My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 159 Bodyguard

After the celebration banquet, Song Yi drove the slightly drunk Cai Wenjie home in the Black Knight. ReadМ

"Chief, here we are"

"Thank you for your hard work. You should go back and rest early."


Cai Wenjie shook his dizzy head, then opened the passenger door and got out of the car and returned home, while Song Yi returned to the dormitory after parking the Black Knight.

As soon as Cai's father and mother, Xiaohei and Xiaobai came home, they gathered around him. Cai Wenjie looked at his parents in front of him, his eyes became wet unconsciously, and he hugged the two elders in front of him, his voice choked.

"Dad! Mom! I did it! Now I don't have to lose you anymore."

He even started crying. Although Cai's father and Cai's mother were a little confused about what Cai Wenjie said, when they saw the child crying uncontrollably, they just silently patted his back to comfort him.

Although Cai Wenjie's body has been strengthened to have a strong resistance to alcohol, he still can't bear to drink too much. Now Cai Wenjie is so drunk that he has lost his former reason and unconsciously speaks his heart. This is why Cai Wenjie cannot The biggest reason why I like drinking.

Finally, after a burst of crying, Cai Wenjie fell asleep completely. It was Cai's father and Cai's mother who helped carry Cai Wenjie, who had fallen asleep, back to the room.

the next day

As the hour hand came to 7 o'clock, Cai Wenjie opened his eyes on time. After a night's rest, Cai Wenjie completely resolved the side effects of alcohol, and also remembered the miserable scene of crying after returning yesterday.

Recalling the operation last night, Cai Wenjie felt ashamed and wanted to find a place to hide in. It was really embarrassing for such a man to still cry like a child in his parents' arms!

"If I didn't have something to do today, I'd really like to rest at home for a day."

After all, Cai Wenjie got up and went to wash up. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, Cai Wenjie came downstairs to say hello to his parents.

"Morning, parents"

"Are you up? Come and eat quickly."

Father Cai and Mother Cai greeted their son to eat as usual, as if nothing happened yesterday. Their parents' attitude also allowed Cai Wenjie to save his face.


After Cai Wenjie finished answering, he came to the dining table and pulled up a chair and sat down. The two dogs, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, were walking around in front of Cai Wenjie from the beginning, looking like they wanted to attract Cai Wenjie's attention. force.

The family sat at the dining table, had breakfast warmly, and chatted about home affairs.

"Wenjie, I want to discuss something with you."

Father Cai stopped his chopsticks and suddenly said this.

"What's going on? Dad"

Cai Wenjie continued to eat his breakfast while answering Father Cai's words.

"I want to take your mother with me to find something to do. I feel bored at home all day long and feel like I'm going to get sick."

Cai Wenjie stopped picking up the food with his chopsticks, looked up at Cai's father and Cai's mother, and found that both Cai's father and Cai's mother were looking at him with Xiyi eyes.

"No! The gathering place is not 100% safe now. Danger may occur at any time! I can't let you risk going out!"

Just when Cai Wenjie resolutely refused, he suddenly paused and suddenly remembered that both of his parents suffered from mild depression. Because it was so far away, Cai Wenjie almost forgot. After a dull moment, Cai Wenjie spoke again.

"Okay! I can promise you, but I also have my own conditions! Only if you agree to my conditions can I let you go out with confidence."

"I promise you, tell me, what are the conditions?"

After hearing that his son had changed his mind, Father Cai quickly replied

"My conditions are very simple and only have three conditions! First, no matter where I go, I must bring at least two bodyguards with me! Second, I cannot go outside the gathering place! Third, I must carry communication equipment with me at all times for my convenience. I can contact you quickly. Only if you agree to these three conditions can I allow you to go out."

At first glance, the conditions proposed by Cai Wenjie seem to restrict personal freedom, but these conditions are for the safety of Cai's father and Cai's mother. If it were not for the fear of his parents' depression breaking out, Cai Wenjie would only want to protect his parents in the safest place.

Father Cai and Mother Cai looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

"Your mother and I agree to your terms."

When he heard that his parents agreed to his conditions, Cai Wenjie just sighed. His parents were too old to control.

"Then it's settled, but these conditions can only take effect from tomorrow, so for today, you'd better stay at home. After I find a few qualified bodyguards, you can go to the gathering place to relax starting tomorrow. "

"Okay okay"

In this way, breakfast time was over. Cai Wenjie walked out of the house and began to think about the candidates for bodyguards.

"Forget it, it's safer to exchange for a professional clone bodyguard."

Thinking of doing it, Cai Wenjie came to a deserted place, opened the system's mall, and started picking up people.

"Yellow race, male, age 30, ordinary appearance, four people come first"

After spending 40,000 points, Cai Wenjie directly redeemed four clones. Each of the clones he exchanged was inconspicuous and would be ignored by a crowd. However, the strength of these clones was comparable to that of Zhang Fei. On the same level as Shunliu and others.

"From now on, you will be my parents' exclusive bodyguards. As for your name, starting from the far left, you will be called Cai Baoyi, and so on, all the way to Cai Baosi."


These bodyguards, namely Cai Baoyi and others, responded loudly to Cai Wenjie's words, and Cai Wenjie exchanged each of these four people with combat uniforms and weapons and equipment like other soldiers, as well as CS/LR30 automatic rifles and MK23 pistols.

"Remember! Your mission is to protect the safety of my parents at all costs, and you can only be commanded by me personally. You can ignore the orders of anyone else. Do you understand!"


"Very good! Starting tomorrow, you must protect my parents closely 24 hours a day. As for how to distribute them, it is up to you to decide!"


Cai Baoyi and others shouted loudly, Cai Wenjie nodded, turned his head and looked at Song Yi who appeared next to him at some point and said.

"Song Yi!"


"Take them to the nearest dormitory"


In this way, Cai Baoyi and the other four were taken by Song Yi to a dormitory less than a few dozen meters away from Cai Wenjie's home and settled down. After seeing the others leave, Cai Wenjie came to the Black Knight alone, opened the passenger door, sat in, and waited for Song Yi to come back and drive.

Because there was still plenty of time, Cai Wenjie looked at how many points were left in the system mall.

"Are there still 1,958,700 points left?"

Although the points earned from the zombies eliminated yesterday exceeded 3 million, after deducting the ammunition and various expenses, there are still about 2 million points left.

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