My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 178: Explosion of troops!

In addition to the most common combat skills, there are also many skills such as gardening, cooking, pharmacology, and chemistry. Cai Wenjie even saw a special skill, which is research and development. The reason why this research and development skill is special is very simple, because the clones with this skill can invent any item by themselves. Read М

As long as there are corresponding equipment, materials and time, he can research the antidote to the virus or various high-tech products by himself.

And the more clones with the research and development skill, the faster the speed of inventing high-tech products. For example, if a clone with the research and development skill needs a hundred years to develop a virus antidote, two clones with the research and development skill can make an antidote within ninety years, and three people can make an antidote within eighty years, and so on.

Of course, it is not a matter of moving your fingers to exchange for a clone with research and development skills. According to the system's estimation, the probability of summoning a clone with research and development skills is only 0.1%.

In other words, Cai Wenjie needs to exchange 10,000 clones to have the opportunity to obtain a clone with research and development skills. According to this probability, you can know how lucky Cai Wenjie was to summon a clone with special skills.

Just when Cai Wenjie was secretly happy, the destination arrived and the vehicle stopped in a village. Although Cai Wenjie had ordered this place to be cleaned up once, it still needed to be cleaned up again for safety reasons.

"Qin Feng! You take people to clean up this village again. Remember, if you encounter a mutant zombie, don't show off. Lead him over and kill the mutant zombie with the vehicle-mounted weapons!"


After the elite team leader Qin Feng saluted Cai Wenjie, he led the team members to search the village, while Cai Wenjie stayed in the car to operate the vehicle-mounted weapons and began to guard the surroundings.

Because the whole village was not very big, Qin Feng and others quickly searched the village. During the period, they did not encounter any zombies or anything like that, and returned to Cai Wenjie safely.

"Report! Nothing abnormal was found in the village"

"That's good, thank you for your hard work"

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he jumped out of the car, and then found an open area to officially start the blast mode.

"System, call out all the 240 clones I just set!"

"Okay, no problem"

As soon as the system finished saying this, dense human projections began to appear in front of Cai Wenjie. The human figures in the projections were the clone soldiers that Cai Wenjie exchanged. As time went by, the clones in the projections gradually showed a sense of reality. In less than five seconds, 240 clones appeared in front of Cai Wenjie.

These clones originally had their eyes closed, but as the projection ended, 240 clones opened their eyes in unison. In an instant, the elite team next to Cai Wenjie couldn't help but point their guns at these clones.

Although the members of their elite team are also clones, they are different from these clones that appear out of thin air. They are transformed from real humans, so they still have a sense of crisis. In the end, Cai Wenjie ordered them to put down their guns.

Compared to the members of the elite team who were somewhat sensitive, Cai Wenjie seemed particularly excited. You have to know that the 240 clones in front of him were exchanged by him at the cost of 2.4 million points, and they were all loyal to his troops, and they were also the real private armed forces so far.

The first thing the clones did after opening their eyes was to salute Cai Wenjie. These clones raised their right hands uniformly and began to salute Cai Wenjie.

"Hello, Chief!"

The clones shouted to Cai Wenjie in unison, as loud as a bell.

Fortunately, before exchanging the clones, they had confirmed that there were no zombies in the village, otherwise Cai Wenjie would have run away at this time.

"Good! Very good! Very good!"

The clones' energetic shouting also made Cai Wenjie a little excited, but there were more important things to do than this.

"Qin Feng!"


"Go open the back door of the truck and take out the weapons and equipment to distribute to them!"


After receiving the order, Qin Feng led his elite team to the truck loaded with weapons and equipment, opened the door at the back of the truck, and revealed a truck full of weapons and equipment.

These weapons and equipment were all aided by various parties before, such as QBZ-191 assault rifles, Type 92 military pistols, Type 95 squad machine guns, QBU-10 large-caliber sniper rifles, Type 08 rocket launchers, and various equipment, all of which are weapons currently in service in China.

"Everyone go to the back of the truck to collect their weapons and equipment!"


At Cai Wenjie's command, the clones lined up to collect the weapons and equipment in the truck. In addition to weapons and ammunition, each clone would also receive a full set of protective equipment. Unlike the full set of individual tactical equipment that Cai Wenjie could buy in the mall, the protective equipment distributed this time was all aided by the central government.

The equipment provided by the central government is a new type of protective gear developed against zombies. It looks similar to the individual light protective clothing in games and movies. This kind of protective clothing can not only protect against bullets, but also against the bite attacks of ordinary zombies, and even the attacks of mutant zombies can be blocked for a short time.

This protective suit can protect any part of the body from leaking out.

And because it uses the latest technology, the weight of this protective suit is not very heavy. The whole body is only 15 kilograms. As a protective suit that can protect the whole body, it is already very light.

In less than half an hour, the replicants who have changed into new weapons and equipment stood in front of Cai Wenjie again. It must be said that the replicants who have changed into new weapons and equipment look particularly energetic, especially with the unique quiet temperament of the replicants. Chad looks like a robot army at first glance.

Cai Wenjie nodded in satisfaction at the clones in front of him, and then began to say

"Congratulations on your new life! From now on, you will be my soldiers, following me to rebuild this home that has been devastated by zombies, and I promise! When all the wars are over, you can marry, have children, reproduce, and live a normal life like a real human being."

Cai Wenjie's words completely ignited the flames in the hearts of the clones. As clones, they had a common wish from the beginning, that is, to become real people, like a real person, to make achievements, marry, have children, and reproduce, instead of being fakes until death like the clones in other film and television works.

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