My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 384 Summon, Summon, Summon!

Chapter 385 Summon, Summon, Summon!

Fortress of Milenia

The tragic smell of blood filled the entire king's room. In front of the Amyrlin, Vlad III closed his eyes tightly, his right arm was broken at the root, and the flesh and blood on his chest were turned out, and his beating heart could be faintly seen.

If you use magic vision to perceive it, Vlad III's spiritual core as a servant has become as dim as a broken glass bead.

Darnik was half-kneeling in front of Vlad III, his long hair dragging on the ground, covering his clenched right fist.

On the back of his hand, there were only two remaining traces of the command spell.

If he hadn't made it on a whim to let the Master of the Thousand World Tree admire the power of his servants, otherwise even if Vlad III was killed by an assassin, he, as the Master, would not have had time to activate the command spell to save his life.

But as a magician, it was really difficult to catch the moment of the confrontation between the servants - so much so that after he used the command spell to call back the servants, Vlad III's spiritual core had been injured by the blade of the fist gun, almost fatal.

Do you want to use the command spell to recover... No, it's not time yet, Caster has been summoned long ago. If even he can't do anything, let's make a final decision.

In order to maintain the combat power of Vlad III, he would not hesitate to pay even two Command Seals.

With his back turned to the worried Thousand World Tree members behind him, Danik couldn't suppress the gloominess on his face. The nails on his right hand were embedded in his flesh, and blood was dripping from them.

The loss of two Command Seals before the war officially started made Darnic's heart bleed.

That assassin... who is he?

Why does he know so much information about Vlad III?

If someone summoned a Servant, why didn't I get any news from the Great Holy Grail? !

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts again, Darnic turned around and looked at the Masters expressionlessly.

"You have also seen that there are arrogant people who want to shake the glory of our Qianjie Tree - in this case, let them pay the price for their actions!"


The order from the head of the family has been issued, and the Qianjieshu family has begun intensive preparations.


"Goodbye, say hello to El-Melloi II for me."

At the airport not far from Romania, Shuo Yue said goodbye to the cleaning team whose colleagues were wiped out in just half a day.

The captain was seriously injured and was admitted to the hospital. The red-haired magician was dead. A female magician took over their task. She bid farewell to Shuo Yue coldly and politely, and boarded the plane back to London with the remaining five people. .

Their mission has been completed, and the rest will be left to Shuo Yue and the master of the clock tower.

Watching several people walk into the passage unskilledly, Shuo Yue looked away and did not leave the airport. Instead, she sat in the lobby and closed her eyes to rest.

The first Servant battle as Assassin seemed to be a complete success for Sakutsu.

The only regret was that the master on the opposite side did not follow martial ethics and blocked Vlad III's health, preventing Shuo Yue from completing his ultimate blow.

As for the fact that Shuo Yue found the opportunity to attack and kill the Grand Duke in the end, the reason can only be said to be Xiao He's defeat.

Ghost General Protecting the Country: EX

By obtaining ley lines in advance, a specific area can be regarded as "one's own territory". In the battle within this territory, as the king, Vlad III can obtain a combat power correction comparable to that of A-level [Madness]. The Noble Phantasm "Kazikli Bey" can only be used within the territory formed by this skill.

As a hero of Turkey, his legend is actually not very high. The reason why Vlad III reached the top Servants in terms of strength is that before Thousand World Tree declared war, Danic led him to conquer the entire Romania. The capital encloses the territory needed for the "Ghost General who protects the country".

What Shuo Yue ordered the 'Cleaning Team' to do was to use the formation disk to separate the spiritual veins of this forest from Romania - so at the last moment Vlad III's strength plummeted, and he built a barrier of rafters and piles. It collapsed at the first touch, and was easily hit by Shuo Yue, damaging his lifeline.

Of course, before that, in order to avoid being attached to the concept of 'piercing', Shuo Yue cut off Vlad III's arm instead, preventing him from swinging the spear in his hand. In a sense, the balance of the battle was also turned. He leaned towards his side.

An Assassin with A-level aura interception is dangerous enough, and what's even more frightening is that this Assassin also possesses intelligence information that exceeds that of the Ruler.

Even if there is only one knight, it will be an extremely huge deterrent in this Holy Grail War.

Both the Magic Association and Thousand Realms Tree were probably on alert and tracking Shuo Yue's trajectory. However, what they never expected was that someone would buy another ticket using a false identity at the critical juncture of the war.

[Passengers please note that flight MUXXX to Neon is now boarding. Passengers on this flight are requested to come...]

The time has come.

After finishing the deduction and planning for the future, Shuo Yue opened her eyes and stood up.

Go to the island country in the Far East and summon his servant there, who is also Blue’s second ‘servant’.

This was the last preparation that Shuo Yue made before everyone gathered.


