My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 197: Black Tide

The return route was more dangerous than the way there. Although the route did not change, the noise made by the convoy when it came had attracted the zombies to the road that the convoy had to take. Although most of the zombies had left the place after an hour, they did not go far and were still wandering around.

In order to solve this situation, Cai Wenjie decided to let the transport helicopters in the air lead away the zombies on the road that the convoy had to take.

"02, your two helicopters are responsible for leading away the zombies on the road that the convoy had to take. If there is any situation, report it immediately."


The two transport helicopter pilots who received Cai Wenjie's order left the sky above the convoy without any nonsense, quickly headed for the road ahead, and began to lower their altitude to use the noise made by the helicopter propellers to attract the zombies on the road to the sides of the road, so that they could not hinder the convoy's progress.

Because every car in the convoy was almost full, the convoy's moving speed was slower than before, which meant that the probability of accidents also rose sharply. Once the convoy was dragged to the spot by the zombies, it was almost like being sentenced to death.

So Cai Wenjie didn't dare to relax at all this time. He stared at the system satellite and checked the situation on the road in real time to avoid any accidents.

Fortunately, at least before entering the city, there was no accident that Cai Wenjie expected. He passed the first half of the journey safely and entered YJ City smoothly.

Because there are many high-rise buildings in YJ City, the two transport helicopters can only be forced to increase their altitude to avoid collisions with the buildings.

But even so, the two transport helicopters still did not leave, but kept their altitude as much as possible to attract the surrounding zombies to leave the road that the convoy must pass.

And this method is also very useful. The convoy almost didn't encounter any zombies, but the good times didn't last long, and an accident happened.

Although ordinary zombies are attracted by noise, mutant zombies are different. They are different from ordinary zombies. Mutated zombies still maintain a certain ability to judge, so these mutant zombies did not pay attention to the transport helicopters in the sky and still wandered in the city as they pleased.

Unfortunately, a small group of zombies consisting of three screamer mutant zombies and dozens of ordinary zombies wandered on the road that the convoy must pass.

This situation was also discovered by Cai Wenjie through satellite reconnaissance. After discovering this situation, Cai Wenjie directly contacted the first road-breaking vehicle of the convoy.

"Attention, the convoy, two kilometers ahead, dozens of zombies and a small group of screamers were found. The screamer mutant zombies must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise they will attract more zombies."


The vehicle at the front of the convoy is a modified Dongfeng truck. The drivers inside are also professionally trained. There are two drivers, one responsible for controlling the vehicle and the other responsible for controlling the vehicle-mounted weapons. As soon as Cai Wenjie's order was received, the weapon operator in charge of the vehicle-mounted weapons turned off the automatic aiming of the vehicle-mounted weapon system and began to manually operate the two Gatling machine guns on the roof.

The weapon operator began to observe the small group of zombies approaching through the aiming system on the vehicle. When the distance between the convoy and the zombie group was about to become one kilometer, the weapon operator directly pulled the trigger of the operating lever.

Instantly, the Gatling gun on the roof began to show its presence. The firing rate of 6,000 bullets per minute directly smashed the zombies a thousand meters away into pieces before they could react.

The zombies were all smashed into pieces in just a few seconds. The screamer mutant zombies didn't even have time to scream. Their skulls were directly blown off by the high-speed bullets and they fell to the ground miserably.

The firing of the Gatling gun also made the survivors in the convoy nervous.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Who should I ask if you ask me? I don't know either."

"Stop arguing. There must be zombies blocking the way, so they fired. Don't be nervous."

The survivors had different expressions, and Cai Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the pictures transmitted from the satellite. At this time, a voice came from the communication terminal.

"Report! The small zombie swarm has been cleared, and all the Screamer mutant zombies have been killed."

"I know, keep alert."


The zombies that were mowed into pieces by the Gatling gun were directly pushed into the green belts on both sides of the road by the inverted V-shaped front bumper of the first truck in the convoy, and were used as fertilizer for the green belts. I hope that new sprouts will grow here in the spring.

Except for this incident, the convoy did not encounter any other unexpected situations. The ordinary zombies were led away by the transport helicopter, and the remaining mutant zombies were scattered all over the city. The probability of encountering the convoy was not very high.

So until leaving the city, the convoy did not encounter any unexpected situations and passed through the urban area safely. After leaving the city, there would not be too much danger until the Xinguang gathering place.

Because Cai Wenjie had already swept it before, there would be no large zombie swarms nearby. Even if there were, there would only be a few cats and dogs.

So Cai Wenjie completely gave up on the investigation and started thinking about what to eat at night after returning. What Cai Wenjie didn't know was that just after he turned off the system satellite, a black stream began to flow out of various sewers in YJ City. wave.

Moreover, this black wave was still rapidly engulfing all surrounding creatures. Even the mutant zombies were attacked by this black wave. Although the mutant zombies were struggling violently, they were still of no use. In less than a few minutes, they were attacked by this black wave. The black wave swallowed up the flesh and blood on his body, leaving only a white skeleton.

The creature that makes up the black wave is not a monster, but a mouse infected by the virus. All the virus-infected mice gather together to form this black wave.

After eating everything they could in the sewers, the rats came directly to the city ground through the manhole covers and began to attack all creatures they could see.

Zombies, mutated zombies, corpses, carrion, as long as they are edible, they will never pick them. Once they find prey, they will rush up in groups and take a bite. Although they can only eat the flesh and blood as much as their fingers each time, But there are too many of them.

Hundreds or thousands of rats can eat an ordinary adult, or zombie, in a few minutes, because rats also retain some of their habits in life. After preying on a certain number of creatures, they will return to the sewer. , very regular, so Cai Wenjie has not noticed this black wave so far.

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