My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 507 Detective Victoria appears for a limited time

It was a city that felt particularly cold and shrouded in thick smog. There was a strong stench coming from all around.

It was the smell of meat, organs, and vomit...

This was not Tolifas—the buildings were constructed entirely differently, and there were people walking on the streets. Although the haze contains a pungent smell, it is not painful.

I walked forward, but there was no solid feeling of my feet stepping on the ground. It was as dangerous and unsteady as stepping on a nylon plastic bag.

It's a hallucination, and it's at the center of a nightmare.

After realizing this, the young man got rid of the murmurs in his ears, and his bizarre vision stabilized. A sharp pain came from his arm, with the smell of burning flesh and blood.

As the center of the outbreak of resentment, Shuo Yue was the most profoundly affected, but with the blessing of the third method, he was also the fastest to wake up.

A biting cold wind blew past him, and the crumpled newspaper flew up lightly, and was caught by Shuo Yue.

【THE NIGHTMARE GOES ON】(The nightmare never ends)

【‘JACK THE RIPPER’】(Jack the Ripper)

The newspaper described the horror in bold and bold letters, and the pungent smell of ink rushed into the ears and nose.

Jack the Ripper, a terrifying legend from Whitechapel, London, appeared briefly in the 19th century, and then floated in popular culture like a ghost for a long time.

Rolling the newspaper into a stick shape, Sakuyue tapped the palms of his hands, narrowed his eyes and looked around——

Young children gathered together, their tattered clothes unable to cover their injuries; a bloated drunkard lay on the telephone pole, casting a sly look at the young man like a wolf; a woman with heavy makeup stood at the door, using her empty words Smile, seducing dirty customers...

The chimneys in the distance tower into the sky, spewing the poison of the Industrial Revolution, and the fog scatters on the streets, nourishing the unknown shadows and sins.

"Oh, this is such a real world, my friend."

The young man's sneer seemed to be magical, forcing back the eyes that were spying on him. Then, the hazy magic light lit up. When the people around looked around in surprise, they saw a brand-new British gentleman walking out.

Dark suit, white shirt, narrow bow tie, Erster coat, black leather gloves, and the iconic top hat and civilized stick.

If he had another pipe in his mouth and the sharp eyes of the young man, the great detective would have transcended thousands of years and stood on the streets of the Victorian era in England again, perfectly blending into the dark city.

Satisfied her little cosplay desire, Shuo Yue nodded to the people around her, then stepped forward gracefully, and began to search slowly but really quickly.

Different from the original work, this time little Jack is forced to get involved, and there is still hope of rescue.

"Artoria may not be present. Avalon will not be able to hold on for long without the support of his magic power. If little Jack is eroded by resentment again and gets lost in the illusion, he will never be able to be saved."

The dim yellow streetlights swayed, and the gentleman was walking on the thick foggy streets. He heard the cries of children, the beatings and scoldings of drunkards, and some unclear and ambiguous sounds around him, but he was all left behind, but suddenly , his steps paused.

A girl wearing shabby clothes with scars and bloodstains on her legs stood at the crossroads of the street, facing this elegant gentleman and extending her hand to him.

"Please don't leave me..."

The young child's plea was too much to refuse, so the gentleman walked up to the girl, squatted down, and took her hand.

Is it because you have permission? The girl stretched out her other cold arm and wrapped it around the gentleman's neck like a snake.

"Please warm me..."

"Why? Why does everyone bully me?"

"so cold……"

"I obviously want to be saved, but why is no one willing to save me?"

"I really want to be together..."

"I want to go back to my mother's belly."

Those illusory murmurs and crazy obsession once again enveloped the gentleman. Under the mental pollution that could make ordinary people crazy, Shuo Yue's mouth curved slightly.

"Scoff, laugh, laugh."

"This is the lowest level of the world, the end of Naraku. Whitechapel, the foggy capital of London, the great human waste dump. Once you fall into it, you will never be able to climb out of the spider's nest."

This voice did not come from a little innocent soul, but from the mouth of the handsome gentleman captured by the girl.

