My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 106: Secret Room

Cai Wenjie listened to Nangong Yao's explanation without any impatience, but felt that he had gained more knowledge. read

Soon Nangong Yao and Cai Wenjie came to a house. Nangong Yao opened the open door and stepped in. Cai Wenjie also followed Nangong Yao into the house.

The decoration inside the house is also antique. When you step into this house, you will feel like you have traveled through time and space to ancient times.

"Follow me, the golden melon tribute tea is stored in a secret room. In order to prevent the tea from changing flavor, it must be moisture-proof, sealed, pressure-proof, light-proof, and odor-proof, so basically we will use iron cans, wooden boxes, and bamboo boxes as Then put the tea container in the secret room, and clean the secret room regularly to ensure cleanliness."

Nangong Yao explained while walking towards a wall. There was a painting hanging on the wall. Nangong Yao walked up to the painting and then gently lifted the painting, revealing a small handle behind the mural.

Nangong Yao put her right hand on the handle and pushed it in. Suddenly, the wall began to vibrate. With the sound of gears turning, the wall began to move from the middle to the left and right.

Soon a two-meter-wide entrance and exit appeared in the wall. Cai Wenjie looked at what was happening in front of him with his mouth agape. Of course, he still had a calm expression on the surface, but in his heart, he was still severely surprised.

Nangong Yao on the side originally wanted to see the surprised expression on this handsome soldier, but she was a little disappointed when she found that the little brother didn't have any surprised expression.

Cai Wenjie looked at the scene in front of him and sighed in his heart. It was indeed a century-old family, even the secret room was so different.

Nangong Yao regained her energy beside her, and then pressed a switch at the door of the secret room. The lights in the secret room were brightly lit, and the originally dark secret room instantly turned into a bright space.

"That one over there is the most precious tea here. I'll get it for you."

After saying that, Nangong Yao walked into the secret room and went straight to the shelf where the golden melon tribute tea was stored. Cai Wenjie followed Nangong Yao into the secret room and found that the secret room had at least a hundred square meters of space.

While Cai Wenjie was getting tea from Nangong Yao, he started to explore the secret room.

The secret room is not divided into several spaces, but is directly one large space. There are several large shelves set up around each wall. In addition to the shelves for storing tea, there are also shelves for storing other items.

In addition to tea, there are all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Cai Wenjie also found a lot of weapons in a corner. Of course, the weapons here do not refer to firearms, but ancient cold weapons.

Knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, axes, hooks, forks, whips, maces, hammers, grapples, swords, sticks, sticks, sticks, crutches, and meteor hammers are all available, all neatly arranged in the corner.

Cai Wenjie curiously walked towards the shelf with eighteen kinds of weapons, and casually pulled out the knife closest to Cai Wenjie.

With a sharp unsheathing sound, Cai Wenjie pulled out a gleaming steel knife. The knife was a typical ring-head knife.

The Huanshou Dao was born during the Han Dynasty. It was a straight-edged long knife made of steel after repeated folding, forging and quenching. It was the most advanced and most lethal close-quarters cold weapon in the world at that time, and it was also of extraordinary significance in human history. a kind of weapon.

There were several small seals tattooed on the blade, and Cai Wenjie took a closer look.

"Anyone who offends our strong men will be killed no matter how far away they are!"

At this time, Nangong Yao's voice sounded from behind. Cai Wenjie turned his head and looked at Nangong Yao and asked.

"You know him?"

"Well, my grandfather taught me Xiaozhuan when I was a child, and these are passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. Basically, the patriarch of each generation will store a collection of ancient treasures in the secret room. The items in the secret room are from each generation. Patriarch, every ancient treasure found is a treasure and is worth a lot of money."

"What is this knife?"

"That sword was actually the battle sword of a general in ancient times. When he was young, the general used this sword to kill more than a hundred enemy soldiers. When he was old, he had to sell it to a businessman in exchange for money because of his family's financial difficulties. When the businessman saw this knife, he spent a lot of money to buy it, and carefully maintained it as a secret treasure and kept it until now."

"That is to say"

"Well, that businessman is my ancestor. As for the name of that general, I don't know either."


Cai Wenjie looked at the Huanshou knife in his hand. Perhaps it was an illusion, but there was a feeling of palpitations on the blade's cold light, accompanied by the smell of blood.

The smell of blood?

Cai Wenjie turned his head suddenly and looked at the door of the secret room warily. Then he put the knife back and drew his pistol and aimed it at the entrance and exit of the secret room.

Nangong Yao was startled when she saw Cai Wenjie's actions, but she also realized something was wrong. For safety reasons, she hid behind Cai Wenjie. She was holding the wooden box containing the pumpkin tribute tea that she had just found in her hand, and carefully revealed it. He looked at the intersection of the secret room and asked nervously.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Cai Wenjie kept aiming his pistol at the exit of the secret room and replied in a low voice.

"I smell a smell of blood. I suspect that other unclean things have entered your house. For your own safety, stay behind me and don't come out. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand."

After receiving the reply, Cai Wenjie did not go out rashly. Instead, he picked up the walkie-talkie and started to give orders while being vigilant.

"Zhang Fei! How are you doing?"

After a while, Zhang Fei's unique voice came from the intercom.

"Everything is fine here! Brother, what happened? Do you need me to pick you up?"

Hearing that nothing had happened to Zhang Fei, Cai Wenjie breathed a sigh of relief. He could rest assured that it was not the bloody smell of his own people.

"No, you continue to stay where you are and protect the survivors. I feel that something unclean has come in here. Protect them."

"I know."

After Cai Wenjie told Zhang Fei to protect the survivors over there, he began to contact the two people outside.

"Song Yi! Shunliu! Got it, please reply"

"Song Yi got it!"

"Shunliu got it!"

"You two, pick up your weapons and come to support me and Zhang Fei, be careful, I suspect there is something strange here, start moving!"


Under Cai Wenjie's order, Song Yi and Shunliu, who were originally stationed at the original place, picked up their weapons and equipment and began to rush towards Baichazhuang. Because Cai Wenjie specifically told them to be careful, the two of them increased their vigilance along the way.

Soon Song Yi and Shunliu came to the corridor and found the zombies killed by Cai Wenjie and the iron door at the bottom.

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