My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 12 Class Reunion End

Li Mengxue felt that her self-esteem had been hit hard. Cai Wenjie actually moved over, over, over, over.

What is this? Do you despise this fairy? This fairy is pure and innocent, and she is so beautiful that she can make fish sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall, and the moon hide in shame. How could she be despised? !

Li Mengxue was a little angry and needed a handsome guy to coax her.

Cai Wenjie turned his head and looked at Li Mengxue. He found that Li Mengxue was pouting and sulking. It felt a bit troublesome. When he was about to say something to save the atmosphere, the main person of this banquet came.

When the old class teacher came in, everyone stood up and began to say blessings one by one. Cai Wenjie also followed the crowd and said blessings.

After that, the dishes were served and everyone started drinking. Cai Wenjie didn't like drinking, so he drank Coke. After Cai Wenjie was full and drunk, he didn't say anything and went out of the private room to pay the bill at the counter.

Li Mengxue's attention was always on Cai Wenjie. After finding that Cai Wenjie was gone, she hurriedly chased him out and found that Cai Wenjie was paying the bill at the counter. She walked over and asked.

"Master Demon, you don't have to pay the bill. We can split the bill after we finish eating."

Cai Wenjie looked at Li Mengxue and shook his head

"It's nothing. It's the last one anyway. I'll do it."

Cai Wenjie hinted obscurely.

Afterwards, Cai Wenjie left the restaurant. Although Li Mengxue was surprised by what Cai Wenjie said, she didn't think much about it. After watching Cai Wenjie leave, she struggled for a while and finally returned to the private room.

After leaving the restaurant, Cai Wenjie found that several people were surrounding his mount.

It seemed that they were a group of Internet celebrities, who were now holding their phones and broadcasting live.

"My friends, do you see the car behind me? If I'm not mistaken, this is the Knight XV, which is known as the land tank. The price is as high as several million M coins."

A man who looked to be about 20 years old was shouting at his phone.

"My friends, as long as you give me a rocket, I will use this brick to test this car today to see if it is as strong as the legend says."

The man's name is Zhang Li, an unemployed person. He became addicted to live streaming some time ago. Seeing other people making money from live streaming to buy houses and cars, Zhang Li also felt that he could give it a try.

But dreams are beautiful, and reality is cruel. This is the seventh day since Zhang Li started live streaming. There are only a few dozen people watching in the live streaming room, which is already miserable compared to the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of viewers of other anchors.

So Zhang Li has been trying to improve the content of live streaming, but live streaming is not something that can be improved by just talking, so when Zhang Li saw the car parked on the street, a brilliant idea came to his mind.

Zhang Li decided to borrow this car to do some live streaming.

At this time, in Zhang Li's live broadcast room

"If you really dare to smash the car with a brick, I will give you a rocket"

"Are you too proud? You want to smash a car worth millions?"

"Don't believe him, I think you are a liar"

"Forget it, even if you smash the car, you are dreaming of breaking the defense with that brick"

"Yes, yes, and can you afford it? Be careful to get a day trip to a solid hotel with a pair of silver bracelets"

The comments on the live broadcast room said all kinds of things, but basically they all meant that they didn't believe it.

And Zhang Li saw someone in the comments promised to give a rocket if he smashed the car, and then he didn't read anything, and his eyes were full of rockets.

Zhang Li believed it, picked up a brick on the roadside and raised his hand to smash it, but Cai Wenjie grabbed Zhang Li's raised wrist from behind.

"I say, it's fine to use my car for live broadcast, but you also want to smash my car? Where do you get the courage to do that?"

Cai Wenjie squinted and spoke in a low voice, and the strength of grabbing the wrist gradually increased.

Zhang Li felt bad when someone grabbed his wrist from behind, and now his wrist was getting more and more painful.

Finally, Zhang Li let go of the brick in his hand because of the pain.

When Cai Wenjie saw Zhang Li let go of his wrist, he also let go of his hand.

Zhang Li's wrist was already blue, which showed how much strength Cai Wenjie had used.

"There won't be a next time, get out!"

Cai Wenjie warned Zhang Li with a cold voice, then opened the car door, got in the car and left.

This scene happened to be seen by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Wow, what a handsome little brother, I love you"

"The whole network is searching for this handsome guy, and I will give you 10,000 if you find his contact information!"

"Did you see the anchor's wrist, it turned blue!"

"It really turned blue, what a great power!"

"This kind of power is not something that ordinary people can have"

The person who said this in the live broadcast room is named Jin Peng, a retired non-commissioned officer with five years of military service, and a military enthusiast. Because he will go to YJ to attend his comrade's wedding the day after tomorrow, he wants to see the situation in YJ City in advance, so he found a local anchor in YJ on the live broadcast website, and wants to spend money to trouble the anchor to walk around, so as not to be unfamiliar with the place when the time comes.

Now Jin Peng is sitting on the high-speed train to YJ City. Because his family is relatively well-off, he can be said to be a rich second generation. ,

And Jin Peng has also been in actual combat and has rich combat experience. He recognized at a glance that the blue handprint pinched by Cai Wenjie is not a power that ordinary people can have.

No matter how Jin Peng feels, Cai Wenjie has returned home.

When I got home, I found that it was already 10 o'clock. My father and mother were still awake, and it seemed that they were waiting for me to come home.

"Now that you are back, go take a shower and rest. You have to get up early tomorrow."

Mother Li Fengjin said with concern when she saw her son coming back.

"Well, I understand, parents, you should also find some rest."

Cai Wenjie returned to the room, took off his clothes, wrapped himself in a bath towel and went to take a shower. If those women saw Cai Wenjie's perfect figure in the bathroom, they would definitely cry again.

After washing, Cai Wenjie returned to his room with his lower body wrapped in a bath towel, turned around and closed the door.

After taking off his bath towel and putting on his underwear, Cai Wenjie sat at the desk and took out his leather notebook and checked all the plans in it.

"Food has been taken care of. As for water, there are mountain springs in the village and underground water. Don't worry about it. Weapons, the vss and mk23 on hand now are enough to deal with the early stage, and there are also 5 m24 wooden handle grenades, which is enough."

Some people may ask, isn’t VSS a water gun? What's the use?

Let’s not talk about whether VSS is a water gun. The person asking this must have played a lot of games.

You must know that the 9x39mm used by VSS not only has a long range, even if it passes through the VSS Vintorez integrated silencer

After reducing the muzzle velocity, it still retains the ability to penetrate Kevlar bulletproof vests.

In other words, both the man and the armor are thrown away. Another feature is that in addition to semi-automatic single-shot sniper shooting, it can also be fully automatic when necessary.

You can use the automatic rifle as a cameo when necessary.

And the effective killing distance is 400 meters, which is enough to deal with any situation. It is a firearm with excellent performance.

Especially suitable for silent stealth combat.

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