My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 99 Support

Although Gao Hongmei looks very loving and has a maternal aura, if you look carefully, you can see that Gao Hongmei's eyes have lost their highlights, and it looks like a blackened scene. ReadМ

While An Tangtang was shivering, Zhou Weiguo on the other side was having a video conference with several other gathering places.

"Weiguo, I will send someone later to bring you some heavy weapons. Look at you, thousands of zombies almost broke through your gathering place. Fortunately, they didn't break through, otherwise tens of thousands of people would have died."

The person in charge of the military camp, Zhang Fuguo, said with concern to Zhou Weiguo, and Li Jianjun also followed suit.

"I will cooperate with the old squad leader and send a transport helicopter to transport heavy weapons to you. It can arrive as early as early this morning. Next time something like this happens, you must report it to us as soon as possible. Do you hear me!"

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"I didn't want you to worry. I won't do it next time. Thank you, old squad leader."

Zhou Weiguo said to the two old monitors with a playful smile, but when he said thank you, he said thank you in a serious voice.

"By the way, how is our little comrade Cai Wenjie doing now?"

Li Jianjun suddenly asked

"I'm also very curious. Last time I heard, that boy snatched back the robbed food and took it directly from the opponent's lair. He is indeed the person I like, so brave!"

When Zhang Fuguo said this, he started to laugh heartily, mainly because he felt that his ability to read people was not wrong.

"Yes! I saw in the report that this boy still killed the enemy's militants even though the personnel gap was almost several times greater, and also controlled the enemy's lair. The most important thing is that this boy To be able to fight such a beautiful battle without any military experience is a talent."

When Li Jianjun said this, he couldn't help but applaud.

"The old squad leader is right. To be honest, I didn't believe that he could handle the food at first. I originally planned to wait for the recruits to complete their initial training before sending someone to take back our food. I didn't expect that he would finish it. He kept his promise and took back the food himself."

When Zhou Weiguo said this, he sighed again.

"Although I gave Brother Cai the position of company commander, in fact, he has no more than one platoon of soldiers, and to be honest, those soldiers are not the best soldiers. Before, they were just gatekeepers guarding the ammunition depot. It’s really amazing to think that he could complete the task of retrieving food with just these things.”

Zhou Weiguo looked at the two old squad leaders on the opposite side of the screen and praised Cai Wenjie vigorously. As for why he praised Cai Wenjie so vigorously, who was not a relative or friend, Zhou Weiguo had his own ideas.

Of course, it's not the idea of ​​deceiving people, but I want people in other gathering places to recognize Cai Wenjie and his abilities as soon as possible, and then support Cai Wenjie as much as possible, so that this kid's gathering place can quickly grow to A qualified gathering place.

Finally, when this kid's gathering place is almost grown, he can help himself share more pressure, or absorb the population of his own gathering place. To be honest, although there has not been any food crisis so far, but things like today Zhou Weiguo had no confidence that he could withstand such a zombie attack on the city a second time.

You must know that the number of zombies attacking the city today is only a few thousand, but they can almost capture their gathering place.

So what if the number of zombies that attack the city next time exceeds 10,000? Can you still stop it yourself? Maybe it can be defended with heavy firepower, but what if the number of zombies in the next siege exceeds 100,000? No, let alone one hundred thousand, even fifty thousand can't stop it.

Like today, the zombies would step on the corpses of their companions and constantly attack the highest rooftop of the stadium, and the rooftop would be captured just a short distance away.

It's almost impossible to defend a few thousand zombies. Can it be stopped by more than 10,000 or tens of thousands of zombies? Unstoppable.

So now Zhou Weiguo has only two choices, one is to seek help from other gathering places, the other is to strengthen the defense of the stadium gathering place, and the third is to choose another place as a new gathering place.

And Zhou Weiguo's choice is that he wants them all.

Not only did he ask for support from other gathering places, but he also continued to strengthen the defense of the stadium gathering place, and also sent some survivors to establish gathering places in other places or join gatherings in other places.

And now Zhou Weiguo chooses to let Cai Wenjie be Zhou Weiguo's third choice, because Cai Wenjie is the one who brought it up by himself. Subconsciously, Cai Wenjie is his person. The new gathering place established by his people will be his future escape route.

Therefore, Zhou Weiguo treated Cai Wenjie as his own person, so even if it was the few medical supplies he had left, Zhou Weiguo could distribute them to Cai Wenjie.

If the stadium gathering place is unfortunately attacked by zombies one day, Zhou Weiguo can still lead people to evacuate to Cai Wenjie.

For future plans, Zhou Weiguo chose to try his best to cultivate Cai Wenjie's gathering place.

Looking at the two old squad leaders on the video screen, Zhou Weiguo chose to get some support for Cai Wenjie.

"Old monitor, to be honest, Cai Wenjie is a natural talent, but the development of his gathering place is too slow now. I'm afraid that before this kid can develop, he will be destroyed by the zombie wave who doesn't know where it came from, so in I’m being shameless here and trying to get some support for this kid, do you think?”

Listening to Zhou Weiguo's words, the old squad leaders at the other two gathering places instantly became unhappy.

"Weiguo, you little naughty boy, who do you think we are? Of course we appreciate capable juniors. If I weren't afraid of your displeasure, I would have supported this young man long ago. Now you are blaming me."

"That's right, how could we let such a good talent go? If it weren't for your sake, I would have started poaching them long ago."

Zhang Fuguo and Li Jianjun both said with arrogant teeth and claws, and there was no aura of superiors at all. Of course, this scene only appeared when there were no outsiders. This kind of purity would not occur when outsiders were present.

"It's because of me that the two old squad leaders didn't give support to this guy Cai Wenjie."

Zhou Weiguo said with some laughter and tears. Before Zhou Weiguo could say the second sentence, Zhang Fuguo and Li Jianjun started talking one by one.

"Since our Comrade Xiao Cai is so short of troops, I will support his two platoons of soldiers and equipment and make him a true company commander."

"I'll support him with a transport helicopter and a container of medical supplies, which will at least give him a way out."

Zhang Fuguo and Li Jianjun both expressed their support, and then looked at Zhou Weiguo.

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