My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 129 Mobilization

After sending Yan Youcai away, Cai Wenjie also gave up the idea of ​​drinking tea, directly took out the Coke he bought before from the system space, opened the screwdriver and it was a Grand Slam.

"Apart from each other~"

With a hiccup, Cai Wenjie let out a loud breath.

"It's cool! This thing is better!"

Cai Wenjie casually threw the empty can into the trash can. Cai Wenjie stood up and left the combat conference room. Song Yi followed silently. There was still one hour before the assembly time. Now the soldiers were eating breakfast in the canteen. At this time, Cai Wenjie noticed several cooking utensils. The soldiers were carrying several large buckets and walked outside the barracks. When Cai Wenjie spotted the cooking soldiers, the cooking soldiers also noticed Cai Wenjie, and they all put down the buckets they were carrying and saluted Cai Wenjie.

"Hello, company commander!"

"Well, this is what you are doing?"

"Report! This is the breakfast we sent to the sentries at the entrance to the gathering place."

A somewhat fat cook replied

"Really? Thank you for your hard work. Go quickly."


The cooks picked up the big buckets containing breakfast and walked towards the outside of the military camp. There was an electric tricycle parked outside the barracks. The cooks put the big buckets containing breakfast on the back of the tricycle and then left the military camp on their tricycles. .

Cai Wenjie continued to wander around the military camp, and then went all the way to the top floor. There was a rooftop on the top floor of the military camp. There were railings on the rooftop. The most conspicuous thing was the shooting holes. Machine gunners or snipers could be deployed on the rooftop when needed. , but if it is really necessary to use it here, then there is a high probability that Cai Wenjie's gathering place has been breached.

Cai Wenjie came to the edge of the rooftop, leaned on a railing, looked at the morning sun and looked into the distance. From the rooftop of the military camp, he could just see all the houses in the gathering place, and Cai Wenjie's ancestral house was among these buildings. The biggest one inside.

Cai Wenjie just leaned on the railing, saying nothing and just watching everything in front of him quietly. Song Yi also stood beside Cai Wenjie motionless, accompanying Cai Wenjie silently.

After a long time like this, perhaps because the wind on the rooftop was a bit cold, or maybe he was tired of the scenery, Cai Wenjie finally came back to his senses.

"Let's go, the meeting time is almost here"

After speaking, he took the lead and left the rooftop. No one knew what changes had occurred in Cai Wenjie's thoughts during this hour.

Song Yi just answered as before, followed Cai Wenjie and left the rooftop.

On the playground, all the soldiers except those who went out to patrol and guard the intersection had been gathered. Deng Jun, Zhang Fei, and Shunliu also stood in front of their own teams. The two of them got it in one night. With the approval of the soldiers, he is now a veritable platoon leader.

A total of 70 heavily armed soldiers were gathered in the playground, not including drivers. If drivers and other personnel were included, a total of more than 90 people were gathered.

Cai Wenjie also came to the playground at this time and stood in front of the team. After looking around for a while, he nodded with satisfaction and then said loudly.

"Good morning, soldiers!"

"Good morning, chief!"

"Good! Very energetic! Before announcing the content of this training, I have some bad news to tell you!"

Cai Wenjie decided to tell the soldiers what happened a few days later and what happened last night.

"Last night at eleven o'clock,

As soon as the news came out, all the soldiers below broke into cold sweats without exception. Some even opened their eyes wide, obviously shocked by the news.

"But fortunately, our Rocket Force comrades intercepted most of the nuclear bombs heading towards us."

After hearing that the nuclear bomb had been intercepted, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief and started cheering randomly.

"Six, the brothers from the Rocket Army are really reliable!"

"Good boy, twelve nuclear bombs. If these are dropped, it will be okay. Thank you to our brothers in the Rocket Force!"

But among the cheers, some soldiers discovered the problem with Cai Wenjie's words.

"Wait a minute, the company commander just said most of them, which means there are also nuclear bombs that have not been intercepted!"

As soon as the soldier's words came out, the crowd who had been cheering just now fell into silence as if they were being strangled by the neck.

Cai Wenjie did not deny it, but nodded and said.

"Yes, although the comrades of the Rocket Force have intercepted most of the nuclear bombs, there is still one nuclear bomb that has not been intercepted, and it is also a kiloton nuclear bomb, a nuclear bomb that is enough to destroy a large city!"

Now the soldiers no longer interrupted Cai Wenjie. They all wanted to know which city the nuclear bomb finally landed on.

"This kiloton nuclear bomb directly destroyed the city. The explosion of the nuclear bomb directly affected the inland coastal cities. Under the influence of tsunamis, typhoons, and earthquakes, the survivors of the coastal cities are basically living a good life now. bitter"

After Cai Wenjie finished telling the news, the soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I was scared to death. I thought my hometown was gone."

"Me too, just now I was praying that it wouldn't be my hometown SC"

It was obvious that the soldiers all breathed a sigh of relief after learning that it was not their hometown that was bombed. Looking at the relieved expressions of the soldiers, Cai Wenjie could also understand.

But Cai Wenjie continued

"But the news just now is not the bad news I want to say."

The soldiers just breathed a sigh of relief, but then they raised their breath unconsciously. If what was just now was not considered bad news, then what was considered bad news?

"The bad news I want to tell you is that in two days, there will be a large zombie tide of more than 30,000 people passing through our Xinguang gathering place, and there is a great possibility that they will discover our gathering place and launch an attack!"

Originally, Cai Wenjie thought that the soldiers would be desperate or demoralized, but to Cai Wenjie's surprise, the soldiers were not only not desperate, but also not demoralized.

"I was scared to death. I thought it was a big deal, but this is it"

"Yeah, I thought the company commander would say some bad news. It's just tens of thousands of zombies. What's the big deal?"

Seeing the soldiers' communication, Cai Wenjie was a little confused. Who gave these guys the courage to think that 30,000 zombies were just a small matter.

“Although I don’t know how you have the courage to think that 30,000 zombies are nothing, I am very pleased that you have this mentality. In this case, starting from today, except for the sentinels, everyone must go out to eliminate the zombies around them and conduct actual combat training. In addition, in order to fight against the zombie attack in two days, you must build fortifications and traps!”

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