My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 206: Wandering Caravan

Soon, an air rescue team consisting of two transport helicopters and two armed helicopters set off from the Xinguang gathering place and began to fly to Jiangong Primary School in YJ City.

Because the rescue site this time is in the city, if you don't want to alarm a large number of zombies, you must use a simple and fast rescue method, and using a transport helicopter for rescue is the fastest way.

As for why armed helicopters are sent out? The reason is also very simple. It is to attract the attention of zombies, prevent zombies from causing trouble for transport helicopters, and clear a wave of zombies around to earn some points.

And the person in charge of the rescue mission this time is Deng Jun. Under the order of Cai Wenjie, he took a squad of soldiers to carry out the rescue mission.

Just as the rescue team was heading to Jiangong Primary School quickly, a convoy with a post-apocalyptic style slowly appeared on the highway connecting YJ City, and was moving towards YJ City at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.

The convoy is composed of five buses, two tankers, more than a dozen cars and a very large truck. The most distinctive one is the only large truck, which can be called a Land Cruiser. The truck has undergone a series of modifications. The entire truck is equipped with bulletproof steel plates, and an inverted V-shaped bumper is installed on the front of the truck.

The windows and front windows of the truck are replaced with bulletproof glass, and steel bars are welded.

Not only that, each tire of the truck is equipped with a steel blade. As long as something approaches, it will be torn in half by the steel blade. The truck is painted with black paint. At first glance, it looks like a monster that came out of nowhere.

And some space is reserved on the roof of the truck. It is obvious that it is reserved for installing vehicle-mounted weapons in the future.

Not only the large truck, but all the vehicles in the convoy have undergone a series of modifications, so that the convoy can drive safely on a road full of zombies without worrying about being blocked by zombies.

The true identity of this mysterious convoy is actually a wandering convoy composed of a group of fleeing survivors. Their gathering place was breached by the zombie tide. The soldiers who originally guarded the gathering place fought hard to send a small number of survivors, who were the members of these convoys, out of the breached gathering place safely.

The price of doing so was that all the soldiers in the gathering place were killed.

The convoy, which originally consisted of only a few vehicles, encountered more and more fugitives during the escape. As the number of people increased, they simply formed a wandering convoy on their own and found a group of survivors in a repair shop. These survivors happened to be able to modify vehicles, and thus the current wandering convoy was born.

"Chief! YJ City is ahead. Do you want to go in and look for supplies? And we should refuel too."

"That makes sense. For safety reasons, let's send the scout car in to scout first. After the scout, we'll decide whether to go in."

"Chief, that's wise. Let's do it."

Soon, a vehicle that looked like a modified sports car began to leave the convoy and run towards YJ City. In contrast, the speed of the entire convoy slowed down, from 80 kilometers per hour to 40 kilometers per hour.

This speed will not be caught by zombies, and it can also reduce fuel consumption and wait for the return of the scout car.

The driver of the sports car who went to YJ City for scouting was actually a young man of only 23 years old. He was also the owner of the car. Before the end of the world, he was actually a typical rich second generation. When most people think of rich second generations, the first thought that jumps to their mind is that they are arrogant, dandy, and indulge in luxury, and all kinds of negative comments.

But the real second-generation rich are not like this. Although there are very few people who become rich by getting rich overnight, even such nouveau riche will try every means to make their children better. When they have no money, they can't keep up with the education. Now that they have money, they will try every means to let their children learn the knowledge that they couldn't learn before, so that their children can truly become social elites.

If the nouveau riche are like this, then will those who really become rich by their own strength be worse than the nouveau riche? The answer is of course no. The real second-generation rich have been exposed to knowledge, environment, and various high-end education that ordinary children can't get access to since childhood.

Think about it, people who have received high-end education since childhood, will they become social scum when they grow up? No! They will only become social elites, industry leaders, and natural leaders.

The owner of this sports car is no exception. He is humble, never bullies the weak, and has a very gentle personality. It can be said that he is the prince charming that every little girl will admire.

It can be said that half of the team was rescued under his suggestion, so he has a good reputation and can firmly sit on the top of the team, but he rejected everyone's proposal and just silently contributed his strength as a member of the team. The reason is that his personality is not suitable for leading everyone to survive in the end times, so it is the best choice to let the person who can really lead everyone to survive become the leader.

And the name of this rich second generation was also remembered by everyone. His name is Liu Ruyan.

A very feminine name. Although the name is a bit feminine, he is indeed a man. If someone sees his face, they will definitely say such a sentence.

"Such a beautiful lady, I really want some prestige"

Well, in fact, Liu Ruyan not only has a feminine name, but also looks very feminine. People often regard him as a woman. People who see him for the first time all regard him as a woman, which also makes him make a lot of jokes.

For example, different men would chat with him and confess every day, and some even knelt down to ask for marriage. Because of this reason, he has never had a girlfriend until now. Every time he confesses to someone, he will be rejected for the same reason.

"I'm sorry, we are not suitable. You are too beautiful. Every time I go out with you, my eyes will focus on you, and then compare me. I really can't stand it."

Although the way of rejection is different each time, it basically means this.

So, until now, he is still a virgin solo like most people.

The main reason for choosing to go alone for reconnaissance this time is that many men are trying to force communication with him through the intercom. Because he really can't stand it, he chose to go alone for reconnaissance.

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