My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 127 Nuclear Mutation Zombie

The news of the nuclear bomb explosion in Province T spread to the country extremely quickly.

After careful inspection, the observer found that the yield of this nuclear bomb exceeded one thousand tons! And this kiloton nuclear bomb can easily wipe out a large city. If this nuclear bomb is allowed to explode in the country, then at least one major city will disappear forever on this beautiful planet.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝚝𝚠𝚔𝚊𝚗.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Although it is a bit inhumane to say this, many people are still thankful that the nuclear bomb did not explode in the country.

Although the nuclear bomb did not explode in the country, the explosion of the nuclear bomb still had a certain impact. The most obvious is that a certain degree of tsunami appeared in the coastal areas, which flooded the houses and roads in the coastal areas and washed away countless zombies.

At the same time, nuclear bombs in other countries were basically detonated, and countless large cities were destroyed by nuclear bombs. Under a nuclear attack, both zombies and humans would have only one end.

All countries in the world have withstood nuclear strikes to varying degrees, and the worst among them are those countries with smaller land areas, which are basically wiped out by a single nuclear bomb.

Almost all countries in Asia alone have suffered nuclear attacks, and Country H and Country R are no exception. One exploded in the capital and the other exploded in GD. The consequences were basically miserable.

Country Z's old neighbor, Country E, intercepted most of the nuclear bombs, but still missed two. As a result, both Moscow and St. Petersburg suffered nuclear strikes, and the two most important cities were bombed. According to Lao Maozi With his character, he would never give up and directly launched all the nuclear bombs he could launch at Country M in retaliation.

Not only Lao Maozi, but all countries in the world that have nuclear strike capabilities and can hit the mainland of Country M have launched countless nuclear bombs or intercontinental missiles in retaliation against Country M.

Now it is the turn of the remaining troops of country M to have a headache.

At this time, Cai Wenjie was still sleeping in bed. After all, he had experienced this kind of thing once in his life, so he didn't feel too much. Knowing that Cai Wenjie also knew that the mainland of country Z had not been hit by a nuclear attack, then it had nothing to do with him. After all, Now I am just a small company commander.

It's not like he has control over the nuclear bomb. Instead of caring about this, he might as well think about how to eliminate the zombie swarm in a few days.

But others didn't think so. Cai's father and Cai's mother broke into Cai Wenjie's room and woke up Cai Wenjie, who was sleeping. Before Cai Wenjie could figure out what was going on, he was dragged to the living room by his two elders.

And he also said

"Wenjie, go and see what's on TV. It scares me to death."

"Yeah, I heard that country M launched a nuclear bomb at us."

The TV in the living room was reporting news about nuclear bombs, and it was still the host of the news station. Maybe it was due to the large-scale nuclear explosion, and the signal was a little bad, but I could still understand the host's words.

I have to say that even in the end, Cai Wenjie still admires the host who delivers the latest news every day.

At this time, the host on the TV gave a standard opening remarks.

"Good evening, dear viewers, it is now 11:30 pm BJ time. An emergency message. Around 11 pm today, Country M launched nuclear bombs to countries all over the world. Although most of the nuclear bombs were intercepted came down, but there were still a few that slipped through the net, including twelve nuclear bombs launched towards Country Z.”

When Cai's father and Cai's mother heard this, they both looked scared. Cai's mother even held on to Cai Wenjie's arm tightly. If she hadn't drank the strengthening potion, she would have scratched a few bruises.

Cai Wenjie, who was woken up in the middle of the night, helplessly comforted his parents while the news was still playing on the TV.

"Among these twelve nuclear bombs, it is reported that the smallest one has a yield of several hundred tons, and the largest one has exceeded tens of millions of tons. Among them, the national army intercepted eleven nuclear bombs, but there is still one nuclear bomb , avoiding all interception methods, flew straight to our country's T Province, and exploded to destroy Bei City."

After hearing this, Cai Wenjie knew that not much had changed between the present and the previous life, so he reassured his parents and stopped listening.

"Okay, Mom, at least there was no explosion in the interior, which is a blessing among misfortunes. Moreover, after this nuclear attack, all countries in the world will definitely retaliate against Country M. Country M is completely finished."

Father Cai also said on the side.

"Yes, country M is declaring war on all countries in the world, why bother?"

After speaking, Cai Wenjie shook his head, looked at Cai's father, pointed at Cai's mother and said.

"Dad, don't just sigh there. It's getting late and it's time to go to bed. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow. Help mom go in and have a rest."

After speaking, he helped Cai's mother to Cai's father's side. After handing Cai's mother to Cai's father, he yawned and walked up the stairs and returned to his room.

Cai's father also took Cai's mother back to the room to rest.

When Cai Wenjie returned to the room, he did not fall asleep directly. Instead, he first used the system satellite to check the situation after the explosion in T Province.

Unexpectedly, Cai Wenjie discovered through satellite that a huge crater was created directly where the nuclear bomb exploded.

"The diameter of this pit must be at least several thousand meters."

Moreover, Cai Wenjie also discovered around the explosion that there were many white shadows among the ruins. These were zombies or humans killed by the huge heat and shock wave of the nuclear bomb.

"Sure enough, nuclear bombs are the greatest disinfectant in the world."

Cai Wenjie controlled the satellite and began to search for survivors, but unfortunately, no matter how much Cai Wenjie searched, he did not find any survivors, let alone zombies. Cai Wenjie had no choice but to shut down the system satellite and close his eyes again.

But after Cai Wenjie shut down the satellite, in a ruin 100 kilometers away from the explosion, a zombie was struggling to stand up in the ruins. If someone observed closely, they would find that the appearance of this zombie had changed greatly. The whole body of the zombie seemed to have been soaked in water for several months, and the whole body was swollen.

Especially the belly, which was directly concave as if it was pregnant with ten babies, and the face was full of green liquid, and the liquid was still emitting a faint light, which looked very disgusting.

At this time, another zombie broke free from the ruins, and this zombie was also like the swollen zombie in front, with green liquid flowing out of its body. Unlike the swollen zombie, this zombie's body was very short, like a child who had just started elementary school.

But his hind legs were very developed, and he could jump to a height of about two meters with just a jump.

Not only these two, but also many other zombies stood up from the ruins. They were all strange and varied, and the only thing they had in common was that they all had more or less green liquid all over their bodies.

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