My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 83 The protagonist always appears at the end

If Kotomine Kirei continues to be restrained, Irisviel's magic power will be exhausted first and she will lose her ability to fight.

If the reinforced metal wire is removed, the man in the robe will escape and kill her mercilessly.

At the moment, Irisviel seemed to be in a dead end.

But besides her and Kotomine Kirei, who were in a stalemate, there was another person present.

"...Maiya, Miss...move quickly!"

The person who holds the chance of victory now is Maiya who is still lying on the ground. Only she can kill the immobile Kirei. There is no need to get close to the opponent's kicking range, just shoot the bullet into the defenseless head. Now Kirei can't protect his head with the sleeves of his body armor like before.

Although it hasn't been long, Maiya has gradually recovered and can feel her hands and feet again. Even though the broken ribs made her groan in pain, she slowly crawled on the ground, gradually approaching the Calico submachine gun thrown on the ground.

The key to victory lies in the endurance competition in these few seconds - Irisviel thought to encourage herself while gritting her teeth to endure the pain of the magic circuit.

However, they still misjudged how terrifying the agents of the Holy Church were.

If Irisviel had taken action directly, released the entanglement of alchemical magic before Kotomine Kirei realized the illusion, and then used a war of attrition to contain the agent, perhaps he would not have been in such an embarrassing situation.

However, in order to protect Emiya Kiritsugu, coupled with Kuu Maiya's desire to kill Kotomine Kirei, Irisviel made a wrong judgment-not to mention, she was afraid of the horror of Chinese boxing. Nothing.

Can a boxer be paralyzed simply by tying his hands to a tree?

"Bang!" came the answer with a thunderous noise.

With the intense consumption of magic power, Irisviel was shocked to find that the tree trunk that trapped Kirei was shaking violently, as if someone had punched him with all his strength.

"Bang!" The second loud noise came out again, and this time through the touch of the magic thread, Irisviel finally understood what happened.

Kirei kept his hands close to the bark of the tree and was hitting the trunk with his palms with all his strength.

Chinese boxing does not only rely on the force of the arms, but also uses the power of the feet on the ground, the rotation of the waist, the twisting of the shoulders, and the joints of the arms and wrists, and gathers all the power to hit the fist. , thus delivering a blow that is unimaginable to ordinary people. And if necessary, it is not impossible to use parts other than the arms to generate strength - this is the so-called "inch strength".

If this continues, the trees supporting the silver thread will collapse sooner or later, and Mine Kirei will break free, and those freed hands will surely strangle the enemy without mercy.

But both Irisviel and Kuu Maiya have lost the ability to move and cannot stop the impact of this agent.

"As expected, you should have listened to Sakutsu and Saber..." Irisviel gritted her teeth and showed a bitter smile of a defeated person.

At this moment, a leisurely voice belonging to someone other than the three people sounded:

"That's right, even though I'm still young, you'll still suffer if you don't listen to me, madam."

This sound is!

Kotomine Kirei's pupils shrank suddenly, and the sound of bombardment on the tree trunk stopped abruptly, and he immediately became more violent. With the mournful sound of the tree trunk, the agent who had released the restraints tore off the silver wire in his hand at an extremely fast speed. , took out the black key and shot towards Irisviel who was out of strength.

"Madam!" Kuu Maiya let out a desperate cry, a cry that she had never made even when she was seriously injured.

"Oh, it's so dangerous."

It was still the same lazy tone, but two arcs of light, one black and one white, cut through the night, and struck the black key that was heading towards Irisviel with great force, knocking down the thrown object.

Looking closely, what saved Irisviel at the critical moment were two familiar double swords - at least for Kotomine Kirei, such weapons were truly unforgettable.

The cold eyes lacking all expressions finally loosened up. The agent's eyes swept around, and finally lifted up, firmly fixed on the branches of a certain tree.

White hair, golden eyes.

The bright moonlight outlines the young man's decent kimono and the half-smiling expression on his face.

The can in his hand reflected cold light. The drink inside had been drunk and he threw it into the imaginary space.

"...Shuoyue." He spat out the name with some difficulty. The agent who had previously been one against two calmly took a step back and prepared to retreat.

But suddenly the sky was filled with fluorescent light, and the light of the earth's veins rose from bottom to top, turning into an unshakable magic barrier, enclosing an endless arena in the Einzbern Forest.

He has no way out.

"You want to leave now? Don't you want to stay a little longer?"

The young man who looked like a vagabond fell from the air neatly, ignoring the tension in his body, and helped Irisviel, who had exhausted his magic power, to stand up with a wicked smile on his face:

"What did I say? Madam?"

"I know, it's my fault." Irisviel blushed and admitted her mistake, then said quickly, "Go and save Maiya, I'll be fine."

"Hi hi."

After simply treating it with healing magic, Irisviel helped Kuu Maiya to the side, and Sakatsuki, who fell from the sky, finally stood in front of the target of his trip, Kotomine Kirei.

"Long wait, Kotomine Kirei."

"Why...are you here?" Rather than being unwilling to die, Kotomine Kirei was filled with deep doubts.

Why was his action seen through again (former Servant Baimian: OMO)!

Did this guy put a GPS locator on him?

"Hey, didn't you know?" Shuo Yue pretended to be surprised, then flipped her hair handsomely.

"The protagonist always appears at the end."

"Pfft." Irisviel snickered.

However, Kotomine Kirei did not smile, because the undisguised sense of oppression on Sakusuki's body was a very clear reminder of the determination of the person in front of him to kill.

The so-called protagonists appear at the end does not mean that they are late, but because once they appear, it means the end of the crisis and the end of the disaster.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being." With that said, Shuo Yue slowly made a starting gesture.

"This is..." Kotomine Kirei, who has practiced martial arts since childhood, changed his expression slightly.

"I don't know how to use other magic, come on!" With that said, the golden-eyed young man walked towards Kotomine Kirei with steady steps.

"Let's compete in Bajiquan!"

If you want to watch the famous scene of Mapo fucking a tree, the plot of the original work is necessary. I have also tried my best to make modifications and additions to the original work. I hope you can have a new reading experience.

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