My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 236: Bombing the Zombies

But just when Li Jianjun agreed to Cai Wenjie's plan, news of the Black Hawk's fall also reached Li Jianjun. read

A communications soldier rushed from outside the train station to Li Jianjun and said loudly.

"Report! Black Hawk 7 lost contact with us! And at the end it sent a distress signal!"

As he spoke, the communications soldier took out some kind of instrument and started operating it. A few seconds later, the distress signal sent by the Black Hawk helicopter when it finally crashed came from the instrument.

"Help! Help! Help! This is Black Hawk 7! We are attacked by unknown creatures and we are about to crash! Ah!!!"

With the final scream, the distress signal ended abruptly. At this time, Li Jianjun's face had completely darkened and he began to ask the communications soldiers.

"Have you found the crash site of Black Hawk 7?"

"Report! We have found the place where Black Hawk 7 last sent its signal."

"Tell me, where is it?"

“It’s a residential area near Times Square!”

Cai Wenjie, who had been eavesdropping, began to recall the residential area near Times Square. Then Cai Wenjie remembered that a large number of high-rise buildings seemed to have been newly developed around Times Square.

Thinking of this, Cai Wenjie immediately guessed the approximate reason for the crash of the so-called Black Hawk 7. You must know that there are many old silver coins among the mutated zombies. The helicopter must have flown too low, allowing these old silver coins to seize the opportunity and destroy it. The propeller or tail of the helicopter.

Although zombies can't think, they can still do a simple run-up and jump without sacrificing their lives.

Cai Wenjie, who guessed the cause of the helicopter crash, did not remain silent, but told his guess to Li Jianjun, who was deep in thought.

"I think it was probably because, that's why it crashed."

After carefully listening to Cai Wenjie's conjecture, Li Jianjun's expression softened, and finally all his emotions turned into a deep sigh.

"Oh, the two pilots of Black Hawk 7 are the sons of my old comrades. How should I explain to them?"

For Li Jianjun who was sighing, Cai Wenjie could only find a way to divert his attention first.

"Brother Li, we don't have time to sigh. Zombies may attack at any time. Our biggest task now is to guard the train station. For other things, we can only take one step at a time."

As soon as Cai Wenjie finished speaking, several people heard bursts of bombing sounds in the distance.

His eyes came to a flat land a few kilometers away from YJ City. A large number of zombies had gathered here, at least tens of thousands of ordinary zombies and hundreds of mutant zombies. These zombies were all gathered on a small plain. , and still looking up at the sky.

There are already more than a dozen helicopters of various types gathered in the sky. Although the models are different, one thing is the same. These helicopters more or less have a loudspeaker, and they are still playing continuously. Various sounds.

The helicopter pilots hovering above also began to communicate with other pilots through internal communication equipment.

"It seems that the zombies below are impatient to wait. It's time to give them a hard meal!"



The pilots of more than a dozen helicopters all replied with the same words. After everyone agreed, the pilot of the first helicopter began to contact the bomber group.

"I am the pilot of Black Hawk No. 1. We have gathered the zombies together as much as possible. Now it's your turn!"

"Roger! We will start dropping bombs in one minute, please all helicopters leave the plain area!"


After receiving the information from the helicopter, the bomber squadron that had been cruising in the high altitude began to gradually lower its altitude and began to target the dense group of zombies below.

After confirming that all helicopters had safely evacuated, the captain of the bomber squadron began to issue bomb-dropping orders to other bombers.

"All units, please note that the helicopter group has safely evacuated the bombing range, and all bombers are free to drop bombs according to the predetermined plan!"


As the order to drop bombs was given, all the bombers began to open the bomb bay doors under the belly of the aircraft at an altitude of several thousand meters. Bombs of several hundred kilograms were dropped one after another with a sharp sound like dumplings. down.

At this time, the zombies had not yet figured out their situation. Because they suddenly lost their original destination, a large number of zombies wandered around based on their instincts. However, the mutated zombies seemed to have predicted something and began to flee crazily into the distance. got up.

Unfortunately running away now won't change anything.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As a large number of bombs fell and exploded, the zombies that had gathered together were immediately blown to pieces. The fragments, shock waves, and huge fireballs generated when the bombs exploded all brutally slaughtered the zombies.

The fragments will be driven by the shock wave generated by the explosion and quickly penetrate the bodies of the surrounding zombies. A fragment the size of a palm can directly cause dismemberment to the zombie. As long as the fragment gently scratches the zombie's arm, then from now on the world will be destroyed. There will be one more one-armed zombie.

Not only the fragments, but also the shock waves generated by the explosion can shatter all the organs in the zombies, not to mention the brain. As long as the zombies are within the effective explosion radius, the zombies' brains will be shattered into pieces by the shock waves.

Often a bomb weighing several hundred kilograms can kill dozens or hundreds of zombies, so when hundreds of bombs weighing hundreds of kilograms fall from the sky, you can imagine how tragic the end of these zombies will be.

A large number of zombies were blown into pieces by the bombers, and their limbs and arms flew everywhere. In addition to the pits blown out by the bombs, the ground was dyed blood red by the blood of the zombies.

Every pit blown out was filled with zombie blood, like a picture of hell.

And the culprit who caused this result had no psychological burden at all, but felt very relieved.

"It would be great if there was a small-yield nuclear bomb. Just one would kill the zombies here."

"Yes, by then our border guards will fight the foreign nuclear mutant zombies with their lives and will appear here directly."

"Uh, just ignore what I said."

"Okay, stop arguing. We have dropped almost all the bombs, let's go back."


In less than a few minutes, all the bombers left their bombs at this place and began to return to the airport to restock their bombs. If conditions permit, these bombers will return here for a second bombing after restocking their bombs.

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