My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 46 Assassin died again!

above the building

"The sniper failed. ⃝ⓒⓞⓜ"

After the shot was blocked by the sword, Emiya Kiritsugu knew that the plan to assassinate the Rider Master had failed.

After all, the whole point of assassination is to take things by surprise. Once discovered, it wouldn't be called an assassination.

Humph, no one would think that carrying a big sword and slashing anyone on sight can be considered an assassination, right? That was really laughable.

As for Maiya's attack after that, it was nothing more than an experiment to confirm the effect of the magic bullet. It would be a surprise if it could really kill Rider's master.

Disassembling the gun at an extremely fast speed, Emiya Kiritsugu looked cold and planned to evacuate the place before Rider could react.

Warning signs honed through life and death rose.

Ignoring the expensive parts, Emiya Kiritsugu threw the things in his hands, opened the magic circuit, and performed the only specialized magic he knew as quickly as possible.

"Time alter, double accel!" (Inherent time control·double speed)

While ensuring that his combat power was maintained, the magic that squeezed his body was activated, and the inherent barrier in his body opened, causing Emiya Kiritsugu to turn around and jump back at a speed close to that of a servant, avoiding a flash of cold light like running water.

The black windbreaker opened its wings like a big bird, and then the wings were cut off and scattered in the wind.

"Huh...huh..." The ruptured blood vessels caused by the magic gave Emiya Kiritsugu the smell of blood in every breath. He squinted slightly, looked at the person standing in front of him, and slowly retracted his shorts. The heroic spirit of the dagger's shadow. ╰╮


The being in front of him was wearing a skull mask and a coarse black robe. Who was it but Assassin who was killed in full view of the public?

But now, the servant who had resurrected from death raised his murderous weapon towards him.

The murderous intention from the heroic spirit, the resistance to one's own death, the fear of the assassin who died and was resurrected several times... If it were anyone else, he must have collapsed under this unbearable pressure, right?

However, Emiya Kiritsugu is not this kind of person. In battle, he will only analyze and process information calmly like a machine, and find ways to defeat or kill the enemy.

It was precisely for this reason that when Assassin appeared for the third time, he immediately overturned his original judgment and came to the conclusion:

"...So it turns out that it's not that he escaped with his life in front of Tokiomi Tokiomi's mansion, but that he actually died twice, but exists in plural form?"

If Sakusuki were present, he would definitely tell Papa Kiritsugu with a smile:

Congratulations, you got it.

In the Fourth Holy Grail War, Assassin was summoned by Father Kotomine Kirei, whose real name was [Hasan Hassan], and her (his?) only Noble Phantasm, Zabaniya, allowed him to The reason for the elusive appearance.

Delusions (Zabaniya)

Grade: B+

Multiple souls exist in a single body. After dispersing one's own soul, one can exist in the physical world as multiple heroic spirits, splitting into up to 80 people, with the possibility of unconsciously expressing oneself.

In layman's terms, this skill is called schizophrenia. It can cause the multifaceted Hassan to split into eighty individuals, which are then scattered throughout Fuyuki City, monitoring every move of other combatants like a human camera. And because of Assassin's employment agency, The unique skill "Aura Interception" makes Hassan's surveillance almost undetectable (Zhuge Kongming:?).

Regardless of combat power, Hassan's functionality is crucial in the Holy Grail War, which focuses on intelligence warfare. In the original work, the blackened Kotomine Kirei relied on the information brought by Assassin to steal the Little Holy Grail Irisviel in just a few days, drive a wedge between Rider and Saber, drive Matou Kariya crazy, and almost steal the The Holy Grail War was won.

Moreover, Assassin's so-called low combat power is only the result of horizontal comparison with servants of other professions.

In the face of ordinary magicians, even the weakest servants can easily tear them into pieces.

New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Like, right now.

"Whoa." A subtle sound of breaking wind sounded, and a stone that could be seen everywhere on the ground flew out, shattering the pistol that Emiya Kiritsugu had just taken out of his pocket.

The force of the gun's recoil caused Kiritsugu's jaw to crack. However, the man's expression did not change at all. Instead, with the blessing of inherent temporal control, he distanced himself and threw a grenade at Assassin.

"Nothing can hurt me." Hassan said nonchalantly. He took out a stone and blew up the incoming grenade in advance.

However, Kiritsugu already knew that ordinary weapons could not hurt Servants, so how could he be careless about such a thing?

Could it be that the purpose of throwing objects is just to cause damage?

The smoke from the explosion rose up, briefly covering all sight lines on the roof. Before the smoke was blown away by the wind, Emiya Kiritsugu shook his tattered windbreaker and threw all the throwing objects he brought nearby to confuse Assassin's sight. Then he jumped up and fell straight down the stairs.

The wind howled, and when he was only ten meters above the ground, Emiya Kiritsugu gritted his teeth and said silently in his heart:

"Time alter, triple accel!" (Inherent time control, triple speed!)

The barrier in the body opened again, just like the only man "Emiya Kiritsugu" on the timeline moved at three times the speed. When he fell into the sight of others, a figure fell from the sky, and then disappeared suddenly.

Even if the heroic spirits are human beings, they will habitually think that Emiya Kiritsugu used magic and jumped off the building to escape.

Who could have known that the window on the third floor had been briefly opened and closed, and that the famous magician killer was already lying in a secret room covered with soundproof layers?

"Cough cough cough..." With an inaudible cough, Emiya Kiritsugu swallowed the blood that rushed to his mouth, endured the severe pain in his limbs, took out the first aid kit, and began to give himself emergency treatment.

Of course, the back-up plan he had arranged was more than that. He had also left traces near the building early. If Assassin followed these traces, he would find nothing in the end.

The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. This safe house was built by Emiya Kiritsugu and asked by the yakuza Fujimura group in Fuyuki City. It has almost no connection with him. It is precisely because of this that he was able to deceive the guardian of Fuyuki City, Matou. The eyes and ears of the Tohsaka family.

After sending a signal to Maiya and briefly treating himself, Emiya Kiritsugu closed his eyes and planned to make plans after regaining a certain amount of energy.



The partition made of soundproof cotton was torn open with a sharp knife. Assassin walked into the safe house with a sharp knife in his hand and looked down at the man who almost deceived him.

"If Master hadn't reminded me, I would have been deceived by you, modern assassin (Assassin), Emiya Kiritsugu."

Has it still been discovered... Emiya Kiritsugu's mouth was filled with bitterness, and he felt unwilling in his heart, but he was more confused.

Who saw through his disguise?

But now he had no time to think too much. Before he could get up, Hundred-faced Hassan was already holding a dagger and stabbed Emiya Kiritsugu in the chest:

"I will not kill you, but will dedicate you to my master, so wake up!"

Is that the end of it... Emiya Kiritsugu's pupils widened slightly.

At this moment, he saw the girl wearing a strange dress behind Assassin, and the magic gun that was as red as blood in her hand.

"Hello, first time meeting you."

After the polite greeting, the spear of thorns turned into red light and penetrated Assassin's heart.

"Gae Bolg!"

Obviously, this Assassin's action was made by Kotomine Kirei on his own initiative. Out of his interest in Emiya Kiritsugu, Father Mapo would definitely do such a thing.

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