My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 194 Military Camp

When the rescue team arrived, all they saw were corpses and comrades who had turned into zombies. ׺°”˜`”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×Read

“Are you late? Damn it!”

Yu Wenguang, who personally led the rescue team to the rescue, clenched his fist and smashed the vehicle next to him, then gave an order with difficulty.

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“Let our comrades rest in peace”


The soldiers of the rescue team raised their weapons and aimed at the zombies in the artillery position, and at the same time the zombies also noticed the rescue team.


With Yu Wenguang’s order, the soldiers shot at the zombies almost at the same time, and the zombies also charged towards the rescue team, but in the face of the absolute firepower advantage, the group of zombies did not cause any trouble and were wiped out by the rescue team.

Yuwen Guang looked at the bodies on the ground, turned his eyes away, and said to the soldiers of the rescue team.

"Let's go back after burning all these bodies. We still need to guard the border."


Yuwen Guang suppressed his emotions, calmed down and gave orders, and returned to his car. The soldiers of the rescue team cleaned up all the bodies in the artillery position, and then gathered in one place to burn them with fire.

After doing all this, the rescue team began to return along the same route. As for the self-propelled howitzers and artillery that had been successfully evacuated, they had already met on the road and arranged to the front line.

On the other side, in the Xinguang gathering place, Cai Wenjie was also fully prepared. This time, Cai Wenjie decided to go to the military camp to pick up people in person. In order to pick up more than a thousand young and middle-aged people, Cai Wenjie specially mobilized all large vehicles in the gathering place, including buses, trucks, and vans. Basically, all vehicles with large space were arranged.

And because the convoy was so large, Cai Wenjie even brought all the armed vehicles and an infantry company as the escort.

There were a total of 26 vehicles used this time, including 18 trucks, vans, and buses, and the others were infantry fighting vehicles, armored troop carriers, black knights, and war guns.

This is not over yet. In addition to the land, this transport helicopter also joined the convoy.

"Are you ready?"

"Report! Everything is ready!"

"Very good, let's go!"


After saying that, Cai Wenjie took the lead in boarding the black knight, and then all the soldiers boarded their own vehicles in an orderly manner. After all the soldiers boarded the vehicles, the convoy began to drive towards the gate of the gathering place.

The soldiers stationed at the gate saw the convoy approaching, opened the gate directly, made way for the convoy, and saluted and watched the convoy leave. After the convoy passed the gate safely, the soldiers closed the gate of the gathering place.

This time, Cai Wenjie led the second company, which was Song Yichen's company. Now Song Yichen was sitting in the back seat of Cai Wenjie, sitting straight in the back seat, not daring to move.

Cai Wenjie saw Song Yichen's stiff expression through the rearview mirror and said.

"Don't be nervous, relax"


Cai Wenjie's words did make Song Yichen relax a little, but he could still see some nervousness.

This time, the distance to the military camp was at least hundreds of kilometers, and the convoy had to drive for more than an hour to get there, so Cai Wenjie could only use satellites in advance to observe the destination, which was the military camp.

As mentioned earlier, the military camp was originally managed by Zhang Fuguo, but now Zhang Fuguo left the military camp and reached the border, and the survivors of the military camp here were naturally handed over to Li Jianjun for management.

For some remote military camps, Li Jianjun implemented a shift system of management. Simply put, it was to send troops to stay for a period of time. When they were stationed, everything in the military camp was managed by the stationed troops. Three months was a quarter, and a different troop was replaced every quarter.

Each unit stationed in the military camp may be a company or a platoon, but it will definitely not be less than a platoon. Too many people will be a waste, and too few people will be difficult to manage. This is the only way.

In order to reach the military camp, the convoy must pass through the city, so large vehicles are arranged in front of the convoy. In order to open the way for the convoy, the engineers directly modified a Dongfeng truck into a giant.

An inverted V-shaped front bumper was installed in front of the truck, which was specially used to knock away obstacles. Then steel bars were installed on all the vulnerable parts of the truck, which greatly improved the anti-collision ability, and the engine was modified, which greatly improved the speed and endurance.

This is not the end. The engineers held the idea that since they had modified it, they should modify it thoroughly. They directly installed two Gatling machine guns on the top of the truck, and used a quarter of the rear compartment as a magazine to refill the Gatling machine guns with ammunition.

And one-meter-long blades were installed on both sides of the truck. If a zombie approached a moving truck, there would be only two outcomes for him: one was to be shot into a block by the Gatling gun on the top of the truck, and the other was to be directly cut in half by the blades on both sides of the truck.

Now the number of zombies in the entire YJ city does not exceed 100,000, and they are scattered in all corners of the city, so the convoy drove into the city without being attacked by a large number of zombies.

Even if a few zombies found the convoy, they were powerless. They were either smashed into pieces by the bullets fired by the Gatling gun or hit and crushed by the modified Dongfeng truck in front.

Under this situation, the convoy quickly came from one end of the city to the other end of the city without any damage at all.

Continue to move towards the military camp. As for the transport helicopter, because its noise will attract too many zombies, Cai Wenjie directly let it hang behind the convoy to ensure that there will be no accidents in the convoy.

After passing the city safely, the convoy drove onto a small road. Because the location of the military camp is very secret, it is necessary to follow the map given by Li Jianjun to accurately reach the military camp.

As they get closer to the military camp, there are fewer and fewer zombies on the road. Even if there are zombies, they are dead zombies. Without exception, all of them were accurately shot in the head and killed in one shot.

Finally, after more than an hour of travel, the convoy stopped in front of a roadblock. This roadblock was set up by humans, and it was a military roadblock. Like Cai Wenjie's gathering place, there were also guards here.

A group of soldiers who were standing guard saw the convoy coming, and immediately came to their respective posts, took out their weapons, pointed at the convoy, and shouted loudly.

"The convoy in front, stop immediately! Accept inspection!"

The people in the convoy were not afraid of the threats of the guards, but they still slowly stopped in front of the roadblock.

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