My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 527 First meeting, I am Shuo Yue

"Hey, Shuo Yue...?" In the shower room, Astolfo had already taken off his clothes in a smart way. He didn't panic when Shuo Yue came in. He even stood there openly like this, "You want to be with me too?" Together... Uh-huh.

Shuo Yue covered his mouth expressionlessly: "I'm just hiding from people, don't think too much...and what's the matter with that 'also'?"

"Uh-huh, uh-huh (it's Roland, he likes to take a bath together)."

"If you can, please don't compare me to that perverted and naked man."

"Uh-huh (so much!)"

In order to prevent Ah Fu from shouting and attracting attention from outside, Shuo Yue turned on the shower head. Outside the bathroom door, Zig had already welcomed Joan in. As soon as she entered the door, Joan handed over the two bags in her hands. .

"Sieg, these are the materials that the magician Gold asked me to bring to you. What are they called... black animal fat and elf root? They are said to be tonight's homework." After a pause, Joan of Arc said curiously, " Homework? Could it be that Sieg was also assigned homework?"

"Yes, I am learning from Lord Gold. I hope to learn the skills of artificial humans from him... This is also the key to making artificial humans completely independent." Sieg took the materials brought by Joan of Arc and unlocked them. The materials inside the bags are the same as those in the game. They are all very rare and precious props. They look like two small bags, but they are enough to rent a house on Phillimore Garden Street in London for a year.

But Joan of Arc didn't care about the value. After satisfying her curiosity, she shook her hand. The lingering smell made the saint frown: "It stinks... What should I do?"

"Maybe it's because of the black animal fat. It's a magic material after all, but just rinse it with water." Sieg explained, so Jeanne nodded and walked towards the shower room.

"In that case, Sieg, please borrow the bathroom for a little while."


Only then did Sieg realize that he seemed to have done something wrong. Since the teacher hid when Joan of Arc came, he must not have wanted to meet her, but now, the saint was hiding towards the teacher. Go to the room——

The sound of running water in the bathroom obviously also affected Shuo Yue's perception of the outside world. In other words, he was busy dealing with Astolfo, whose rationality had evaporated, and he never thought that his beloved disciple would stab him in the back.

"Well, please wait!"

It was really difficult for the android girl to make up excuses in a hurry. Under Jeanne's puzzled eyes, Sieg hesitated for a long time and finally came up with an excuse:

"Rider is in the bathroom right you mind?"

"Ah, no problem. After all, Rider isn't the kind of person who would be shy about something of this magnitude."

Is this the problem?

Sieg opened his mouth in disbelief, feeling that his understanding of the Holy Lady had been refreshed. Joan of Arc regarded her silence as acquiescence, so she turned around and turned the bathroom door handle. Sieg tried to stop him again. It's too late.

As a result, the speed of life and death unfolded in an instant.

The first second - Shuo Yue heard the sound, turned around like lightning, and pressed the naked Ah Fu into the bathtub.

The second second - Ah Fu, who was choking on water, struggled desperately and grabbed the assassin's black robe, using his D-level muscle strength.

The third second - the sound of the robe being pulled off and the underwear being torn was hidden in the sound of water and the sound of the door opening.

The fourth second - Joan of Arc pushed open the door and entered. In the hazy mist, she caught a glimpse of the topless young man and the slender and delicate 'girl' beneath him.

The amethyst-like pupils shrank, and even the dual-core processor's brain lost its response due to the excessive amount of information. He could only watch as Shuo Yue murdered Ah Fu in the bathroom with a knife, and then projected the new clothes. He put on his pants, turned around, expressionless.

"What are you doing here?"

Behind Shuo Yue, a trembling arm emerged from the bathtub. After shaking for a few times, it fell to the edge of the bathtub with a clatter, as if to accuse someone of the evil behavior of lifting up his pants and not admitting to the crime.

Seeing that Joan of Arc had not come back to her senses, Shuo Yue thought for a moment, suddenly raised a devilish smile on her lips, took a step forward, lifted her chin, cheek to cheek, eyes to eyes:

"I've seen yours, and now you've seen's even, isn't it?"

The low and magnetic voice echoed in her ears, and Joan of Arc completely lost her mind. The girl's instinct made her take a deep breath, and then released a scream that could break the glass:



"Ah hahaha, it's really an interesting development, I'm very satisfied!"

In the red sky garden, Shakespeare laughed heartily, but Shuoyue ignored his exaggerated actions and brought the artificial people borrowed from Duer and the mind-controlled death row prisoners into the study.

"So, you didn't say anything to Ruler in the end?" Atalanta lay on the back of the chair, her animal ears swaying slightly, "There will be a decisive battle tomorrow."

"It's today, Atalanta." Shuo Yue responded softly, "Zero o'clock has passed, and Black's plane group has been prepared. I think they will all come out in a few hours. Of course, I will Complete the final experiments before then and send you back."

