My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 149: Clearing the Threat

All the policemen regained their spirits after Deng Jie's words. To be honest, it has been almost a week since they were trapped. During this period, they have not been able to contact their superiors. And for some reason, the signal in this area is extremely weak, so they have been cut off from the outside world until now.

They don't even know about the nuclear bomb explosion. It's like being trapped on an uninhabited island. There is still plenty of food to consume here, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Just as everyone went down the rooftop one by one and wanted to go to the bathroom to tidy up their appearance, there was a very obvious propeller noise in the sky, and everyone who was about to go down stopped.

"Huh? Those two armed helicopters are back?"

"No! The direction is different! These two are not the armed helicopters just now!"

After this, everyone was excited again. If it was not an armed helicopter, then it was very likely a rescue helicopter. The fact is as they thought, this time it was a rescue helicopter, because the distance between the gathering place and here is only 35 kilometers, and with the speed of the transport helicopter, it can arrive in less than ten minutes.

When the face of the transport helicopter appeared clearly in front of everyone, the police began to cheer again, because some of them recognized that it was the Z-8A, which was also a special transport helicopter for the Army Aviation, which could carry 27 people and 39 people at the maximum load, so it was more than enough to save them.

The pilot of the transport helicopter looked at the police below and the zombies who were waving their arms and looking at him, and said to the intercom.

"We have arrived at the destination, and there are still many zombies below, you get ready!"


After receiving the driver's notification, Qin Feng came to the window and looked down. There were indeed a large number of zombies looking at them.

"I will control the helicopter to approach the rooftop, and you will seize the opportunity to rappel. We can land only after we eliminate the zombies around us."

"Okay! I got it!"

As for why they didn't land directly on the rooftop, it was because the ordinary rooftop couldn't bear the weight of the transport helicopter at all. If they were not careful, there would be a risk of collapse, so they could only land on the ground. If they wanted to land on the ground, they had to clear the zombies around them first, which was why the team had to rappel first.

Soon, the No. 01 transport helicopter approached the rooftop and hovered ten meters above the center of the rooftop. The members of the entire team approached the cabin doors on both sides of the helicopter one by one. After opening the cabin doors, they threw down the ropes specially used for rappelling and began to rappel.

In order to avoid the strong wind, Deng Jie and the others hid behind obstacles to resist the strong wind under the propeller, but their eyes were always focused on the team members who were rappelling.

In a short while, the five people came to the rooftop by rappelling. After confirming that the team members had completed the rappelling, the transport helicopter flew back into the sky and moved away from the rooftop.

Qin Feng, the captain of the elite team, first communicated with the people on the rooftop. When he learned that Deng Jie was the captain of the criminal police brigade, he walked forward to communicate.

"Hello! We are the rescue team of the Xinguang gathering place. We are here to take you back on the orders of our leader. I am the captain of the rescue team, Qin Feng. I am glad to meet you."

"I am Deng Jie, the captain of the criminal police brigade of the LH City Public Security Bureau. I am also glad to meet you."

After a brief self-introduction, Qin Feng began to tell Deng Jie about the current situation.

"Without hesitation, I need you to help clear the zombies here and ensure that the transport helicopter can land safely. Do you have guns or bullets?"

"Yes! Each criminal police officer is equipped with a 92-type pistol and two matching magazines"

"Very good! I need you to shoot at the zombies below on the rooftop. Remember that the zombies' weakness is the head. Only by hitting the head can the zombies be eliminated"

"Okay! I got it"

After confirming that there was no problem again, Qin Feng led the team members to the edge of the rooftop and fired at the zombies below, and Deng Jie also gathered all the police around and began to talk about what had just happened.

"We need to cooperate with them to clear the zombies below and clear a safe area for the transport helicopter. Now I order! Everyone start clearing the zombies below! Clear a safe area for the transport helicopter!"


All the police were in high spirits. They took out their guns, came to the edge of the rooftop, and shot at the zombies. Even Gongsun Siya, who was only a civilian, joined the action of clearing zombies. However, her shooting skills were really not good. She couldn't hit the head at such a close distance, and could only hit the body.

In an instant, the entire rooftop was full of gunfire. Although Qin Feng and his team were equipped with silencers, Deng Jie and her team were not. When the Type 92 was fired, the gunfire was very loud, which directly attracted the zombies not far away to gather at the rest stop. Fortunately, there were not many zombies, only dozens of zombies at most.

In less than a while, the gunfire on the rooftop stopped abruptly. It was not that there were no bullets, but that there were no zombies that could move within the visible range.

There were zombies lying in a circle around the rest stop, with blood spurting everywhere, especially the brain matter in their heads, which was blown out by the impact of the bullets.

The male detectives who saw this scene did not react much, but Deng Jie's best friend Gongsun Siya felt a little disgusted.

In order to confirm that there were no zombies left alive, Qin Feng's team jumped off the rooftop and conducted a large search near the rest stop. They also played the characteristics of the Xinguang gathering place and made a finishing move on the zombies' heads.

The police on the rooftop also went down to the first floor, removed the obstacles at the gate, and came outside to assist Qin Feng and his team in searching for zombies.

With the help of the police, Qin Feng and his team spent less than ten minutes to completely complete the search of the rest stop. After confirming that there was no hidden danger, Qin Feng began to contact the transport helicopter in the sky with a walkie-talkie.

"All threats below have been cleared! You can land!"


After receiving Qin Feng's notification, the pilot of the transport helicopter controlled the transport helicopter to find a suitable place to land, and began to slowly descend. Finally, the two transport helicopters landed safely in front of the rest stop and opened the rear hatch to facilitate the rapid landing of personnel.

However, the entire rest stop originally had 15 people, but now there are only 14 people, so there is no need for two transport helicopters.

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