My Divine Diary

Chapter 644: 643 is coming

   Chapter 645 is gone

  It doesn't come sooner or later, but when the three of them are all eight billion kilometers away in space, they can only say that the 'doom system' is too stupid.

   broke out at this time, what kind of trouble is it trying to make? What if the entire Origin Star was evaporated?

   still can't help Su Hao and others.

   So far, Su Hao has confirmed that the 'Doom System' does not have any mysterious intelligence, and will only operate according to specific rules.

In other words, there is no so-called 'enemy' on top of Su Hao's head. As long as he successfully finds the energy trajectory of the 'Doom System', then there is a great possibility to completely control it and become Su Hao's vast knowledge. a member.

   Currently, the problem Su Hao faces is, should he return to Origin Star now?

   Or, to be on the safe side, use the 'positioning and transmission aid' inside the planet to send it back?

   It’s just that the distance from the source star here is too far, and it takes eight hours for the ‘positioning transmission’ to be successfully transmitted.

   The hundreds of positioning stones he distributed all over the Origin Star are being destroyed at an extremely fast speed. If they are not sent back in time now, they will all fail in a while.

   "No! I have placed two positioning stones on the satellites of the 'Disaster Sealing System'. So far, none of the positioning stones on the satellites have been affected. Maybe I can wait and see."

   The current situation of Origin Star is unknown. Although he is confident that nothing can kill him instantly, he still cannot be too reckless.

   He turned his head and asked Ashan and Feng Chengdao: "How is the positioning stone you placed on the satellite now?"

   Yashan Road: "I only placed a positioning stone on the satellite, and it is currently not damaged."

  Feng Chengdao: "I've placed eighty pieces, so far there is no problem!"

  Su Hao's heart was determined.

   Fengcheng said again: "How about I send back to the satellite to explore the situation first?"

  Su Hao thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Be careful."

  Since Fengcheng wants to investigate the situation, let him go. Even if the worst situation is encountered, he can be resurrected soon.

  Feng Cheng smiled confidently, he was a dignified monk in the realm of Spirit Transformation, what could be wrong: "Don't worry, Boss Wei."

   After finishing speaking, in Feiyuan's envious gaze, he transformed into a [Mingzi], put on various protective techniques, and disappeared from the spot.

After a while, Feng Cheng sent back the screen and shouted in the group: "Fuck! Boss Wei, Boss Yashan, come and see! The entire Yuanxing is on fire, more exaggerated than the end of the world... Yuanxing Ruined!"

  Su Hao and Yashan were stunned for a moment, and they teleported away using the wind as the coordinates.

   Fei Yuan was the only person left in the spaceship and stayed in place: "What happened?"


  Su Hao teleported to the Origin Star satellite, a dazzling red and yellow light reflected from the side, he couldn't help but tilt his head to look.

   That's where the source star is.

   At this time, where is the original blue-yellow-white interlaced beautiful appearance of Yuanxing?

   is full of red and yellow flames.

   is like a big fireball that is doused with oil and then ignited.

In the    fireworks, violent energy can be seen surging and rising, as if the surface of the planet is covered with dense high-explosive bombs, and then detonated one after another, setting off deadly waves after waves.

   This scene looks even more terrifying than the scene where the key star is eroded by a virus.

  Su Hao and the three looked at Yuanxing's world-destroying scene in astonishment, unable to speak for a long time.

   They ran the test flight of the spacecraft on the Red Ice Star, and it has only been a month...

  I haven't seen him for a month, how did the good-looking Origin Star become like this?

   If this was caused by the 'bad luck system' against Su Hao and the others, it would be too exaggerated. It was clearly aimed at him alone.

   He Su Hao is a small person, He De He Neng...

   This reminded him of a question he asked Ashan a long time ago: If there are cockroaches in the house, how do I clean up the cockroaches?

  Ashan replied: Burn the house!

   In this way, Su Hao is an undead cockroach living in someone else's planet, and then his master set the planet on fire in a fit of anger.

