My Divine Diary

Chapter 648: 647 Don't be afraid, I am here

   Chapter 648 Don't be afraid, I'm here

   Although the planet of immortality may be destroyed in the end, Su Hao did not witness the destruction of the planet with his own eyes. Perhaps the civilization of immortality was saved by luck in the end thanks to the concerted efforts of everyone...

   Origin Star, just like this, was burning brightly in front of his eyes. The former mage civilization was burnt to the ground. The only thing that remained was the various information he recorded in the pinball space, including characters and knowledge.

   This is the first time Su Hao has faced the demise of a living planet, and his heart is inexplicably complicated.

   I can't say sad or sad, but I'm always a little uncomfortable.

   It's like there's a mass of air in his chest, and he can't express it no matter what.

   In order to have enough ability to destroy the planet when he faces an asteroid next time, he has been reincarnated in this world for so many years, he has been studying and researching very hard, and he is also looking for a way to destroy the planet.

  Unfortunately, the disaster that befell him was not the impact of an asteroid...

   This has made countless worlds and countless deaths forge a strong heart, and there is a feeling of suffocation.

   But there was nothing he could do about it.

   "The Doom System must be found ASAP! I can't feel at ease until I get it out of the way. So, what exactly do I do to find the Doom System?"

  Some things are like this, you want to do it in your heart, and what purpose you want to achieve, but you are limited by your own strength and cannot achieve it at all.

  Su Hao suddenly felt that he was actually very weak.

   For the huge universe, he may be no different from the previous two or three-year-old children.

   He is so weak, what qualifications does he have to grieve for Yuanxing's encounter?

   He should feel sorry for himself first. He has the ability to save, but his ability is not enough. This feeling of being unable to go up and down makes him panic.

   From outer space, the source star was still burning at this time, and he didn't seem to feel anything wrong.

   He packed up his mood and flew towards Yuanxing: "Let's clarify the chain reaction mechanism first!"

   This kind of small project is very simple for him, and he quickly figured out the principle. In fact, it is similar to the fluctuation of the 'source vector' they studied.

   And if you want to stop this chain mechanism, you just need to use the 'Source Vector Suppressor', you can easily suppress it.

  Unfortunately, he was not on the Origin Star when the disaster happened.

   In other words, even on the source star, it may not be able to react in time.

  Su Hao circled around the Origin Star, impressing the planet in his mind, and then directly sent it back to the spacecraft. After sharing the investigation report on the Origin Star with his assistant, he got into the laboratory.


  Fengcheng specially checked Su Hao's investigation report after learning that Su Hao was back, and then found Feiyuan and said, "Would you like to go back to Origin Star to have a look?"

  Feiyuan took a deep breath and nodded, "Go back!"

  Fengcheng didn't say anything, he cast a 'balance technique' on Feiyuan, then grabbed his shoulders, hooked the positioning stones on the remaining satellites, and teleported away.

   Soon they were back again.

  Fei Yuan's whole person looks dead and without the vitality of the past.

  There is no one who Feiyuan knows well on Origin Star, and he doesn't understand why he suddenly becomes dizzy.

  Perhaps, it just suddenly became a lonely soul in the universe with nowhere to go!

  The planet is still like this in the face of disaster. Isn’t human beings more vulnerable when various accidents occur?

  Fengcheng patted Feiyuan on the shoulder and said, "My home planet may have been destroyed, but I was lucky to have a second place of return, so I didn't feel hesitant about it.

   You can try to use the spaceship as your second home planet. After all, every grass and tree here, every stone and one soil, all come from the Origin Star, and there is no difference in essence. "

  Feiyuan nodded: "Thank you, Teacher Fengcheng."

  After Fengcheng left, Feiyuan sat on the grass, quietly looking at the vibrant island in front of him, and murmured, "The second destination?"

   At this moment, he felt two sneaky figures approaching, Yuan Feng and Ling Xue.

  Feiyuan glanced and said speechlessly, "Come out, I saw you two!"

  Ling Xue is a pretty girl, and now she has become the only girl in the whole world. In Yuanfeng's opinion, she is a treasure.

   It took only a few days for Yuanfeng to become Ling Xue licking dogs.

  Ling Xue pushed Yuan Feng out, Yuan Feng hesitated, and after a long time he asked, "Mr. Feiyuan, you...are you and the 'creator' Jia Wei?"

