My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 220: Tide of Zombies and Drone Support

"Sailors, please be alert. If you encounter any suspicious shadow, shoot him directly."


At this time, the black shadow appeared on the right side of the hull again. This time, the captain didn't waste any more nonsense. He directly placed the anti-tank rifle on the railing on the right side of the hull, and then started to take aim in an awkward posture. The black shadow shouted loudly. ඏ ♦ ♦♦Reading

"An unknown shadow was found on the right side of the ship's hull, and the attack began!"


Immediately, the crew members on the right side of the hull began to use their weapons to fire deadly projectiles at the black shadow in the distance. Unfortunately, the attacks of these crew members had no effect at all. The weapons in the hands of the crew members were basically Type 95, Type 92, such standard equipment, all fire 8 mm bullets.

When ordinary firearm bullets are fired at the water surface, they are either bounced away, or they are unable to follow up after advancing half a meter, posing no threat to the black shadow underwater. At this time, the captain, who had taken a long time to aim, also fired. With one shot, the entire river was suddenly covered with huge gunshots.

The bullets from the anti-tank rifle were fired directly at the black shadow. After passing through the ice, the bullet accurately hit the black shadow. This time, the black shadow under the water finally made some movement. The ice where the black shadow was was suddenly covered by A stream of black-red liquid was dyed dark red. Not only that, but the shadow that had been following the cargo ship began to swim in the opposite direction of the ship. It was obvious that the shadow wanted to run away.

Seeing that his attack accurately hit the black shadow, the captain laughed directly, but not long after his laughter, his expression turned into a bitter look again, because the shooting posture just now was not standard, and the recoil caused by the anti-tank rifle directly caused the captain to laugh. The captain's right arm was almost destroyed.

"Captain is mighty!"


"Captain Niubi!"

Under the cheers of the crowd, the captain still controlled his expression. After all, as a captain, he still needs face. After suppressing his expression, when he was about to turn around to explain the task to the crew, the fat man just now , started shouting again.

"Zombies! So many zombies!"

While the fat man shouted loudly, he also reminded everyone that there were zombies approaching. The people who were just about to celebrate turned their heads and looked at where the fat man was pointing.

Everywhere he looked, there were zombies running towards the cargo ship. Their number had exceeded hundreds and thousands, reaching an astonishing tens of thousands. Although these zombies kept falling on the ice or falling directly into the river, But there were still a large number of zombies running towards the ship. ♦ൠ ♦♦

The survivors and crew members who saw this scene were all shocked by the situation. Their reaction was not as good as that of the fat man at the beginning. At least the fat man screamed a few times, but these people could not even say a word. As soon as he said this, the whole person froze in place as if a immobilizing spell had been placed on him.

Although the captain's reaction was much better than others, he was still really shocked. After a few seconds, the captain was the first to regain his senses, and then ran directly in front of several crew members without saying a word.

"Pah! Pah!"

With the crisp applause, everyone also woke up from the severe pain.

"There is no time to be dazed. Everyone, prepare for defense! Hurry!"

The captain, who originally thought that everyone would obey his orders and enter combat status, was immediately slapped in the face. The crew members who woke up not only did not enter combat positions immediately, but instead started running around the ship like headless flies. , and even some crew members wanted to jump off the ship and run in the opposite direction.

The crew members were like this, and the survivors who had no strength to fight were even more miserable. In one word, chaos! It was very, very chaotic. The zombies were clearly far away from the ship, but the survivors began to scramble to jump off the ship, or hide in corners or in containers.

Although he couldn't bear it, for the safety of everyone on board, the captain directed the weapons of the crew around him, started to pull the trigger into the sky, and then shouted.

"From now on, whenever anyone dares to move again, I will kill him first."

Most of the survivors were frightened by the gunfire and then woke up. As for the survivors who were still running around blindly, the captain did not show any politeness and shot them down directly. .

This move directly frightened the survivors who had just woken up, but at the same time, they suddenly had a sense of trust in the captain for no reason. This situation was similar to the measurement used by the gang on the rooftop of Country R.

After seeing that everyone was restrained by him, the captain used his fastest speed to start commanding everyone.

"Now listen to my order. Everyone except the elderly, children and women should come to me to receive a weapon and follow me and my crew to resist the coming zombie tide. As for the others, they will be arranged to go to the container. Inside, no one can come out unless the threat is removed, do you understand?”

"Got it!"

"Okay! Start taking action!"

Because time was tight, the captain directly took out all the weapons that could be used, except for weapons other than 95 and 92, such as spears transformed from mops, shields transformed from pressure cooker lids, and various other weapons. Weapons made up of improvised props were distributed to the male survivors.

Then each crew member took a few survivors to their respective defense positions, that is, in front of the railing. As time passed, the zombies got closer and closer to the hull. At the same time, the survivors and crew members on the ship had sweat on their hands due to nervousness, but no one wiped the sweat with their hands. Their attention was already focused on the zombie tide not far away.

Because their minds were too focused on the zombie tide, they did not notice that in addition to the approaching zombie tide, there were also several black spots in the sky, and the black spots were constantly increasing.

Just as the zombies were about to approach the ship, a huge fireball suddenly appeared in the center of the zombie tide, and there was not only one fireball, but more and more fireballs appeared in the zombie tide.

It turned out that what was flying in the sky was not something else, but a strangely shaped drone. The appearance can refer to the glider. In addition to the wings used to control the flight, the most conspicuous thing is a bomb hanging under the fuselage. There are many of these drones, but they are very small, with a total length of less than half a meter. Their attack method is also very unique.

That is, each drone will find a place where zombies are densely populated, and then rush directly to that place to carry out a suicide attack. Because there are high-explosive bombs under the fuselage, once the drone falls to the ground, that place will be blown out by the high-explosive bombs to create an open space.

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