My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 192: Fierce Border Line

At this time, an air force base in the northern theater of Z received an order from the central government and urgently dispatched a batch of H-20 bombers to the border between Z and E.

Intelligence pointed out that a large number of mutant zombies mutated by nuclear pollution appeared on the border, and these mutant zombies were breaking into the border. Although the troops stationed on the border have begun to prevent the invasion of these mutant zombies, they have been unable to hold on because the number of mutant zombies is too large.

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In order to prevent foreign nuclear mutant zombies from entering the territory of Z, the central government decided to send bombers to the border to support the border defense forces.

The closest to the border is the northern theater, so the central government directly mobilized the air force base in the northern theater and let the bombers of this air force base support the border.

At this time, more than two reinforced regiments of soldiers have been involved in the border defense line. These soldiers are different from the soldiers under Cai Wenjie. They have regular armored units and artillery units, unlike Cai Wenjie who can't even take out a decent tank artillery.

In an artillery position a few kilometers away from the border, at least ten PLZ-5 self-propelled howitzers are deployed here. The caliber of the howitzer is 155 mm and the range is 35 kilometers. At this time, this artillery position received the order to shoot.

"The target is the other side of the border line seven kilometers away, and it will be fired ten times in a row!"


With the commander in the artillery position giving an order, ten PLZ-05 self-propelled howitzers began to fire 155 mm grenades at the border line seven kilometers away.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Each loud noise means that a grenade has flown to the border line a few kilometers away, and such loud noises have occurred hundreds of times in total.

Just a few minutes before the artillery position fired the howitzer, countless soldiers on the other side of the border line hid behind the bunkers with their weapons in their hands, pouring bullets at the nuclear mutant zombies on the other side of the border line. Rifles, squad machine guns, heavy machine guns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, all the weapons that can be used are used.

There is even a tank battalion in the defense line to assist in the defense of the border. This tank battalion has 18 tanks, including 12 Type 96 tanks and 6 Type 99 tanks.

There are also dozens of infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles such as Dongfeng Mengshi, and various vehicle-mounted weapons are installed on these vehicles. With the control of the operator, the vehicle-mounted weapons on the vehicles also shoot at the nuclear mutant zombies on the opposite side.

The entire border line is full of gunfire, and countless bullets are formed. Barrages are shot at the nuclear mutant zombies on the opposite side, but surprisingly, these bullets that can easily penetrate the zombies' bodies are not very effective against these nuclear mutant zombies.

Most of the bodies of nuclear mutant zombies are hard enough to withstand more than a dozen rifle bullets without getting hurt, especially the head. If you don't hit it accurately several times in the same place, don't think you can cause damage to it, unless the rifle uses armor-piercing bullets.

Of course, if it is a 7mm heavy machine gun bullet, it is another matter. No zombie can withstand a 7mm caliber bullet, even if it is a mutant zombie. It will still lie down obediently.

Unfortunately, most of the firearms used by the border defense forces are rifles. Although there are heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, there are not many, only dozens of them. Although it looks a lot, compared with the vast border line, these heavy machine guns are nothing.

If there were no tanks or other armored vehicles such as infantry fighting vehicles for support, this line of defense would have been unable to withstand it long ago, because there are too many nuclear mutant zombies, and the attack range of these nuclear mutant zombies is too long, resulting in the border line of defense being at least several kilometers long.

If there is a river on the border here, it would be ok, at least it can prevent the mutant zombies from landing. Unfortunately, the border here is a rare plain terrain, with no obstacles at all, except for a simple barbed wire. The barbed wire is no different from a small silk thread for the mutant zombies, and it can't stop their attack at all.

So the soldiers of the border defense force directly built a simple fence on the basis of the barbed wire, which is the kind of bag filled with soil and standing there, and then relied on this fence to build a 5-kilometer defense line.

Although the number of soldiers is two reinforced regiments, because most of the rifles can't pose a big threat to these mutant zombies, they can only rely on other heavy weapons as the main means of defense.

This leads to the fact that there are enough soldiers on each defense line, but they can't stop the nuclear mutant zombies from advancing. Although the speed of advancement is very slow, basically only a few meters per hour, there will always be a moment when the bullets are used up.

"Squad leader! The heavy machine gun is out of bullets!"

"Don't panic, Liu Xing, come with me to get the bullets, you guys hold on with your rifles first!"


Hearing the squad leader's words, the soldier who was originally operating the heavy machine gun began to pick up the rifle beside him and continued to shoot in front of him, while the young soldier called the squad leader, followed a soldier named Liu Xing, and ran to the supply truck parked in the back.

"Report! We are the seventh squad responsible for the heavy machine guns. The heavy machine gun ammunition is exhausted, and we need to replenish it!"

The two ran all the way to the supply truck, and then shouted directly to the logistics soldier of the supply truck. The logistics soldier did not waste time, nodded directly and entered the truck, and quickly moved two boxes of heavy machine gun bullets. Each box contained 4 ammunition belts, and each ammunition belt had 200 rounds of bullets.

Two boxes contain 1,600 bullets, and the weight of these two boxes of bullets reached 77 kilograms.

Two people each carried a box of 38 kilograms of bullets and quickly ran to the blocking point in charge of their class. Just as they were running towards the blocking point with all their strength, a sharp sound appeared in the sky.


That was the sound of the howitzer crossing the sky. In less than a few seconds, deadly flames began to bloom on the plain opposite.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With loud noises, countless nuclear mutant zombies were blown to pieces by the howitzers. A 155mm howitzer can blow mutant zombies within a radius of 60 meters into pieces with one shell. Even if it exceeds 60 meters, the shock wave generated by the explosion can also send the surrounding mutant zombies flying far away.

There were a total of 100 such bombardments. 100 shells directly blew up the entire 5-kilometer defense line. Countless mutant zombies were killed directly, and countless mutant zombies lost most of their bodies and became zombies with incomplete limbs.

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