One day later, when Shuo Yue's journey finally reached its destination.

Clock Tower, Summoning the Section Chief's Office

"...'Eight Tongues' Darnic?"

"It's him, the leader of the Yggdmillennia clan, Danic Prestone Yggdmilenia, a third-rate lecturer, a second-rate magician, and a first-rate fraudster."

The afternoon sun was hot and brutal, plundering all the darkness in the room and illuminating the face of Belferbon, the director of the Advent Department, which was twisted with displeasure and showed anger.

"——He summoned the Servants from the Holy Grail War, and in response, we must gather seven Masters and Servants to fight Yggdmirenia and win."

The person talking to the old man was a burly man wearing a black jacket and black sunglasses, with a rough face like an American fugitive.

It is worth mentioning that due to his overly ferocious appearance, he was interrogated by the guard magician in the clock tower, and no student was willing to guide him... If not for the enthusiastic rescue of a certain blond problem child, he would have wanted to reach the summons. The department will have to put in a lot more effort.

His name is Lion Kairi, a former student of the Clock Tower, now a necromancer and mercenary, and one of the masters designated by El-Melloi II.

In the Fourth Holy Grail War in another world, Kiritsugu specially found him and customized special undead bullets in order to deal with Sakutsu who destroyed the Winter Castle.

"Well..." Faced with the detailed information entrusted to him, Shishi Jie stroked his unkempt beard and fell into deep thought.

Belphebon did not hide it, or could not hide it. Similar to the fact that the "Cleaning Team" that accompanied Lion Jie was killed by the servants and only six people were left, he had already been informed of everything.

Although Shishi Jie understood the reason for the failure, for the sake of his own life, he had to think about it.

"What will happen to the Great Holy Grail if we win?"

"Of course, we will ensure victory after victory. The thing that can easily reach the source is right in front of us. I don't know if the surviving magician can keep calm."

Belphebon recalled El-Melloi II's explanation and gave a reply calmly.

I see. Lion Jie nodded in agreement.

Does it mean "you will bear all the responsibility for anything that happens after the annihilation of Yggdomirenia"? It doesn't matter if it can make wishes come true, it can prevent wishes, or it can destroy everything.

Of course, the old fox in front of him must have some countermeasures. The recovery troops will probably be dispatched as soon as the war ends.

But, but! If you can successfully get a head start - you will definitely have a chance to achieve your wish!

Tremors of excitement ran down Lion Jie's back. Perhaps he had indeed observed the excitement. The old man nodded as he expected and said, "Can you accept the commission?"

Still, don't reply right away. If you respond immediately, your weakness will be seen.

With this idea in mind, the war-torn mercenary and necromancer entered into a second round of negotiations with Belpheban on the basis of agreeing to participate.


Under Shuo Yue's reminder, the Magic Association gathered the selected Masters at a faster speed. On the Thousand Realm Tree, it was also the influence brought by Shuo Yue. In order to gain new power, Darnic called Qian Jie. The masters of the World Tree gathered them together in front of the throne of Milenia Castle when night fell.

After confirming that the four summoners were in their designated positions, Darnic bowed his head respectfully facing the empty Amyrlin.

"Then, King, the ceremony begins now."


A voice that abandoned arrogance sounded, and the particles of light gathered on the jade throne, taking the form of the Grand Duke of Wallachia. Judging from his breath, his injuries had fully recovered.

The price was—the increasingly thin red marks on the back of Danik’s hands.

No matter what Danik thought, his expression was still respectful, because sitting on the throne was the greatest hero of Transylvania, Romania, the commander feared by the Turkish soldiers, known as Kazikli Bey.

Yes, since this is Romania, his popularity is almost the highest. Even rivaling Hercules in Greece and King Arthur in England.

It is precisely because of the value of Vlad III that Darnic would not hesitate to waste his master's greatest rights and pay for Vlad III and his underestimated enemy.

Lancer glanced at Darnic, his most loyal subordinate, and then let a majestic voice resound among the kings:

"Quickly, summon the heroic spirits who are willing to become Yu's brothers."

"According to the order."

After Danik saluted respectfully, he announced to the four people:

"Then let's begin. We, the magicians who are proud of Yoggdmillennia. When this ceremony ends, we will embark on a road of battle from which there is no turning back. - Are you ready to wake up?"

The four Masters silently showed their unwavering determination and stood at the front of the summoning array.

In addition to the large-scale summons from the 'Black' camp in the Milenian Fortress, as well as the summons from the Lion Tribulation Realm using the round table fragments in the cemetery of Stavropoleos Church in Bucharest, on an island thousands of miles away, There was also a young man who took off his cloak and stood in the center of the summoning array.

The same summons came from different places.


Note, it is the center of the summoning array~~ (smile)

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