Perhaps it was the effect of hot water. Cai Wenjie's suppressed sleepiness came back to his mind again. Of course, this sleepiness was not strong for Cai Wenjie. He could get rid of it by forcing himself to be alert, but Cai Wenjie did not do so. Reading

Because he knew that this was his territory and there was nothing that could directly threaten his gathering place, Cai Wenjie decided to indulge himself and have a good rest.

Since his rebirth, Cai Wenjie has never had a complete rest for a day. He was tense every day, fearing that an accident would kill his family that he had protected with great difficulty. It was not until the city gate was erected and he had a certain amount of armed force that he let down his guard.

Now the tense spirit dissipated and relaxed little by little with the hot water, and the sleepiness also attacked the brain little by little. Cai Wenjie leaned his back against the pile of stones in the hot water pool and began to slowly close his eyes.

With a steady breathing, Cai Wenjie fell asleep completely.

Cai Wenjie had a dream. In the dream, he was reborn just like now, but the difference was that he didn't have a system in the dream. He was just an ordinary survivor with ten years of survival experience.

In the dream, he chose to return to his hometown in advance, borrow money, take out loans, buy food, buy vehicles, and buy weapons. Because he couldn't buy guns, he could only buy cold weapons. Then he took his parents back to the village and stayed indoors.

He waited quietly for the doomsday to come. After everyone in the village knew clearly that the doomsday was happening, he relied on his eloquence and future doomsday experience to convince the villagers in the village to follow him to block the exit leading to the village.

Then he persuaded the police from the police station with emotion and reason, got the management rights of the village, and started to build the life of the village, but the good times didn't last long. A group of people who didn't look good came from outside the village. At first, he didn't care too much, thinking that they were a group of survivors passing by and ignored them.

But the group threatened him that if he didn't share the materials in the village with them, they would not be polite.

Knowing the human nature in the end times, how could he let go of the group of people who threatened him? After pretending to agree to distribute supplies to them and deliberately leading them into a narrow path, Cai Wenjie directly arranged for trusted men to take advantage of the venue to kill these ignorant people, and buried the bodies in the fields and used them as fertilizer for farming.

Later, after opening their luggage, they found out that this group of people were actually from another village, that is, Zhou Zucai's people from Wumi Village. Although Zhou Zucai didn't know that the men he sent out had died, Cai Wenjie remembered Zhou Zucai.

Moreover, Cai Wenjie, who knew that Zhou Zucai had a lot of guns in his hands, knew that he couldn't fight Zhou Zucai head-on, and began to curry favor with the official gathering place and the local army. After taking out most of the food in the village, he successfully connected with the official gathering place and the army.

Then he cleverly used the hatred between Zhou Zucai and the stadium gathering place, successfully became an officially certified manager, and got the weapons and ammunition sponsored by the army and the instructors who could train soldiers, and began to cultivate his own armed forces.

Of course, the military sponsorship is not free. The price is that Cai Wenjie must take over Zhou Zucai's village. In order to show his ability, Cai Wenjie personally led the team to get rid of Zhou Zucai when the instructors initially trained some new recruits.

The battle with Zhou Zucai was very fierce. Although Cai Wenjie led new recruits, they were better than Zhou Zucai's men. Finally, at the cost of sacrificing half of the people, Cai Wenjie defeated Zhou Zucai's men and captured him alive.

Cai Wenjie took all the spoils of Wumi Village and Zhou Zucai and handed them over to the official gathering place and the army as his own achievements. It is obvious that the official gathering place and the army admired Cai Wenjie's achievements very much. They sponsored Cai Wenjie more and more, and the relationship also advanced by leaps and bounds.

Then the official gathering place also authorized Cai Wenjie to form the gathering place and armed forces on his own and recognized its legitimacy.

Just as Cai Wenjie was driving back to the village with the authorization letter, he met a very strange zombie on the road. Before he could see the zombie's face clearly, the windshield of Cai Wenjie's car window shattered, and then the strange zombie appeared in front of Cai Wenjie without knowing when.

Red eyes, black teeth, a face without skin but only flesh and blood, Cai Wenjie and the strange zombie stared at each other face to face. Because the incident happened too quickly, Cai Wenjie had not reacted yet, but the zombie did not stop his actions.

The zombie suddenly stretched out his long-rotten hands and pinched Cai Wenjie's neck hard, making Cai Wenjie unable to breathe. He could only struggle desperately. One hand grabbed the zombie's wrist and began to resist hard. The other hand reached for the pistol beside him, and then fired several shots at the zombie's head.

But the zombie in front of him was indeed unharmed. Although the bullet hit the zombie's skin, it was stuck in the skull and did not go further. Because of the close-range shooting, Cai Wenjie's ears were shaken by the gunshot and could not hear the sound temporarily.

After Cai Wenjie was strangled by the neck, he couldn't breathe and began to feel more and more uncomfortable. The zombie in front of him opened its bloody mouth and quickly bit Cai Wenjie. Just when the zombie's bloody mouth was about to bite Cai Wenjie.

Cai Wenjie, who was soaking in hot water in the bathhouse, suddenly opened his eyes and found that he had slipped into the hot water. He quickly pushed his hands out of the water. After getting out of the water, Cai Wenjie coughed several times to cough out the water in his lungs, and then began to breathe deeply.

Cai Wenjie finally knew what the suffocation in his dream was. It turned out that he slipped into the water when he was asleep.

Cai Wenjie left the hot water pool and sat on a stool next to the hot water pool to recover from his dizzy head, and began to recall the zombie in the dream.

"Which one in the dream is the mutant zombie? It looks like a speed mutant. It really doesn't even give me a chance to relax."

Cai Wenjie said to himself with a bitter smile. The zombie in Cai Wenjie's dream is actually a speed mutant zombie. Usually, it crawls with four limbs like animals. The human body is not suitable for crawling, but this mutant zombie, for some reason, crawls faster than an ordinary cheetah.

Moreover, ordinary pistol bullets cannot break his defense. Only rifle bullets and large-caliber bullets can break the mutant zombies' defense and cause damage to them. Moreover, these zombies have a certain degree of intelligence and are very difficult to deal with.

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