team is about to arrive, be careful not to be discovered by the mutant zombies"

Just a few words, Cai Shanchuan and others immediately restored a lot of morale, and changed their desperate expressions, and began to be eager to fight the mutant zombies outside one-on-one.

Of course, this is just talk, the rescue will arrive soon, why waste your life here in vain.

Soon, the noise generated by the movement of the infantry fighting vehicle directly attracted the mutant zombies inside the supermarket who were looking for prey.

Two secondary mutant claw zombies and tyrant zombies rushed out of the supermarket gate one after another, trying to pounce on the prey outside to hunt.

Before the mutant zombies approached, the machine guns on the infantry fighting vehicle emitted deadly flames. With a dull sound, a large number of machine gun shells poured out in an instant, forming a dense barrage, which directly covered almost all the bodies of the mutant zombies.

In less than a few seconds, the originally ferocious mutant zombies were beaten into pieces of minced meat, and the supermarket gate behind them was also affected. The entire gate was shot away, leaving only an empty hole and a wall dyed blood red by the blood of the mutant zombies.

To be honest, Cai Shanchuan and others who secretly observed the whole process, it was the first time that they saw the mutant zombies turned into minced meat under the shooting of machine gun shells. To be honest, that scene was not something that people could bear. If they were not used to the scenes left after fighting zombies, they would definitely be scared to vomit and have diarrhea, and would not be able to eat meat for several days.

It’s not that they don’t want to eat, but they don’t want to see the shape of meat at all. Once they see meat, they will think of the current scene and then they can’t eat.

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