   This question was asked, but Feiyuan didn’t know how to answer it.

  Ling Xue immediately added with an embarrassed smile: "We have no other intentions, just pure curiosity. After all, Mr. Feiyuan, you look different from Mr. Fengcheng, so..."

  Feiyuan asked curiously, "What's the difference?"

Ling Xue said: "The three of them all look like they are twenty years old, and they don't seem to be getting old, but Mr. Feiyuan, you look middle-aged and relatively old, so we can guess that you and them are not in the same group. of."

  Feiyuan: "..."

   This analysis is well-founded and the conclusion is reliable.

  Feiyuan laughed, looked up at the two little observers and said, "So what?"

   Yuanfeng said: "Mr. Fengcheng looks too scary, we dare not talk to him... We just want to ask, is the source star really burned out?"

   Feiyuan nodded and said nothing.

   Yuanfeng and Ling Xue looked at each other, their eyes darkened.

   Yuanfeng asked again, "Mr. Feiyuan, where is this place?"

   "In a spaceship that is flying out of the star system."

   The two were taken aback: "Spaceship? We are leaving the source star system in a spaceship?"

   Real hammer!

   Yuanfeng and Ling Xue looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

The reason why   Origin Star was destroyed was definitely the hand of the 'creator' Jia Wei!

   It must be someone on the Origin Star who made him unhappy, and then he decided to destroy the world, leave the Origin Star, and live on another planet!

   This is simply, terrible! It is ten thousand times more terrifying than the world's great devil and villain in the story.

   Then a terrible thought popped into their minds: Why did the Creator bring them both? Will they be killed? Or... a stockpile for when you're hungry?


   Yuanfeng stepped forward, reached out and gently embraced Ling Xue: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"


  In the laboratory, Su Hao entered the pinball space, still sitting in front of the familiar desk, raising his pen and turning.

   For a long time, I wrote the first sentence on the paper: "My existence will bring unknown disasters to the living planet."

   Bringing disaster to the planet was not what he wanted, he just wanted to 'learn all kinds of knowledge quietly'.

   His requirements are not high, right?

  Unfortunately, everything will not go as he wants, even if he just stays quietly in his experimental base to do research, all kinds of things will always come to him after a while.

   Or someone hides knowledge and doesn't want to show it to him, or someone hinders his learning, or, because his lifespan is not enough, he dies naturally.

   In short, the desire for quiet study and research is always difficult to achieve.

   The culprit, Su Hao guessed, was the 'Doom System'.

   Then Su Hao wrote the second sentence: "Find the 'Doom System' and hack it!"

   It's easier said than done to decipher the 'Doom System'. If it can be done, Su Hao has already done it all these years, why should he wait until now.

   The most important thing is that he didn't even take the first step, "Finding the Doom System", and everything else was out of the question.

   Su Hao waved his hand, the scene outside the desk changed into nothingness.

   "Xiaoguang, retrieve all death scene data, retrieve all data marked as 'first-level events'."

   "Xiaoguang received, please wait"

   The next moment, since entering the pinball space for reincarnation, the 'bad luck' encountered with a certain regularity, all manifested in turn, suspended in mid-air, playing the previous pictures, vivid in my mind.

While looking at the misfortune he encountered, Su Hao wrote in a smaller font below the second sentence: "The essence of the 'bad luck system' is the 'focus system', that is to say, the energy that feeds back to form various disasters, From my own actions."

   The disasters encountered in the past, the general pattern is indeed the same.

  When he was very weak, the disasters caused were not severe, just such as 'die of illness', 'drowned', 'falled to death', 'exploded', 'killed by a heroine', 'killed by a beast', 'killed by battle'...

   This series of death methods can basically be ignored after he gains a certain amount of power.

   But as the power he gained increased, the ensuing disaster gradually intensified, and later, even triggered a planetary collision.

  Su Hao thought: "If I reduce my actions, can I minimize the energy fed back by the Doom System?"

   Soon he shook his head: "No, I can't affect my learning actions in order to reduce energy feedback. If I can't learn knowledge, my reincarnation will be meaningless, so I might as well continue to sleep!

   And, if you don't gain greater power sooner, it's slow death. "

   After all, we must find out the doom system and solve it!

   (end of this chapter)

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