My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 238 Railway Station Defense Battle

"And the most important thing is that this thing can also spray poisonous fog, and the range of the spraying poisonous fog can reach at least dozens of meters. Once it is contaminated by the poisonous fog, it is a 100% death, and there is no way to save it. It is simply a mobile poison gas bomb. Moreover, this thing can climb the wall, which is too threatening to us, so I shot it down immediately."

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After Cai Wenjie finished explaining, he began to carefully scout the surrounding buildings, not for anything else, just because this kind of lizard usually appears in pairs. As long as there is such a lizard, there must be a second one around. Read М

After observing for a while, Cai Wenjie saw another lizard on a residential building not far from the lizard just now, and this lizard was rushing to the place where the first lizard died at its fastest speed.

After finding the second lizard, Cai Wenjie picked up the rocket launcher again and began to aim at the lizard that was crawling quickly on the wall on the opposite side, but the problem was that the lizard was crawling too fast, and Cai Wenjie couldn't aim at the target at all.

"Tsk! No, Shunliu!"


"Kill it!"


Shunliu, who had been watching all this silently, took out his exclusive weapon, the Barrett M that Cai Wenjie gave him personally.

After Shunliu set the M99 at a sniper point that had been set long ago, he began to aim at the lizard that was moving at high speed on the opposite side. In less than three seconds, Shunliu completed the aiming and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


With a loud gunshot, a bullet as big as a palm shot out from the barrel of the M99, and after a high-speed rotation, it hit the moving lizard accurately, and the lizard's head was mosaiced with one shot, and it fell straight down from the wall.

Cai Wenjie couldn't help but exclaim loudly after seeing the result of Shunliu's shot.

"Beautiful! Well done!"

Even Li Jianjun was amazed by Shunliu's shooting skills and applauded.

"This little brother's shooting skills are really amazing!"

Shunliu smiled innocently when accepting the compliments from others.

But at this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted

"The zombies are coming!"

Perhaps the explosion and the loud gunshots just now attracted the zombies around. Now the zombies have appeared one after another around the train station, and there are many mutant zombies among them.

Cai Wenjie, who was watching this scene, closed his eyes first, then took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly after a few seconds, and shouted to his communication device.

"Zombie attack, all units enter their respective defense positions!"


In an instant, the train station, which was originally quiet, began to stir, and all the soldiers were mobilized and quickly entered their defense positions.

The first person to discover the presence of living people in the train station was a Screamer mutant zombie. After the Screamer zombie discovered that there were living people in the train station, he immediately opened his mouth and tried to scream.

But the next second, before the Screamer zombie started screaming, a bullet accurately hit the head of the Screamer mutant zombie with a loud gunshot.

Although the Screamer mutant zombie was prevented from screaming, the loud gunshot also told the nearby zombies that there were living people in the train station.

Suddenly, countless zombies and mutant zombies gathered nearby ran madly towards the train station that was already armed to the teeth. At the same time, Cai Wenjie began to issue orders.

"All units attack freely! Don't let the zombies break in!"


As Cai Wenjie issued the attack order, the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time began to shoot freely. The soldiers holding rifles mainly targeted ordinary zombies, while the soldiers who controlled heavy weapons placed their first target on those mutant zombies or group targets with a large number of them.

Almost all the windows of the train station began to emit orange-red flames and gunshots. Countless bullets were fired at the running zombies like dense raindrops.

The first batch of zombies and mutant zombies that rushed to the train station seemed to hit an invisible wall and suddenly stopped in place. Some zombies had even been attacked by a large number of bullets in just a few seconds. The whole body was ravaged by bullets. Often, as long as there was a bullet hole on the front of the body, a bowl-sized hole would appear on the back of the zombie's body.

The first batch of zombies were not killed by bullets, but broken by bullets.

The mutant zombies were even worse, because they were aimed at either heavy machine guns, grenade launchers or directly a rocket launcher. It is conceivable how miserable the fate of these mutant zombies was.

After running a few steps, the upper part of the body of a large number of mutant zombies disappeared, or they were directly blown into pieces.

Some mutant zombies were even whipped several times after being accurately shot in the head and falling to the ground. The main reason for being whipped was that the bodies of the mutant zombies were still intact when they fell, so the soldiers misunderstood them as pretending to be dead. After that, they were stabbed several times by the cautious soldiers, and the soldiers did not let them go until their bodies were completely smashed.

Even so, the zombies still had no intention of stopping and continued to run madly towards the train station. However, these zombies encountered new troubles, that is, the car defense line composed of a large number of abandoned cars. Although these defense lines composed of cars are not as good as regular walls or fences, they can still block some zombies.

When the zombies approached these car walls, a soldier hiding on the rooftop pressed the button in his hand heavily, and suddenly a fire began to break out in the entire defense line composed of abandoned cars.

It turned out that these cars were filled with flammable materials and accelerants. As long as there was a little fire, these car defense lines would instantly turn into flame defense lines.

Although there were still many zombies rushing towards the train station desperately, they were all stopped by these flame defense lines. Even the mutant zombies had no way to deal with such flame defense lines and could only stop charging obediently. Of course, this was only limited to the mutant zombies who could already make simple judgments on some things.

Ordinary zombies were still attacking the fire line, charging, hitting the wall, and being burned to death. Ordinary zombies kept repeating the above three steps, while the mutated zombies stopped charging and began to run back and forth around the fire line, trying to find a safe route to continue attacking the train station.

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