My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 63 The confrontation between the agent and the killer

That was the abnormality that Kuu Maiya noticed when the Hyatt Hotel collapsed.

It's not a sign of smell or sound, but a more abstract change in breath. Only a warrior's intuition honed through life and death can truly feel this aura.

And a good killer will never ignore such warning signs.

Concentrating like a razor blade, she pulled out the nine-millimeter Glock pistol from the holster at her waist while searching the surrounding area.

Someone found her——

"You have very keen senses, woman."

A low and cold male voice came from behind. The voice echoed in the steel pillars surrounding it, and it was impossible to tell where it came from.

Something drew a slow parabola from the shadow of the steel pillar and landed at Maiya's feet.

Maiya quickly pointed the gun at the thrown object. When she saw that it was not a dangerous object, she turned back to the location of the thrower.

But out of the corner of her eye, she caught the thing that fell at her feet because she knew what it was.

It was the corpse of a bat, with a CCD camera strapped to its abdomen. This is the familiar that Maiya released. He has lost news since he was sent to standby near Fuyuki Church.

If this bat corpse can be thrown to her, then the identity of this person is of course self-evident. The other party didn't seem to be hiding, and walked out of the hiding place calmly, standing in front of Maiya's sight and gun.

It was a tall man with a depressed face and an indescribable sense of oppression all over his body. The pitch-black monk's robes were like the black shadow on the ground turning into a three-dimensional form, and seemed to wrap up all the darkness around him.

Maiya was no stranger to that person.

"Kotomine, Kirei..."

That Kiritsugu was the most guarded and the most dangerous Master.

As for Sakutsu, Maiya has automatically classified her as a servant.

"Oh? This must be the first time you and I have met. Is there any reason why you know me? Then I probably know your origins." The man responded.

Maiya found herself murmuring accidentally and was speechless in her heart.

Kirei showed no fear of Maiya's gun and continued calmly. "If that's the case, you should know something else. You know that this is an excellent location to monitor the 32nd floor of the Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel, and you also know who lives in that hotel."

Maiya was silent this time, but she was thinking about why Kotomine Kirei, the Master who had been hiding so secretly before, would appear here so brazenly.

On the other hand, Kirei turned his head slightly towards the outside of the building, glanced at the location of the Hyatt Regency Hotel, which had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a cloud of dust and smoke, and sighed in surprise.

"I didn't expect you to blow up the whole building together. Such an unscrupulous person does not look like a magician. Or should I say, he is very good at targeting magicians' weaknesses?"

Maiya was shocked, realizing that this man actually knew the information about Emiya Kiritsugu, just like Kiritsugu knew about Kotomine Kirei.

"Don't leave me alone, woman. Just answer one question - Where is the man who was supposed to come in your place?"

Hearing his question, Maiya stopped making any assumptions about Kotomine Kirei.

Do nothing but kill this man.

Turn on the safety and pull the trigger.

The rapid-fire gunfire was uninterrupted, with three consecutive roars.

The nine-millimeter caliber is called a military bullet. Although it has enough lethality, it is not sufficient, so shooting three times in the abdomen is common sense among professionals. Instead of aiming at a small area of ​​fatal vitals, it is better to attack a large area and easier to target to seriously injure the opponent. This is the ironclad rule of murderous shooting technique.

But what the bullet hit was not the internal organs under the monastic clothes, but the hard concrete ground.

Kirei's dodging movements were incredibly fast, but it was impossible for a human's body to be faster than a supersonic bullet. What Kotomine Kirei did was just one step faster than Maiya's thinking speed - that is, he pre-read his opponent's movements.

He could tell the aiming point from Maiya's line of sight, and judge the timing of shooting from her tense limbs to prevent the recoil of the gun, and use this to dodge the bullet.

Whether it is the real world or the mysterious world, this is an ability beyond ordinary people.

Not only that - the person who turned over and hid at that moment was not Kirei but Maiya.

Her free right hand was covered in sticky blood, and the Glock pistol that was supposed to be in her hand fell to the ground with a hollow sound.

Her eyes full of surprise stared at a cold sword light inserted into the steel pillar that was just behind her. It was this sharp throwing object that silently injured her right hand and knocked off her right hand. arms.

That is, a thin blade with a blade length of more than one meter. Although it is reminiscent of a Western sword. But by sword standards, the hilt is too short.

This is a special throwing weapon used by the agents of the Templar Church, called the "Black Key". The man in the robe shot out the sword while dodging the muzzle projectiles.

As one of the basic anti-heresy equipment of the Templar Church's agents, the Black Key is naturally very powerful, but relatively difficult to use. Those who can skillfully use its power must be experts with quite superb skills. Kotomine Kirei, who has been practicing self-abuse since childhood, is impeccable in this aspect. Even the "Burial Agency" where monsters gather as the church's final force may not necessarily be able to surpass him in the use of the black keys.

The Holy Church, the Vicar.

Only in this confrontation between the rising rabbit and the falling falcon can the terrifying aspect of Kotomine Kirei be highlighted.

Kuu Maiya, who had experienced life and death on the battlefield, was skilled in skills, ruthless in killing, and almost perfect in all aspects, was injured, disarmed, and lost her combat ability at the moment of the conflict. She had no resistance at all in front of Kotomine Kirei. It might only take a few tens of seconds to be captured alive by Kotomine Kirei, with no way to escape or even a chance to commit suicide. The gap in combat effectiveness is so huge that it is despairing.

If Kotomine Kirei didn't have the intention of killing her, but wanted to capture her alive, the person named "Kuu Maiya" might have been a corpse lying on the ground by now.

"What's wrong, Maiya? What happened?"

An urgent question came from the earphones. Kuu Maiya's ears twitched slightly, but she did not answer.

It's not that she can't, but she doesn't want to. She doesn't want this dangerous man to get close to Emiya Kiritsugu. The real target of this terrifying agent is not Maiya, but Kiritsugu. Just as Kirei expected, she was Kiritsugu's subordinate and acted according to Kiritsugu's instructions. She absolutely couldn't let Kotomine Kirei get the evidence right here and now.

"What? Aren't you asking for support? Emiya Kiritsugu should be nearby, right?" Kirei had already said that name bluntly. He was also convinced that if Emiya Kiritsugu, whom Einzbern recruited, was involved in this Holy Grail War, he would definitely take action tonight.

But this woman remained silent, and Kotomine Kirei, who was acting privately, was gradually losing his patience.

She cannot be killed, she must be captured alive. But it is enough as long as she can still speak, there is no need to keep her hands and feet.

Kirei made a cold judgment in his heart and approached the woman hiding behind the steel pillar step by step. The opponent should have no weapons. The disassembled automatic rifle cannot be reassembled immediately, and there is no time for her to run to pick up the dropped pistol.

The outcome is decided.

But at this moment, a white curtain suddenly rushed between him and the prey in front of him, completely covering his sight. The irritating smell of the chemical reaction rushes straight into the nose.

"Smoke screen!?"

Ahem, I have consulted the editor. In order to get full recommendation, this book will be updated once a day from now on. Updates will be resumed after it is put on the shelves. I hope everyone knows.

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