Atalanta stood up, pressed close to Shuo Yue's back, and hugged his waist: "Don't try to change the subject. Cats are very sensitive. If you can't answer... hum."

Sensing the pain in her waist, Shuo Yue couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's better to spare me, what's the point of talking about that kind of thing."

"I'm very curious. After all, that saint seems to be incompatible with you." Atalanta smiled, "You, Shuo Yue, are the ones secretly manipulating this Holy Grail War. As for her, Joan of Arc, Although the saints who judged this war have similar scents, judging from their actions, they are completely opposite, not to mention——"

With a long tone, Atalanta poked her head out from behind and looked sideways at Shuo Yue's expression: "If my love is straightforward and merciless, then what does the love of Joan of Arc look like? ? In other words, what on earth did you have a premonition about, so you avoided the saint over and over again, unwilling to give her a chance to communicate... Hmm."

Looking at Shuoyue who had taken away her lips, Atalanta's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, but soon this feeling turned into helplessness. Because she knew that she must be right, Shuo Yue refused her to continue speaking.

But, yes, the young man in front of him is so sensible that he is indifferent, but he is definitely not a person who does not understand emotions. Since it is the method he chose personally, it must have been carefully considered and does not need anyone else's comment.

What he has to do is to accompany him silently through the final journey of this fantasy.

Unlike Artoria, who came in her true form, for the heroic spirits on the recording tape, what was summoned was just their phantom. Even if the memory is recovered, the experience in the real world is just a movie played at eight times speed. Once emotional will be weakened and love will become thinner.

Perhaps it is for this reason that heroes become more bold, go on adventures they have never had before, and pursue the love they could not get in their previous lives.

After a long time, their lips parted, Shuo Yue caressed Atalanta's hair wordlessly, and then swung a sharp knife at the melon-eater Shakespeare: "Are you ready?"

"Oh, oh! Of course, although I am good at being passive and slow at work, this is the only thing that even I can't wait for!"

As if he felt the threat of "Do you want to die?", Shakespeare quickly showed his love for books and shouted loudly: "Well, let's begin, as I said in the poem - 'After his death, Broken into stars all over the sky, he will illuminate the beauty of heaven. From now on, human beings will fall in love with the night and no longer worship the bright sun'!"

"...There's so much nonsense." Shuo Yue muttered, then snapped his fingers, and the light and shadow changed instantly. Everyone, including the androids and the condemned prisoners, appeared at the foot of the golden Great Holy Grail. In front of them, wearing fake Avisbron was as silent as a demon in front of him. It wasn't until Shuo Yue looked at him that he spoke forcefully:

"I have used the power of the original Adam to arrange the field, and you have enough time to use the Great Holy Grail."

"Thank you very much, Black Caster." Shuo Yue nodded coldly, and then looked at Shakespeare, his body lit up with platinum light again, and the great writer handed over the 'original volume' without any trace of it. He gave it to Shuo Yue without hesitation, integrating it with the miracle of the third method.

Under the mysterious power, the golden glow flowing on the Great Holy Grail began to resonate. In the misty light, it seemed as if the call of time and space came from the far side. The book in the assassin's hand seemed to have sight, and he scanned it one by one. The artificial beings, humans and servants who were the subjects of the experiment, after precise calculations and derivation, came up with a satisfactory answer.

"can do."

"Oh, really, really! The world is about to be destroyed, and it will eventually be reborn, right?" Shakespeare became excited instantly, and he opened his arms excitedly, like a believer bathing in the grace of God, but suddenly His expression darkened again and his voice became hoarse:

"But are you ready, my Master? In front of you are the steep cliffs and the biting mountain wind. Once you fall into it, you will never have the chance to regret it?"

What does this sentence mean...? !

Atalanta, who had no idea but was called to help, was slightly startled. She suddenly looked up at Shuo Yue, only to find that the young man was also looking at her with a faint smile.

"Although it's very cliché, it's great to meet you, Atalanta. Don't worry, this is not a farewell, it's just my gratitude to you as 'me'——"

The next moment, the overwhelming white-gold light flooded everything. When Atalanta and Shakespeare were stabbed and shed tears, the ancient book arrived on the other side of fate. The young man let go of Shakespeare's precious phantom and caught his own. 'Miracle'.

The pages of the book turned, and the mystery blended into the young man's chest. The assassin closed his eyes, and there was a sun rising slowly deep in his soul, hanging above the azure sea, reflecting the brilliant rays of the rainbow.

The long night is over and dawn has arrived.

【Assassin·Shuoyue, logged in】

【Welcome back】

"Well, I'm back." The young man showed a relaxed smile. In front of the two confused servants, he stretched out and winked at them playfully.

"Good morning, everyone, it's a wonderful day~"

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