My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 76 Einzbern Castle and the Bomb Crisis

Scoop up the last bit of oil and water, stuff it into your mouth, and finally put down the spoon.

The entire plate of bright red special Mapo Tofu has disappeared, leaving only a white porcelain plate that is as clean as new.

"This is the first time I've seen you like this, Kirei." Archer was lying on the sofa nearby, smiling lazily.

He was the only one who witnessed the unbridled gluttony that happened a few minutes ago.

After confirming through various means that this was just a normal plate of Mapo Tofu, Kotomine Kirei tried to take a bite, and then——he looked like this now.

I don't know whether it is due to sensory bias or some other reason, but Kotomine Kirei's sense of taste is not sensitive. He can only detect the delicious taste of food when it is extremely spicy, which is similar to the stimulation of pain.

For him, this plate of Mapo Tofu is already a rare delicacy.

But... the fact that this dish came from Sakutsu, even Kotomine Kirei, who was used to seeing all kinds of things in the world, found it very strange.

The person who wanted to kill you not only didn't say harsh words, but even treated you to delicious food?

what is this? Sufficient food?

Or should we say... a declaration of war?

"Sure enough, you guys have the same idea. It's interesting." Gilgamesh saw through Kotomine Kirei's thoughts at a glance, and his snake-like pupils narrowed with interest, "Why don't you think that Sakuzuki wants to be with you?" reconciliation?"

"There must be a limit to joking, King of Heroes. Kotomine Kirei calmly wiped the corners of his mouth and asserted, "From the moment he chased me, no, as early as a year ago, I understood that he was real. Wants to kill me, but doesn't know why. "

"That's because he noticed your true nature, Kirei." The graceful Wang held up his wine glass and looked down at Kotomine Kirei's depressed expression. "That cook judged that your future actions will have an impact on him. , so instead of letting you move freely, it would be better to kill you in advance before you commit a crime."

Kotomine Kirei did not answer immediately. He was attracted by a word that Gilgamesh blurted out.

"You mean...'commit a crime'?"

"Oh, did you hear something? I didn't say anything, didn't I?" Like a child who tore off a few worksheets because he thought there were too many questions, what Gilgamesh presented to Kotomine Kirei was, It's that smile.

Realizing that he couldn't get any more information from Archer, Kotomine Kirei stood up and walked out without saying a word.

"Where are you going, Kirei?"

"I'm just moving freely. I don't need you to follow me, King of Heroes."

After saying something sarcastically, Kotomine Kirei put on a special robe, put on dozens of black keys, and looked through the church wall to somewhere in Fuyuki City.

Although Tokiomi Tosaka didn't say anything, since Kirei Kotomine lost Assassin, he did reduce his communication with his apprentice, but this also gave Kirei Kotomine more opportunities to act.

According to the information Assassin investigated "before his death", the Einzbern family's base should be in the deep mountain forest near the national highway.

Although Kotomine Kirei firmly believes that he can find the answer he wants in the sword battle, Sakuzuki's several attacks have proven that his murderous intention towards Kotomine Kirei is unshakable. If he appears rashly, he will only be killed by that The young man with golden eyes killed this easily.

Then, the only remaining candidate is the magician killer, Emiya Kiritsugu.

What answer can he give me?

With the simplest desire for knowledge, the depressed-looking man stepped forward and started tonight's action.

Behind him, the golden king showed a mysterious smile.

He who is as yet unaware of the joy of his own nature;

The savior who kills his inner savior for the sake of his desire;

A truly loving person who will only follow the laws of his heart.

For Hero King Gilgamesh, Kirei Kotomine, Kiritsugu Emiya and Sakutsu are his greatest pleasure in this Holy Grail War, especially the various accidents caused by the collision between them. , I will definitely give him a play that is more interesting than the best dramas.

Amid unbridled laughter, the empty wine glass fell onto the soft carpet, and the king who once used it was gone.



Fuyuki City is more than 30 kilometers away in a straight line to the west. A national highway cuts across the mountainous area far from human habitation from east to west. On both sides of the road is a lush green forest, which seems to have been forgotten by the overwhelming residential development boom.

It is rumored that there is a "Dream City" in the deepest part of this forest. Only a very small number of magicians know that this castle actually exists.

This is a magic city that welcomes its master every sixty years and becomes a wartime base.

This castle is an alien space protected by layers of illusions and magic barriers. It is absolutely impossible to be discovered by the outside world except under very accidental circumstances. Those who know the true origin of this castle call this deep forest the "Einzbern Forest".

When the Holy Grail War began in the land of Fuyuki, the eldest son of the Einzbern family, Ahadon, did not bother to set up a stronghold on the territory of his rival Tosaka family, so he resorted to financial resources to seize the entire spiritual land closest to Fuyuki. Bought it and used it as Einzbern's base.

It was the night before the Third Holy Grail War, and the world was facing the arrival of World War II. It was an era full of tension. Legend has it that Einzbern used the entire forest as a barrier and rebuilt a secondary city there from Einzbern. This gives a glimpse into their family’s amazing financial resources and persistence.

The most ironic thing is that the Tohsaka family is busy working as an intermediary when purchasing land or doing hidden work in the local area.

At this time, the war participant living in this castle, Emiya Kiritsugu, was waking up from his corpse-like slumber.

Mental dismantling and maintenance (Fieldstripping) - this is the sleep method performed by Emiya Kiritsugu. It uses self-hypnosis spells to break down consciousness, and uses strong medicine to eliminate fatigue along with the field of consciousness.

This spell is not very difficult in terms of self-hypnosis, but even if it is temporary, most people are still unwilling to cut their consciousness into meaningless pieces, and few people will do so voluntarily. However, Kiritsugu simply believed that this was the best way to hibernate from the perspective of efficiency, so he often used this magic.

Dreamless sleep was only a moment in terms of senses. After three hours of mental maintenance, Emiya Kiritsugu opened his eyes and regained his rationality in a very short period of time. He stood up slightly and subconsciously scanned his safe place.

Almost instantly, his expression froze and his body tensed up, not daring to move.

While he was sleeping, someone bypassed the vigilance of others and even the Servant Saber and sneaked into his safe place.

The small traps laid out have been moved, and some places have a few deep shadows under the bloody sunset.

That look, that outline—

It's a bomb.

Please follow up and read. Please turn to the last page so that you can have follow-up reading data. Please! (My king is cute.jpg)

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