My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 104: Survivors of Baichazhuang

Cai Wenjie took Zhang Fei inside and did not forget to close the iron door. Although there was no lock, he still put a small triangular stone found in the bare garden under the iron door, which just fit under the iron door.

Then he began to walk towards the house in the yard. Although it looked like an ancient house, it was basically a modern house with ancient elements. It had complete home appliances and looked antique. The interior was decorated in a modern way.

For the sake of completeness, Cai Wenjie took Zhang Fei and did not search for tea directly. Instead, he carefully searched the courtyard first. Although he did not find anything, Cai Wenjie always felt that he was being monitored.

This made him very uncomfortable. In order to eliminate this awkward feeling, he searched the house with Zhang Fei several times, but there was no harvest. However, this feeling of surveillance always existed. The first time he thought there was a surveillance system here, but he did not find any surveillance equipment after searching for several times.

Just when Cai Wenjie was considering whether to retreat first, Cai Wenjie accidentally discovered that something was wrong. The pool under the rockery was actually rippled. If it was before, Cai Wenjie might have thought it was just the wind, but now Cai Wenjie was extremely sensitive. After discovering this situation, Cai Wenjie first gave Zhang Fei a look, and then walked towards the pool as if nothing had happened.

The pool looked clear and there was no trace of impurities. Golden goldfish and other ornamental fish were swimming slowly. Someone should be cleaning the pool regularly. After seeing the fish in the pool, Cai Wenjie thought that the fluctuations just now were caused by the fish swimming, so just when he was about to let go of his worries

But suddenly found that the water wave started from the rockery. Cai Wenjie raised his hand and made a tactical move, letting Zhang Fei come to his side, and then quietly said

"There is something wrong with that rockery. Zhang Fei, you go to the left, I go to the right, and meet at the back"


After that, Cai Wenjie and Zhang Fei surrounded the rockery from both sides, and then gradually moved to the back of the rockery. During this period, the muzzles of the two guns were not lowered, and they were always aiming at the corner in front.

As they got closer and closer to the back of the rockery, Cai Wenjie's finger was always on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.

Soon the two moved to the back of the rockery, and Cai Wenjie found that there was a cave behind the rockery that was large enough for an adult to pass through.

Because of the angle of light, it was pitch black from the outside, and the specific situation inside could not be seen at all.

Cai Wenjie did not say anything, but made a stop gesture to Zhang Fei, then leaned against the rockery, and slowly approached the cave. Zhang Fei also learned it in a very good way.

Soon the two of them were less than half a meter away from the cave. Cai Wenjie put away his rifle, took out a flash bomb, nodded to Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei nodded after seeing it, then stretched out his left hand and began to count down.

Cai Wenjie looked at Zhang Fei's left hand, and when Zhang Fei finished the countdown, he pulled open the bracelet and threw it inside, then quickly covered his ears and opened his mouth, ready for impact.

With the low explosion sound and the dazzling light of the flash bomb, several screams came from inside. After hearing the explosion, Cai Wenjie and Zhang Fei directly pulled up the night vision goggles on their heads, turned on the infrared rays of the rifles, and then quickly rushed into the cave.

Through the night vision goggles, it was found that the space of the rockery was larger than it looked from the outside, and there were several people wearing Baichazhuang work clothes inside, twisting and covering their eyes on the ground, and they did not look like zombies.

And not only that, in addition to the few people twisting on the ground, Cai Wenjie also found that there were women and children in the corner. Perhaps because they had been hiding in the corner and closing their eyes, these women and children were not directly affected by the flash bomb.

But now they were still hiding in the corner, covering their ears and closing their eyes, not daring to see what was happening around them. Cai Wenjie and Zhang Fei ignored the women and children in the corner, but first handcuffed the few people twisting on the ground.

Then they carried them to the women and children in the corner. After the flash bomb was thrown, it would produce a dazzling light within a few seconds, which could cause the attacked target to be temporarily blinded. At the same time, it would also produce a huge noise of 170-200 decibels, causing the target to temporarily lose hearing.

The flash bomb thrown by Cai Wenjie just now unfortunately fell among several big men, so these men are not only blind but also deaf now.

Completely disabled, of course, these are not permanent and can still be recovered.

After observing the surroundings, Cai Wenjie found a switch, walked to the switch and pressed it. In an instant, the originally dark space was lit up, but at the same time, Cai Wenjie and Zhang Fei's night vision goggles could not see anything, and it was all white, so the two had to pull up the night vision goggles.

The space inside the cave is about 60 square meters. There is no breath of life. There are only straw mats on the ground. It seems that these people are just hiding here temporarily.

After finding nothing to observe, Cai Wenjie came to the survivors of Baichazhuang. When the survivors of Baichazhuang saw the fully armed people and came to them, they all trembled. After all, there were big men who were just affected by the flash bomb lying next to them, which made them afraid.

Cai Wenjie found six survivors in the corner. In addition to the two grown men who were affected by the flash bomb, there were also two middle-aged beautiful women, a young girl and a young girl.

To be honest, they are basically the babies of beautiful women. If it were anyone else, it would definitely turn into a scene that is not suitable for children, but the person standing here is Cai Wenjie, so there will be no scenes that are not suitable for children.

Cai Wenjie did not continue to point his gun at these people, but asked

"Who are you? Why are you hiding here?"

Perhaps because they haven't recovered yet, no one answered Cai Wenjie's question. The woman continued to hide in the corner and tremble, while the men were still twisting around on the ground.

Cai Wenjie was not angry, but stretched his right hand behind him, took out the candy from the system space, squatted down and approached the youngest girl. The little girl looked less than 5 years old, and she was now wide-eyed and curious. Look at Cai Wenjie.

"Come on, kid, what's your name? Can I give you this piece of candy?"

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie took out his hand from behind, holding a piece of fruit candy in his hand. The little girl was too young to distinguish between good and bad people, so she had no resistance at all to the candy Cai Wenjie took out.

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