My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 151: Ready

At this time, Deng Jie and others who were carrying supplies also heard gunshots outside the house. After quickly putting down the supplies they were carrying, they hurried outside with weapons to see what happened. ReadМ

But as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by Qin Feng and said.

"It's just a few zombies. They've been dealt with, but it's not safe here anymore. Hurry up and move the remaining supplies and evacuate."

"I know, it's the last batch now, but"

"But what?"

Qin Feng looked at Deng Jie who was in a bit of trouble and asked.

"However, I still have two death row inmates here. I don't know how to deal with them now. Originally, they had to go to the YJ court for certification and issuance of certificates before they can be executed. But now this situation, alas~"

Deng Jie couldn't help but sigh when she said this. In fact, they had different opinions on the two death row inmates these days. One was resolutely escorted to YJ's court and executed after showing relevant documents, and the other was under special circumstances. No court certification is required, and the execution will be carried out directly.

Of these two opinions, one is to act in accordance with the rules, and the other is to use special methods in special circumstances. In fact, Deng Jie is more inclined to the former method and feels that acting in accordance with the rules is the best way, but the second opinion is what most people agree with. Thoughts, so now Deng Jie is also very distressed.

After hearing this kind of thing, Qin Feng thought for a while and said

"Where are the two death row prisoners now? Take me to see them."

"Okay, come with me. After you move these to the transport helicopter, board another transport helicopter and wait for me."

Deng Jie led Qin Feng to the room where the death row prisoners were held while giving instructions to other police officers.


The policemen continued to move the materials in their hands towards the door, and Deng Jie also led Qin Feng to the door of a room, then unlocked the door locked from the outside and walked in. Qin Feng then directly He pulled out his pistol, loaded it, stood outside the door and pulled the trigger directly at the two people inside.

Before Deng Jie could turn around, a bullet-sized hole appeared in each of the heads of the two condemned prisoners.

"Okay, the matter is settled, let's go back."

After Qin Feng said that, he walked towards the gate without looking back. Deng Jie realized it now, but couldn't say anything. However, she was a little more wary of Qin Feng. The main reason was that Qin Feng's approach was too decisive.

Deng Jie came to the two condemned prisoners who had fallen to the ground, checked the wounds, and after confirming that they could not be saved, silently left the room and went straight to the transport helicopter outside.

At this time, the two transport helicopters were ready for evacuation, and everyone had boarded the transport helicopter, waiting for Deng Jie.

Qin Feng also followed the team members outside the No. 01 transport helicopter to guard. Deng Jie silently walked to the helicopter cabin and got down. After Qin Feng confirmed that everyone had boarded the transport helicopter, he decisively took his The team boarded the interior of the No. 01 transport helicopter in an orderly manner.

"Everyone is ready to take off!"


At this time, a policeman said loudly as if he had remembered something.

"Wait a minute, there are two more criminals who haven't boarded the plane."

Before the policeman could finish speaking, Deng Jie blocked the rest of his words.

"The two of them were executed just now."

The police were silent, but didn't say much. After all, they were just death row prisoners, so there was no need to make a fuss over them.

After the transport helicopter rose into the sky again, Qin Feng spoke to them.

"Congratulations, you are safe"

These words made everyone who had been silent just now smile again, the smile of the rest of their lives.

Just as the transport helicopter was flying to the Xinguang gathering place, the two armed helicopters that originally went to stop the zombie tide also caught up with the transport helicopter after completing their blocking mission. In this way, the four helicopters returned to the Xinguang gathering place at the same time.

At this time, Cai Wenjie and his soldiers also arranged defensive devices. On the road entering the Xinguang gathering place, a mine was placed every few meters. Now the entire road was densely covered with mines. Not only that, in addition to the landmines, There is an oil drum every few dozen meters and flammable materials are piled nearby.

As long as these oil barrels explode, a sea of ​​​​fire will be formed nearby. Not only that, a barbed wire fence is also placed ten meters away from the intersection, and high-voltage electricity is connected. As long as the zombies dare to get close, they will be instantly roasted into charcoal.

As for defensive weapons, 24 heavy machine guns have been placed on the wall at the intersection, including 4 Gatling machine guns, as well as flame launchers, grenade launchers, and rocket launchers. There are also 24 heavy machine guns placed not far away from the city wall. Twelve 60mm mortars were purchased and the firing angles were calibrated in advance to cover all directions outside the wall.

Cai Wenjie, who was directing everyone to transport ammunition, noticed the helicopter flying here. After looking at it for a while to confirm that it was his own helicopter, Cai Wenjie turned his attention back to transporting ammunition.

At this moment, the intersection of the entire gathering place was piled with ammunition boxes like a hill. Soldiers were still moving ammunition from the warehouse and barricaded it in a corner.

Half an hour later, Song Yi came to Cai Wenjie and reported the situation.

"Report! All ammunition has been transported!"

"I know! Thank you for your hard work."

Cai Wenjie looked at the nearly thousands of boxes of ammunition and nodded with satisfaction. The ammunition here was basically all Cai Wenjie had. There were rifle bullets, machine gun bullets, grenades, mortar shells, fuel tanks for flamethrowers, and everything else. These added up to almost one million points.

"In this way, I have the confidence to defend tomorrow even if the zombie tide doubles."

After saying this, Cai Wenjie said to Song Yi again.

"Tell the kitchen team to make a richer meal tonight so that the soldiers can eat happily and satisfyingly, so as to face tomorrow's battle."


After Song Yi answered, he turned around to notify the kitchen team, and after Cai Wenjie arranged the staff on duty today, he turned around and walked towards his home. Because there were ammunition needed for tomorrow's war piled up here, the number of night watchmen this time increased several times.

At this time, Qin Feng also brought Deng Jie and the others to the People's Center to register. As for the supplies, they were taken away by the people in the military supply warehouse. When Hua Lan'er saw the five fully armed people and a large group of policemen coming to the Civil Affairs Center, she was particularly surprised and asked quickly.

"Excuse me, are you police?"

Deng Jie looked at Hua Lan'er in police uniform and felt a little strange. She was obviously wearing a police uniform, but she was surprised to ask if they were police.

"We are police"

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