My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 132 Return to the gathering place

After Shunliu and the others were no longer visible in his sight, Cai Wenjie turned to the four infantry fighting vehicles and asked. Read

"Each of you report the remaining ammunition of your vehicle!"

"Infantry fighting vehicle No. 1 105 rifled gun, 29 shells left"

"Infantry fighting vehicle No. 2 105 rifled gun, 28 shells left"

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"Infantry fighting vehicle No. 3 30mm machine gun, 216 shells left"

"Infantry fighting vehicle No. 4 30mm machine gun, 231 shells left"

Now Cai Wenjie finally understood what it meant to make a fortune with a cannon shot. You should know that the total ammunition capacity of the 105 rifled gun is 36 rounds, while the total ammunition capacity of the 30mm machine gun is only 500 rounds.

The most important price is that a rifled cannon shell costs 500 points, while a 30mm cannon shell costs 10 points, which means that the battle just now directly used about 13,000 points, which is about 26 kilograms of gold if converted into gold.

This does not include the rifle bullets consumed by the soldiers just now. Thanks to the large number of zombies this time, a total of about 700 zombies were eliminated, which means that 70,000 points were earned. Excluding the shells and ammunition just consumed, it basically earned about 55,000 points.

"It's really a big investment with a big return. It's a huge profit. Now the zombie swarm will be more stable the day after tomorrow."

At this time, the points on Cai Wenjie's system suddenly began to surge, rising from 55,000 to 87,000 in a short period of time. Seeing this situation, Cai Wenjie did not feel anything wrong. After all, in addition to this convoy, Cai Wenjie also sent two armed helicopters to eliminate the zombie swarms rushing over here.

"It seems that they are doing well over there."

The points in the system are still rising rapidly. Cai Wenjie is not paying attention to the increase of points, but waiting for Shunliu's information.

Ten minutes later, Shunliu's voice sounded in the intercom.

"Commander, we have checked this village. There is a large granary behind and several survivors. Do you want to bring them back?"

"I know. I will send someone to pick you up. You just stay here and watch the survivors."


After putting down the intercom, Cai Wenjie said to the soldiers around him.

"Everyone get on the car! Enter the village!"


Soon, the soldiers began to board the chariot in an orderly and fast manner. Cai Wenjie also returned to the Black Knight. After everyone boarded the vehicle, the convoy began to move towards the village. The road was full of zombie corpses. The convoy forcibly opened a bloody road among the corpses.

The convoy crushed the corpses of zombies all the way to the granary mentioned by Shunliu and others. When the convoy arrived, Cai Wenjie found that this so-called large granary was actually a warehouse of less than 100 square meters. Cai Wenjie found Shunliu and others who had brought people here first in front of the granary.

Shunliu was holding a kettle to feed water to a little boy who was less than ten years old. Not only this little boy, but also several young men and women and middle-aged couples were fed water by soldiers one by one. It seemed that they were basically comatose due to long-term lack of water.

The convoy stopped near the granary, and the soldiers jumped off the car and quickly formed a warning battle formation. Cai Wenjie also got off the black knight and stood in front of Shunliu.

After seeing Cai Wenjie get off the car, Shunliu called a soldier and put the kettle in the soldier's hand. After indicating to continue feeding water, he came to Cai Wenjie. Before Shunliu opened his mouth, Cai Wenjie asked the question first.

"What happened to them?"

"Report, when we found these survivors, they were all unconscious in the granary. When we approached, we found that these people seemed to have not drunk water for many days, so they fell unconscious. We fed them the water we had on us."

Cai Wenjie looked at the little boy in front of him and found that his lips were chapped, his face was yellow, and his skin was dry, which was indeed a sign of lack of water.

"Is that so? You did a good job. Now, assign a few people to take care of these people, and then leave some people to guard, and the others will move the food in the granary to the bus."


In this way, the soldiers began to move the food. Cai Wenjie was not idle either. He also helped the soldiers move the food. After all, with Cai Wenjie's physical fitness, he could basically beat three soldiers, and the speed of moving food was faster and more than that of ordinary soldiers.

With the efforts of Cai Wenjie and a group of soldiers, the food in the granary has basically been moved. Although there is not much food in the granary, it is enough for the soldiers present to eat for a month.

In the end, because the bus didn't have enough space, they even loaded more than a dozen bags of rice and flour on the top of the bus, and then tied them up with ropes found in the warehouse.

The appearance of the bus now, if someone didn't know, they would think they had come to Indu and witnessed the magical Indu cheating technology.

"Next time I go out, I must bring a few more trucks."

Just as Cai Wenjie was sighing on the side, the unconscious people woke up one after another, but they still couldn't move their bodies, so they could only open their eyes and look at the soldiers around them with gratitude.

Cai Wenjie also saw these people waking up, and originally wanted to have people move these survivors onto the bus, but seeing the miserable state of the bus now, he could only signal the soldiers to move them onto the back seats of the Black Knight and the War Lance.

As for the identities of these survivors? After returning home, just leave this kind of matter to the comrades from the former police and current civil affairs center to investigate. Anyway, in the end, they will become residents of Xinguang Gathering Area.

"Okay, let's go back after the move is completed. When we come out in the afternoon, we can bring a few trucks with us."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie patted the dust on his body and got into the co-pilot of the Black Knight. The other soldiers also boarded their chariots. After everyone got on the vehicle, the convoy began to slowly come from the time. The road went back the way it came.

Once after passing through a road full of zombie corpses, the convoy left the village. However, the convoy did not go back directly. Instead, at Cai Wenjie's instruction, it directly set fire to the village and the zombie corpses, mainly because the corpses were too large. There are too many fears of causing a plague or something like that.

You must know that every time the team returns, the first thing to do is to disinfect the vehicles, and the personnel are no exception. They will not be allowed to enter the Xinguang gathering place without disinfection. This is also the rule set by Cai Wenjie.

The journey back was not far, only ten minutes, and soon the convoy returned to the Xinguang gathering place. After a series of disinfection and other operations, the convoy returned to the military camp, and the bus was driven directly to the military supplies camp. Basically, except for weapons and ammunition and other munitions, other materials are stored in the munitions warehouse for unified arrangements.

Then people at the Xinguang Gathering Area can take their point cards to the munitions depot to redeem them, and soldiers are no exception. It is more like a department store than a munitions depot.

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