My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 142 Clearing the Town

Soon, an infantry fighting vehicle equipped with a 105mm rifled gun began to operate the muzzle to aim at the zombie that was still screaming. Then, with the sound of the cannonball being fired, the screaming zombie closed its terrifying big mouth forever. Read

Unfortunately, the zombies in the entire town have been attracted by the screamer's screams, and are quickly gathering around the screamer's body.

Cai Wenjie discovered the zombies that were gathering together through a small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and gave an order directly.

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"Infantry fighting vehicles! Fire freely!"


With Cai Wenjie's order, the infantry fighting vehicles lined up in a row began to launch a powerful attack. The two 30mm machine guns on the infantry fighting vehicles began to fire fiercely at the zombies that were gathering. In an instant, the 30mm machine gun shells penetrated the first zombie, followed by the second and the third, until the last shell hit the wall and stopped penetrating and exploded directly.

The zombies hit by the shells were all hit with a basin-sized hole, and some zombies were even directly broken into two sections. The zombies that were hit were all blown up by the huge impact force and directly hit the zombies behind them and fell to the ground.

Moreover, the extremely fast firing rate of the machine gun can directly kill zombies in a large area. Basically, a large section of the area will be cleared when the shells reach it. Even so, the zombies still rush towards the convoy one after another. Death is nothing to them.

But how can flesh and blood resist the metal torrent? No matter how tenaciously the zombies charge towards the convoy, they can't break through the steel torrent. Countless zombies are blocked by the machine guns and can't even move forward.

The more zombies gather, the more they die. In a short while, the dead zombie bodies or the immobile zombie bodies accumulate into a half-meter-high corpse wall. In just a short while, the number of zombies lying on the ground has reached 2,000, but even so, the number of zombies is at least about 5,000.

The machine gun is still firing, but soon the bullets of the machine gun are about to run out. When the shells of the machine gun are about to run out, Cai Wenjie also sends out the war gun.

The weapons carried by the war gun are not inferior to those of the infantry fighting vehicles, and are even more luxurious than those of the infantry fighting vehicles. While the 30mm machine guns of the two infantry fighting vehicles stopped firing, the other two infantry fighting vehicles equipped with 105 rifled guns and the war gun started a new round of shooting.

The infantry fighting vehicles equipped with 105 rifled guns will blow up a large number of zombies on the opposite side with each shell, and the 20mm rotary cannon on the war gun, although compared with the 30mm machine gun on the infantry fighting vehicle, has a much smaller caliber, but the firing rate of the 20mm rotary cannon is much faster than that of the 30mm machine gun.

And the ammunition load has reached 4,000 rounds, and in addition to the machine gun, there are 6 missiles that can be fired. The defense line of the convoy is much more stable than before.

The streets of the town are full of zombie corpses, and the half-meter-high corpse wall formed by the corpses just now quickly changed from half a meter to one meter, and it is still rising.

The zombies were still charging at the convoy. Soon, the shells of the war gun and the remaining two infantry fighting vehicles were almost exhausted, and the number of zombies had dropped sharply to about 2,000.

As the machine gun on the war gun stopped firing, the ammunition was also declared exhausted. The number of remaining zombies was about 1,500. Before the remaining zombies stepped over the corpse wall and charged at the convoy, the four ground-to-ground missiles on the war gun aimed at the direction of the corpse wall and fired.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of four missile explosions, the corpse wall that was originally piled up more than one meter high was instantly engulfed by flames. The huge shock wave and flames generated by the explosion directly engulfed all the zombies within a radius of 20 meters. In an instant, at least 200 of the remaining zombies were killed.

At the same time as the missiles were launched, Cai Wenjie also ordered the soldiers to attack.

"All infantry units, please pay attention, get off the vehicle immediately! Shoot with the infantry fighting vehicle!"

Less than ten seconds after the order was issued, the rear door of the infantry fighting vehicle was opened, and the soldiers quickly jumped off the infantry fighting vehicle and began to shoot at the town around the infantry fighting vehicle. At this time, the armored personnel carrier on guard in the rear also came to the front of the convoy, and a large number of soldiers jumped off the armored vehicle and shot with the armored vehicle.

But some soldiers did not jump off the armored vehicle, but shot inside the armored vehicle. There were shooting holes on both sides of the armored vehicle, so after the armored vehicle was parked horizontally, the armored vehicle became a firepower point, and the top of the two armored vehicles was additionally equipped with Type 89 heavy machine guns, which increased the firepower of the armored vehicle by more than a little.

In addition, each infantry squad was equipped with two grenade launchers and three Type 08 rocket launchers, just to deal with a large number of zombies. Not long after the ceasefire, the convoy began to hear gunfire again. The soldiers tried their best to use their superb marksmanship to accurately hit the zombies' heads.

The most comfortable among them were the soldiers holding grenade launchers. After all, with a grenade, one could kill several zombies just by aiming roughly and pulling the trigger. The soldiers holding bazookas were not to be outdone. They set up their bazookas and fired at places where there were many zombies.

As the rockets fired by the bazooka hit the zombies accurately, a large number of zombies were blown away or killed on the spot.

"Hahaha! Go to hell, zombies! Cool!"

"Take another shot from your grandfather!"

Perhaps because they were too excited, some soldiers began to shout and scream. Whenever this happened, the squad leaders of each squad would come over and force such soldiers to calm down.

Because the hit rate of soldiers in this state is extremely low, shooting is a waste of ammunition. If the opponent is human, it is okay, but the enemy on the opposite side is a zombie, and it is meaningless not to hit the zombie in the head. No matter how many hits are made to the body, it will only make the zombie pause for a while, and then continue to rush forward.

Only by calming down can you effectively kill the zombies, but no matter what, the remaining zombies will no longer pose any danger to the convoy.

Cai Wenjie also led Song Yi and others to provide remote support. Shunliu was particularly efficient in killing zombies with one shot. Song Yi and Zhang Fei were not bad either, almost killing a zombie with one or two bullets. The worst was Cai Wenjie, because the convoy was more than a hundred meters away from the town, so his hit rate was not particularly high, but he could still kill a zombie with three or four bullets.

Fifteen minutes later, when the last zombie fell on the way to the charge and the soldiers stopped shooting, the whole town suddenly became silent.

More than seven thousand zombies had been eliminated, and after a brief silence, the soldiers began to cheer.

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