There was no hatred or resistance in the voice, and the joy and ridicule hidden in the tone made the girl as a resentful spirit widen her eyes in disbelief. At this moment, Shuo Yue raised her head, her rainbow blue eyes Hitomi stood upright to face the girl.

"So this is hell, the capital of evil inhabited by inhuman beasts."

"You know, I don't like it here, but I also enjoy it."

The girl was frightened and wanted to pull away her hand, but Shuo Yue caught her with her backhand. The civilized stick in her left hand was pressed against the neck of the wraith to prevent her from escaping. There was a sense of humor unique to the British gentleman in her words.

"In a city full of evil, I don't have to be bound by anyone or anything. For me, this sense of freedom is the greatest reward."

"In return, child, accept my prayer. Even though I look like this, I actually have a household registration in the Holy Church."

Ahhhhh--the girl's resentful spirit let out a shrill scream, and the street lights on the street began to flicker at a high frequency. Every time it went out and came back on, new resentment would attach to the child, and it would cast an empty look at the gentleman. look.

"Are you here?" Shuo Yue looked around, looking ghostly, so he laughed from the bottom of his heart, but that smile frightened all the resentful spirits.

"Then let's get started."

The girl in her arms still wanted to struggle, but this time, a hand held her head.


The moment these words were spoken, the light of purification lit up the fog in London, and the resentful spirits screamed in despair, only to find themselves locked by rainbow-blue eyes.

"[As I destroy, I also create life. As I harm, I also help.]"

Wails sounded, and the hands and feet began to struggle.

However, the gentleman's hand tightly grasped the resentful spirit's face as if it had the strength of ten thousand people.

"[Those who can't be overcome are in the palm of my hand; those who can't escape are in my eyes, which will destroy them.]"

The merciful Lord cast a distant glance towards hell, and amid the prayers of believers, the collapse began.


Innocent people, innocent children, pure crystalline beings.

The field of vision was distorted and the scene switched in an instant. Lingxia, the sixth director, found that she had lost the connection with little Jack, so the mother lost her due calmness and shouted her daughter's name on the unfamiliar street.

"Jack—little Jack—"

Just like a fool who actively ran towards the curse, Lingxia naturally attracted the attention of the world.

So, the sixth director Lingxia saw it with her own eyes.

She saw a scene in which a young girl was raped by a thick, hairy man in order to get the day's food. She also saw a scene in which a boy beat the girl to the ground with a stick in order to take away her bread. She even saw the boy being viciously raped. The adults took away the bread they had been trying so hard to grab, and finally the bread fell into the hands of someone inexplicable.

As a street came to an end, as vehicles ran over it, the bread flew high into the air and fell to Lingxia's feet with a clatter. When she bent down to pick up the bread, the magic circuit belonging to the Osare clan sounded an alarm.

"Stay with us."

There was a child behind him hugging Lingxia, as if he was facing his mother's attachment.

This is a wraith.

It was the crisis that Mr. Shuo Yue emphasized to her countless times.

He is hopelessly dead.

They must be cleared.

Sixth Director Lingxia knew this very well. She spoke softly:


This was an absolutely wrong decision, but there was no wavering on the woman's face. The moment she got permission, there was a light movement behind her, and the resentful spirit turned into a dark substance and penetrated into Lingxia's body, and was absorbed by the black magician's circuit.

The card screamed and cracked. Even a family famous for black magic could not let the untreated resentful spirit merge with the most important circuit.

But as a mother, Lingxia can't give up any part of 'Little Jack'. Her love will accept all the good and bad qualities of that girl.

To Lingxia, Jack is equivalent to her daughter. Therefore, as long as it is for the sake of her children, the mother is willing to become the evil ghost Yaksha.

Resentment collided with the spirit of ordinary people, and blood dripped from the corners of Lingxia's eyes, but her footsteps did not stop. Looking around, the children were walking towards her as if they were attracted. Facing them, the woman smiled and opened her arms:

"Come, my children."

Is the world crazy, or is she crazy?

One after another black shadows crashed into her body, and the cracks in the card became deeper and deeper, but Lingxia was unaware of it. Even though blood flowed from her seven orifices, she still stumbled forward.

"Where are you, little Jack..."

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