My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 134: Border Line

Logistics personnel are basically professionals who were redeemed by Cai Wenjie. Although their combat effectiveness is not strong, if we just compare logistics, one person here can compare to five logistics personnel. These core professionals Cai Wenjie redeemed five logistics personnel before. , and then recruited twenty-five more in the gathering place, each with five new logisticians to maintain the professional equipment in the entire gathering place.

Of course, there are also retired engineers who have also been arranged into the logistics system. They are also responsible for vehicle maintenance, equipment maintenance and even modification.

"Thank you for your hard work. Replenish the ammunition for the vehicle as soon as possible."

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"Okay! We will complete the filling as soon as possible"

After seeing that the logistics staff agreed, Cai Wenjie left the ammunition depot and went to the combat conference room, preparing to have a simple video call with several leaders from other gathering places. The special communication equipment shipped back last time has been installed in the In the combat conference room, calls can be made at any time through this dedicated communication device.

The only one following Cai Wenjie now is Song Yi. Zhang Fei and Shunliu were sent to rest by Cai Wenjie and are now lying on the bed to rest. As for Song Yi, he has completely become Cai Wenjie's adjutant, basically the first in all trivial matters. The first person who comes to mind is Song Yi.

After arriving at the combat conference room, Cai Wenjie sat at the main seat of the conference table as before, then picked up a special device and pressed it. The moment he pressed the device, the virtual screen in the middle of the conference table began to light up. , and with the connection, three pictures began to appear on the screen with these three words.

It was the communication screen of other gathering places. The first one who appeared soon was our Comrade Zhou Weiguo, and then the images of Zhang Fuguo and Li Jianjun also appeared on the screen.

"Well, the signal is good"

Zhou Weiguo was the first to say.

Zhang Fuguo and Li Jianjun also nodded, saying they could see the picture clearly.

Cai Wenjie didn't dare to drag him down, so he was the first to greet the three of them.

"Good afternoon, three chiefs."

"Well, what happened? Or is it just a simple greeting?"

Zhang Fuguo was the first to answer Cai Wenjie. His face that was originally full of determination now clearly looked tired, as if he had not rested.

"It's nothing, just greeting a few people, but chief, you look so bad, is it because of yesterday's nuclear strike?"

Hearing Cai Wenjie's question, Zhang Fuguo first sighed, then nodded, and then shook his head, which directly confused Cai Wenjie.

"Yes and no. After all, the nuclear bomb did not directly hit the inland, but because of this nuclear bomb, a new type of mutated zombies was produced. I am having a headache because of this matter."

Not only Cai Wenjie, but also Zhou Weiguo and Li Jianjun were surprised. Although they knew that Country M dropped nuclear bombs on the world last night, they had not heard about mutant zombies, so they asked Zhang Fuguo.

"Old squad leader, what are the mutated zombies you are talking about? Are they mutated zombies caused by nuclear pollution?"

"Yes, old squad leader, what's going on with the new mutated zombies?"

Seeing the surprised expressions on several people's faces, Zhang Fuguo didn't think it was strange. He had just learned about the mutated zombies, and his emotions at that time were similar to those of the three of them now.

At this time, Cai Wenjie suddenly frowned. He remembered that there were indeed zombies that mutated under the influence of nuclear contamination in his previous life, but because those zombies were not in the interior, the information about this kind of zombies was not too much. Complete, I just vaguely remember that this mutated zombie itself is a radioactive source, contaminating wherever it goes, which is very disgusting.

This mutated zombie itself is easy to deal with. Just like other zombies, you can kill him by hitting the head. But apart from his corpse, it has become a big problem. Because of its strong radioactivity, ordinary cremation will not work at all. It can undergo some special radiation protection treatment and be wrapped with a separator. Then it can be stored in a lead coffin and buried deep to wait for natural decay.

And Cai Wenjie was right. Zhang Fuguo was talking about this zombie that was mutated by nuclear contamination.

"Early this morning, I received a warning from an old comrade, asking me to prepare the troops for radiation protection. It was said that due to yesterday's nuclear explosion, a kind of mutated zombies appeared in the nuclear explosion zones of various countries. They behaved strangely, but the only thing they were the same was The place is that there will definitely be a green liquid flowing all over the body, and it will also emit green light, and after testing, this green liquid can be determined to be a radioactive liquid."

After Zhang Fuguo paused for a moment, he continued

"As long as you get within one meter of this zombie, it will exceed 650rad."

Everyone took a breath when they heard this. They didn't expect this thing to be so poisonous.

Here is some popular science for those who don’t know. Radioactivity has certain harmful effects on the human body and animals. For example, under 400rad [rad (radiation absorption)], 5% of the people exposed will die; if exposed to 650rad, then 100% of people die.

When the radiation dose is below 150rad, the mortality rate is zero, but it is not without damaging effects. It often takes 20 years before some symptoms appear. Radioactivity can also damage the genetic material of the dose unit, mainly by causing gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations, causing One generation or even several generations have suffered.

This thing is a mobile radioactive source, radiating wherever it goes.

"And just now, my superiors ordered my troops to reach the nearest border line for support, and to prevent mutant zombies from other countries from entering our territory. After this call, I have to leave, but don't worry, I have arranged a battalion of troops to stay to assist Jianguo in blocking those tens of thousands of zombies, and then go to the border to garrison after everything is over."

Zhou Weiguo and Li Jianjun also knew the seriousness of the matter, and did not say anything, but just nodded to show their understanding. These mutant zombies must not be allowed to enter the interior of the mainland, otherwise once the mutant zombies break through the border and advance into the country, then basically as long as there are mutant zombies, there will be no people living in the next few decades.

"The border is important, don't worry, old squad leader, I won't let these tens of thousands of zombies break through my gathering place"

Li Jianjun said to Zhang Fuguo in a firm voice, and Zhou Weiguo also said something on the side.

"If it doesn't work, retreat to my gathering place, or to Cai's place."

Cai Wenjie also nodded in agreement

"My gathering place is quite spacious, it can definitely accommodate everyone"

Li Jianjun roared at Zhou Weiguo with a dark face

"Are you cursing me, kid? You don't believe in your old squad leader's ability?"

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