My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 139 Broken Ice

Although there are still surviving soldiers in the border troops of other countries, they are all blocked by zombies on the guard post and unable to get off. They can only watch their camp being breached by zombies, while they are trapped on the guard post and can do nothing. ReadМ

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After the zombies from other countries broke through the border troops of other countries stationed at the border, they rushed straight towards Country Z. Because it was winter, thick ice had formed on the river, which caused the zombies to It is easy to cross the ice and attack the border of country Z.

As for the border troops of country Z, they not only have to face the pressure on the border, but also face the attacks of zombies behind them. This time Zhang Fuguo was transferred here for no other reason than to help the border troops solve their worries and defend themselves against incoming threats. zombie attacks, so that the border troops can free up their hands to completely eliminate the zombie threat from abroad.

Soon Zhang Fuguo met with the head of the border force. In a temporary tent, Zhang Fuguo and another middle-aged man were holding hands and communicating.

"Great, I wish you were here, Lao Zhang. The pressure on my side is really too great. Not only do I have to face zombies from overseas, but I also have to defend against zombie attacks from within the country. I am really exhausted. I have no choice but to go up. Please help, I didn’t expect that the higher-ups would send you to help me. Now we can fight side by side again like before.”

The name of this middle-aged man is Yan Zhonggang. He is a senior military officer like Zhang Fuguo. When the disaster broke out, he received orders to guard the border and not allow any zombies to cross the border, and to attack the surrounding areas in the shortest possible time. The citizens of the city come to the rescue.

Yan Zhonggang did indeed do it. When the disaster broke out, he sent all the forces except the soldiers guarding the border to rescue the civilians in the city, brought them to a relatively safe place, and then arranged for soldiers to carry out military control. To protect the lives of civilians, it is an official gathering place.

But the result of this is that the firepower and manpower are too dispersed. If the border troops are attacked by a zombie group of 100,000 levels, they will break through the defense lines of the border troops. In this case, the gathering place established with great effort and the surviving Anyone will be given free of charge.

Therefore, in order to replenish his troops, Yan Zhonggang had to ask for reinforcements. As a result, Zhang Fuguo received an order from above to be responsible for supporting Yan Zhonggang's border troops.

"Yes, we haven't seen each other for many years. We have always said that we would get together but in the end we have never done so. I didn't expect that we would meet under such circumstances."

Zhang Fuguo also sighed. Although he and Yan Zhonggang were close comrades-in-arms, since they became senior officers, they had no time to get together and reminisce about old times. However, they finally met under such circumstances. Next, I have to lament the arrangement of fate.

"Forget it, I'll have time to catch up on old times in the future. Now let's arrange my troops first."

"Okay! I have thought about it a long time ago. I have left a garrison for you here. Just place your troops here."

Yan Zhonggang pointed to a place on the map and said to Zhang Fuguo, and the place Yan Zhonggang pointed to was actually a flat terrain not far from the gathering place, surrounded by open areas. It was originally a group of villas, but Now they have become uninhabited haunted houses. They are sparsely populated and far away from deep forests, which is very suitable for camping.

"After you are stationed, I will leave it to you to deal with the zombies in the country. I will just keep an eye on the areas around the border."

"Okay, I understand. By the way, leave the gathering place next to me to me."

"Okay, you can arrange for the troops to be stationed first. We'll have a drink later."

After Yan Zhonggang finished speaking, he made a drinking gesture, and Zhang Fuguo couldn't help but mocked.

"Just you?"

The eyes are as contemptuous as they are.

"When I had a drink with you before, we didn't drink one glass at a time, so we had to carry you back and got scolded by your wife. Okay, let's go."

Of course, this was just a joke Zhang Fuguo played on Yan Zhonggang. After Zhang Fuguo finished the joke, he left the tent, leaving Yan Zhonggang alone, dumbfounding.

Soon Zhang Fuguo led the troops to the designated garrison area.

There are still constant sounds of gunfire on the border, and a steady stream of zombies are pouring towards the border through the frozen ice. The soldiers of the border troops are also guarding the border with rifles in their hands, preventing zombies from flooding through the border. Enter the country.

In addition to shooting with rifles, there are also support weapons such as grenade launchers and mortars that are also firing continuously. Basically, one shot will kill zombies within a few meters of radius. Even if they are not killed, they will be exploded. The shock wave exploded until it flew up, and then fell heavily on the ice. At the same time, the ice surface would crack bit by bit due to the impact force.

As the number of shellings increased, the cracks in the ice became more obvious and larger.

Another mortar shell was taken out by the soldier from the ammunition box, placed on the mortar barrel, and then he carefully lowered the mortar shell towards the center of the barrel. In an instant, the soldier quickly squatted down and covered his ears.


With a bang, the mortar shells were quickly fired from the barrel of the mortar. A few seconds later, several zombies rushing towards the border were killed at the same time. The fragments produced by the explosion were shot in all directions. The zombies around were hit on the head by the fragments and died on the ice without any surprise.

And perhaps because of too many explosions, the ice surface has almost reached its limit.

"Crack! Crack!"

The ice surface began to make frequent cracking sounds, and then like the domino effect, the cracks on the surface of the ice began to move like an invisible snake. When all the cracks were connected together, the ice surface began to break, and a large number of zombies running on the ice surface fell directly into the cold river water.

Each ice surface bombed by mortars had cracks, and these cracks also broke open due to the domino effect, revealing the cold river water below, and the zombies also fell into the cold river water with the breaking of the ice surface, although these had no fatal effect on the zombies.

But once the zombies fell, they could not climb out at all, and even followed the flow of the river and rushed downstream under the ice surface. A large number of zombies rushed into the broken ice surface like dumplings, and then were washed away.

This greatly relieved the pressure on the soldiers. The soldiers couldn't help but stop their numb fingers pulling the trigger, looking at the scene not far away, and slowly some people began to cheer, and soon the cheers spread throughout the border.

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