My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 14: Outbreak

Amid the discussion in the village, the car drove into Cai's house.

After Cai Shoufu parked the car, he also saw Zhandun parked next to him.

Cai Shoufu pointed at Zhan Dun and looked at Cai Wenjie.

"Yes, this is mine too. Dad, please take your time and take a look."

As Cai Wenjie's father, Cai Shoufu chose to believe him. He got out of the car without saying anything, handed the key to Cai Wenjie, walked around the edge of the battle shield and began to raise and lower his hands.

Cai Wenjie shook his head speechlessly, turned around and took his luggage from the trunk, followed Li Fengjin to the door of the house, got the key from under the flowerpot and opened the door.

Li Fengjin looked inside the room and felt strange.

"It's a little strange that there's no dust in this house for so long. Could it be a burglar?"

Li Fengjin said a little scared, but he didn't think about it. Would it be so clean if there was a thief?

"Mom, stop thinking about it. I came to clean it yesterday to avoid making you suffer today."

After listening to his son's explanation, Li Fengjin breathed a long sigh of relief and then said movedly.

"My son has grown up and learned to be filial. My mother is so happy."

Li Fengjin was about to wipe her tears as she spoke. Seeing that her mother was about to cry, Cai Wenjie became a little anxious. Cai Wenjie hated tears the most, and this person was still his mother.

"Mom, Mom, don't cry. Come and help me pack my luggage. I'm going to see Dad."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie ran away. When he left the room, he found his father still looking at the car. He walked over and took out the key to the battle shield from the system and handed it over.

"Come on dad, try it"

Cai Shoufu took the key without courtesy, opened the car door, got in, and then moved his hands up and down.

Seeing his father's "indecent behavior," Cai Wenjie shook his head and laughed, then stopped caring.

Look at the time, it's 10 am.

It was going to be lunch soon, and Cai Wenjie remembered that he didn't seem to have bought any groceries.

After thinking about it for a while, Cai Wenjie discussed it with his mother, picked up the car keys, got into the Cavalier, and went to buy groceries.

It’s already 12 o’clock when I got back from buying vegetables at the market.

Cai Wenjie went to the market and bought a lot of vegetables, meat, and seasonings. Of course, most of them were stored in the system space. After all, time will not pass in the system space. What you put in will be what you took out after a while. It works better than a refrigerator.

Although most of them are placed in the system, there are already a lot of them just placed outside.

After all, unlike southerners who only buy one meal at a time, northerners buy their portions for a week and a month.

Today alone, Cai Wenjie bought a truckload of vegetables, mainly cabbage and radish (not counting system space), a frozen cow (not counting system space), five frozen pigs (not counting system space), and chicken, duck, and fish (not counting system space). ), vegetables and meat were all put in the cellar.

A cellar is built by taking advantage of the thermal inertia of the soil. Generally, a round or square hole or pit is dug underground according to the depth of the underground water layer. Pay attention to the installation of safety equipment such as waterproofing, moisture-proofing and ventilation. You can also store wine and some old things.

In the winter in the north, cellars are natural refrigerators, so there is no need to worry about spoilage. The vegetables in the cellar can generally be eaten until spring next year. Each family has its own differences, but they are basically the same.

By now, Cai Wenjie's funds have almost been spent.

"Mom, come and see what I bought. Let's have something good for lunch."

"Here you go, I bought so much, can you finish it?"

Li Fengjin asked with eyes wide as he looked at the big truck in front of him.

"It's okay. I'll just put them all in the cellar. Don't worry about corruption."

Then Cai Wenjie directed the laborers who came with the truck to start unloading the things.

"Son, it seems like we can't have anything good for lunch, so let's just eat. Let's have something good in the evening."

Li Fengjin looked at the truck full of vegetables and meat and felt a little headache.

It does take an hour just to unload all of this. It's already past noon, so we can only deal with it.

By the time the cargo was unloaded, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon. In another hour, the real apocalypse would occur in Country M on the other side of the sea.

After Cai Wenjie settled his wages, the truck driver took the laborers and left.

In the restaurant on the first floor, Cai Shoufu and Li Fengjin were setting dishes. After a simple lunch, the whole family went to the living room on the second floor to rest.

As for Cai Wenjie, he has turned on the TV and deliberately tuned it to the news station. In half an hour, the zombie virus will officially break out in Country M. The aforementioned reporters from Country M will also use the global channel to warn the world.

Cai Wenjie remembers that the capital of country M officially declared its fall four hours after the zombie virus broke out. At the same time, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it had confirmed the zombie virus and informed them that the virus was a bodily fluid infection and that contact with infected people should be avoided.

Now Cai Wenjie is silently waiting for news from the other side of the sea, until he inadvertently tells his parents the news of the end.

Half an hour passed quickly, and after a burst of snowflakes, a signal from the other side of the sea appeared on the TV in front of Cai Wenjie.

A standard American man appeared on the TV screen speaking something in fluent English, and at the same time, subtitles began to appear below.

"Hello, my name is Kate Smith. I am a reporter affiliated with XX newspaper. Today I want to announce a big news to you."

"I want to expose the crimes of Future Gene Company. Future Gene Company is manufacturing a certain biochemical virus agent. This virus can resurrect the dead. Yes, you heard it right. This virus can resurrect the dead, but this virus can resurrect people." Human, no! The person who was resurrected is no longer a human! It’s a zombie!”

"They are just like the zombies in the movies, they only have the desire to eat, they have no humanity and only know how to eat, and the food they eat is people!"

Kate Smith said in horror

"And once they are bitten or scratched by these zombies, they will become man-eating monsters like other zombies in less than a minute"

"They are not as slow as the zombies in the movies, their speed is no different from that of ordinary people, and only headshots can completely kill them"

"And now there is a virus leak in the laboratory where they make and study the virus, and all the people inside have become zombies!"

"I am now in a mansion not far from this laboratory, and I have been monitoring the laboratory here"

Kate Smith said as she moved the camera to the laboratory.

"See, they are eating people"

About a hundred meters away.

There are three people in white coats sitting together eating something on the other side of the camera. After a closer look, it is found that there is a person surrounded by the three zombies.

The zombie who was feasting on the food seemed to sense being sighted. He raised his head suddenly, his face covered with sticky blood, his mouth so big that it was almost pulled to the back of his cheek, and a small piece of uneaten intestine hanging on his bared teeth. A few drops of blood were still dripping from the intestine, and his white coat was already covered with blood plasma.

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