  Feng Cheng pointed to the increasingly violent Yuan Xing and asked, "Are there still people alive above?"

   Yashan said: "It's hard to say, maybe the magicians in Xinji City can support for a while."

   When Su Hao heard this, he immediately said, "Come on, let's go down and have a look."

   Although the explosions and flames on the planet were powerful, to be honest, for the three extremely powerful 'Spiritual Transformation Cultivators' + [Life Son], it was not enough to see, and they could even do seven in and seven out without being damaged.

   It’s just that other creatures on the Origin Star don’t have this ability.

  Su Hao took the lead and flew towards Origin Star, which seemed to be not far away, followed by Yashan and Fengcheng.

   At present, all the positioning stones that Su Hao placed on the planet have been destroyed, and the positioning stones hidden in the mountains are no exception.

   This made Su Hao very curious, what kind of power can spread all over the planet.

After    entered the atmosphere, a violent heat and impact slapped the three people's crystal armor, which was isolated by the protective formation outside the armor.

   It was all bright and dazzling, and the whole body was full of violent energy, and even their spiritual thoughts were greatly suppressed.

  Su Hao searched carefully with his suppressed spiritual sense, but did not find any signs of life, and even the underground creatures seemed not to be spared.

   After confirming the current Origin Star position, Su Hao immediately started flashing continuously, rushing towards Xinji City at the fastest speed.

   Hope to see a magician alive and tell him what happened.

   Soon, Su Hao entered Xinji city center and searched carefully.

   Regrettably, there was no sign of life, not even a corpse, all of which were turned into fly ash in this destructive energy.

  The once prosperous super city can no longer even look like a 'ruin'.

  The earth is like being plowed once, a mess, and under the high temperature, it turns into crimson lava and flows freely.

   "In this short period of time, on the Origin Star, what happened?"

  Su Hao closed his eyes and carefully sensed it, but what he sensed was nothing but chaotic energy fluctuations.

   After a while, Yashan and Fengcheng also arrived here, and I couldn't believe that this was the original Xinji City.

   Sole Immortal Palace has no ruins left.

   Fengcheng posted a shocked expression in the group: "There's nothing left!"

  Su Hao said: "Go, go to the sea and have a look!"

   In this case, some marine creatures may be spared.

   After the three of them came to the sea, they found that the sea was also full of violent energy, and the sea surging frantically, like dropping countless deep-sea bombs in the sea.

   A large number of fish died, floated to the surface, and were quickly cooked.

   But many creatures survived.

   However, it is not known how long this disaster will last. The current riots of the Origin Star have no tendency to attenuate, and they are getting more and more intense, triggering the violent movement of the planet's core.

  Under the chain reaction that follows, these lucky creatures will die one after another if they won't last long.

   It is not an exaggeration to call it a mass extinction.

   After watching for a while, Su Hao sighed: "It seems that there is no useful information, let's go!"

Feng Cheng's brain flashed, and he said uncertainly: "By the way, Boss Wei, I have arranged for observers on the 'sealed satellite' to take turns on duty. Maybe the observers on the satellite are still alive. Moreover, there are telescopes and monitors on the satellite, maybe There is a record of this."

  Su Hao's eyes lit up: "Let's go."

   This is the end of the matter, irreversible, and the most important thing is to figure out what happened.

  The three of them were sent back to the satellites one after another, and then searched for each satellite.

   As Feng Cheng said, there are indeed people on duty on the satellite at any time.

   Fengcheng soon found two recorders at an observation station.

  A man and a woman, wearing light space suits, were staring at the screen and calculating something, when they saw an incomparably high crystal armor suddenly appearing behind them, they were shocked.

   This scene is as scary as it gets.

  Like...a haunted satellite?

   Before the two screamed and resisted, Feng Cheng immediately identified himself and said, "I am Feng Cheng!"

   At the same time, he exited the [Mingzi] state, revealing his face.


   (end of this chapter)

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