My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 145 Cleaning up the battlefield

Cai Wenjie has been watching all this through the satellite, and fully understands the ability of the armed helicopter to annihilate enemies. Nearly half of the zombies in Qinghua Town have been eliminated, and they no longer pose a threat to the convoy, so Cai Wenjie quickly stopped the armed helicopter's next move through the intercom. action. ]|I{•------» «------•}I|[

"No. 01! No. 02! Stop attacking zombies on the ground! Repeat that! Stop attacking zombies on the ground!"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓽𝔀𝓴𝓪𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓶]

"Received on No. 01!"

"Received on No. 02!"

Although I don’t know why Cai Wenjie gave the order to stop the attack, the mission of soldiers is to obey orders, let alone them as clones. The two armed helicopters stopped launching missiles and just hovered in place, waiting for the convoy. arrival.

As for why Cai Wenjie issued the order to stop the attack, it was actually very simple. It was to save the shops on both sides of the street. After all, there were still many necessary supplies for the gathering place inside, and they could not be destroyed by missiles.

The streets were once again filled with zombies who came from nowhere and surviving zombies. At the feet of the zombies were the corpses that had been killed or burned before. The surviving zombies stepped on the corpses of the dead zombies and faced the weapons in the air. The helicopter roared meaninglessly.

Ten minutes later, the convoy arrived at the entrance of Qinghua Town. The convoy did not enter Qinghua Town directly. To be precise, the convoy could not enter Qinghua Town at all, because the streets of the town had been bombed into holes and were filled with zombies. For the bodies left behind after the bombing, once the convoy enters, it may not be able to get out.

Moreover, the streets of the town were crowded with zombies again. Although most of the zombies on the streets were now attracted by the armed helicopters in the sky, a few zombies still noticed the convoy at the entrance of the town and began to charge towards the convoy.

Cai Wenjie, who noticed this, calmly issued the combat order.

"All units will attack according to the morning formation!"


The moment after the order was issued, the convoy was placed at the entrance of the town according to the formation in the morning. Four infantry fighting vehicles were lined up directly in front of the convoy. What was slightly different from the morning was that this time the battle rifles were also ranked first. In the middle of the line, together with four infantry fighting vehicles, they formed the first line of defense.

And these zombies charging towards the convoy also led some scattered zombies around to charge towards the convoy.

"All units! Free fire!"


In an instant, the cannons mounted on the infantry fighting vehicles and battle guns of the first row began to emit deadly flames, and the fired cannon shells began to knock down the zombie groups like wheat. At this time, the armed helicopter that was originally hovering in the center of the town also moved toward The convoy moved closer, and under the influence of this, the group of corpses originally gathered under the armed helicopter also moved in the direction of the convoy following the armed helicopter.

But the defense line of the convoy with full firepower was not a simple matter. All the corpses following the armed helicopters were penetrated by the cannon shells and knocked to the ground.

Even so, the zombies still continued to charge towards the convoy. If it were an open area, Cai Wenjie might retreat to a safe distance before shooting. However, due to the influence of the terrain, the zombies could only charge along the streets, and this The street is only ten meters wide at most, and can be completely blocked with the firepower of the convoy.

Countless zombies fell on the charging road. If these zombies were human soldiers, they would definitely be the most heroic soldiers in the world, but no matter how brave the soldiers were, they could not withstand such a dense line of defense.

The remaining zombies fell on the charging road. This time, the soldiers even had no chance to get out of the car. They relied on the first line of defense to kill all the zombies.

Half an hour later, only broken limbs and corpses were left on the streets of the town. Since the convoy could not drive in, they could only rely on infantry to clean up the battlefield. Corpses with no obvious head injuries would be replaced. One shot, and then the bodies were gathered in one place for uniform burning.

The porters entered the almost unrecognizable shops on both sides of the street to search and move supplies. The entire town had been attacked by armed helicopters and became dilapidated. A large number of buildings collapsed or burned down, which made it difficult for people to find. The porters of useful supplies brought inconvenience, but no one complained. Instead, they turned left and right to find the supplies like a treasure hunt.

For these unarmed porters, zombies are much more troublesome than finding supplies.

The armed helicopter went back on its own, because Cai Wenjie had just given an order to go to the gathering place to replenish ammunition and then to stop the zombies coming this way.

Cai Wenjie was thinking about tomorrow's battle plan in the Black Knight's co-pilot, while Song Yi sitting next to him was reporting.

"Reporting to the leader, after cleaning up this town, all the villages and towns near Xinguang Gathering Area have been cleaned up. This way, at least in tomorrow's defensive battle, we no longer have to worry about zombies being attracted by the sound of gunfire. We only need to concentrate on dealing with them. Just tens of thousands of zombies will be enough.”

"Well, that's right. As long as we survive tomorrow's zombie attack, we will truly gain a foothold here."

Cai Wenjie knew that only by surviving the zombie attack tomorrow with the survivors of the gathering place could he gain a foothold in YJ and establish a reputation. Only in a safe gathering place would there be survivors to come and seek refuge, so that the Xinguang gathering place could continue to develop. On the contrary, if the gathering place was breached in the zombie attack tomorrow, then everything would be over.

"Song Yi, when you return to the gathering place later, arrange for people to lay mines and traps for me on the road leading to the gathering place, especially a large number of flammable materials in the cliffs beside the road, and set them on fire immediately after the zombies fall off the cliff"

"Yes! Guarantee to complete the task"

The cliff that Cai Wenjie said is actually an eight-meter-high basin. On both sides of the road leading to the Xinguang gathering place, there is a mountain more than ten meters high on one side and a basin eight meters apart on the other side. In the middle is the road to the gathering place. When the zombies pass through this road, some zombies will definitely fall into the basin, and then a fire can burn some zombies.

The zombies on the road also had to pass through the minefields and traps before they could reach the intersection of the gathering place. At that time, Cai Wenjie was fully prepared to wait for the zombies to attack.

Just as Cai Wenjie was imagining the battle tomorrow, a team of soldiers found several survivors and were sending them to the bus. There were seven survivors in total, four men and three women, all of whom were adults. Cai Wenjie was also quite shocked when he noticed them, because among these survivors, there were people Cai Wenjie knew.

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