My Destiny Illustrated Book of Shape Moon

Chapter 173 The battle between the magician killer and the agent (1)

"He revives my soul and guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake." Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

A familiar hymn flowed through his heart, because Kirei's increasingly excited heart had to rely on a carrier to relieve it.

The gunpowder-propelled bullets streaked across the dark corridor, and the air-conditioning that was affected began to dance around the corridor and hit his cheeks.

But Kirei didn't care. He crossed his arms and used the six enlarged black keys as a shield to block the first bullet of the test. The blood boiling in his heart became even hotter.

This was the first time a man named Kotomine Kirei felt blessed. God, who had never favored him in his life, finally gave him a revelation.

Standing in front of him were his reasons, the meaning of his life, his angels and demons.

The seven masters and seven servants, these are just "situations". To Kotomine Kirei, Fuyuki's battlefield is——

It exists to destroy the enemy currently standing in front of you.

The hard search in the first half of his life turned into a hymn to praise God, and the second half of his life, which will surely be filled with joy and pleasure, became Kirei's motivation to hold the sword.

"Your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, and my cup overflows. Grace and love will follow me throughout my life——]

The angel statues located on both sides of the corridor became the signposts leading to purgatory, guiding the fallen believer and driving him to charge towards the black clad man ahead.


Regarding Kotomine Kirei's tactical analysis - the intelligence sources were Irisviel and Kuu Maiya who had fought against him, as well as a few words revealed by Sakuzuki.

Use the black keys to project from a distance. The time required for one projection including the preparatory actions is less than 0.3 seconds. The speed of continuous projection has been determined to shoot out four black keys within 0.7 seconds. Even if the target is invisible to the naked eye, the attack ability will not be affected. The semi-spiritual body The sword is powerful enough to pierce steel bones.

If he wasn't trapped in an illusion, the hit rate would be - 100%.

Use Bajiquan for close combat. The detailed status is unknown, but his skill has reached an advanced level. Based on the confrontation between Sakatsuki and Kotomine Kirei in the Einzbern Forest, and Sakatsuki's subsequent achievements, his power has risen to the level of a Servant. , extremely dangerous.

The robe that covers the whole body is bulletproof and has additional spell protection. Nine-millimeter military bullets cannot penetrate, nor can they achieve suppression effects through impact force.

Other results of prior espionage activities - According to the report on the results of Tokiomi Tokiomi's teaching of magic, Kotomine Kirei's proficiency in magic was about to complete the internship course, and the only outstanding project was spiritual body healing. Kiritsugu speculated that the only way he could use magic to fight was to enhance his physical function to strengthen his existing fighting skills.

Finally, there is strategic forecasting.

Analyzing from outside the third wall, Emiya Kiritsugu did not obtain the crucial Noble Phantasm "Avalon" due to Sakutsu's interference, and the combat environment was also extremely unfavorable to the killer. In the corridor, once Kotomine Kirei gets close to him, in such a small space, Emiya Kiritsugu will only face an undisputed death.

But it was also the flapping wings of Sakusuki, the butterfly that Emiya Kiritsugu once traveled to the Middle East and obtained from the bounty hunter Shishi Kairetsu an item that combined necromantic magic and thermal weapon warfare, and contained more than two measures of magic. The special bullet was just one of the bargaining chips Kiritsugu obtained.

Silently feeling the cold object on the inside of the windbreaker, Emiya Kiritsugu's pupils flickered.

Apart from this, he only used his "secret move" once against Sir El-Melloi. At that time, Einzbern City's barrier was still quite tight and could prevent Assassin from infiltrating. In addition, Kirei himself was also involved in a battle with Maiya and Irisviel at the time, unable to escape. In conclusion, it can be concluded that Kirei did not have any prior knowledge of the inherent time control and origin bombs, nor did he prepare any countermeasures.

——The above is the information that Emiya Kiritsugu can refer to when facing the final battle.

The first attack of both sides was the black keys against the bullets. Of course, Kirei was clearly at a disadvantage. But if Kirei mastered some magic that could overturn the difference between the advantages and disadvantages of weapons, he would not worry about Kiritsugu's gun and directly take action to shorten the distance between the two sides.

Before that, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was quicker to spot his opponent, took the lead. Kaliko held in his left hand tapped lightly and ejected a bullet from the magazine.

Facing such a powerful opponent, any waste of bullets will reduce the chance of winning.

Sure enough, the agent raised the six black keys high like wings and rushed towards Kiritsugu from the front. The ordinary bullets were easily blocked in front of the black keys that expanded like a fan. At the same time, between the two people The distance has been shortened by half in an instant by Kotomine Kirei.

If he goes any further, Kiritsugu will be ruthlessly beaten by the agent.

Opposite Kirei, Kiritsugu in black raised his right hand, and his beloved gun Contender spurted out flames.

Facing repeated attacks, Kirei folded the six black keys on his chest, completely blocking the powerful destructive power of the 30-06 Springfield bullet, and charged forward.

Kirei folded the six enlarged swords in front of his chest and spread them out in a fan shape, completely blocking the powerful destructive power of the 30-06 Springfield bullet.

Fierce sparks burst out when the bullet bounced off, and then all the black keys, which could not withstand the excessive infusion of magic power, shattered.

Although the skill of blocking bullets with a sword was beautiful, it became the decisive cause of defeat. It's surprising that Kirei, who doesn't even have a magic mark, resorted to such a brutal move beyond imagination, but this move will turn into a more deadly reaction and eventually destroy Kirei's magic circuit, because it is a magician. The killer's trump card is the bomb - logically speaking, that's how it should be.

Therefore, when Kiritsugu saw the figure in black robes rushing towards him from the six destroyed black key fragments, he couldn't help but be shocked. Before he could doubt in his mind, his spinal reflex action had already activated the spell.

"Time alter, double accel (inherent time control·double speed)!"

A man dressed in black flew back at the critical moment. Kirei's flying right foot flew past the tip of his nose, and the left foot that followed in pursuit failed to break Kiritsugu's neck. The reason why Kirei's proud chain kick failed was entirely because he was confused by Kiritsugu's double-speed movement and misjudged the attack distance.

After a brief moment of surprise, Kiritsugu looked at the second Command Seal disappearing on the back of the priest's hand, and instantly came to a conclusion in his heart.

——It’s because of the command spell.

Kotomine Kirei is not a regular magician, and even his magic circuits are not fully developed. In order to kill him with one hit that catches him off guard, he misappropriated his master's command spells as a source of magic power. In the end, Kirei's life was saved by the ability to throw away the Command Seal after it was used. When the magic spell was activated and the origin bullet came into contact with the magic power and took effect, the command spell, which was the source of the magic power, had already disappeared from Kirei's wrist.

Presumably even Kirei didn't expect that the magic of special nature he obtained would unintentionally crack Kiritsugu's trump card. Although the two people's original plan of knocking down the enemy with the first move was completely disrupted, they were already attacked by a close-up enemy. Emiya Kiritsugu was obviously much more disadvantaged, but he didn't have to find another way this time, because Kotomine Kirei had already stepped on the secret skill of Bajiquan "moving step" and instantly crossed a distance of five meters and crashed into Emiya. In Kiritsugu’s arms!

"Time alter, double accel (inherent time control·double speed)!"

The force of the fist tore open Emiya Kiritsugu's skin, leaving a trail of blood. The killer, who turned his head to avoid the priest's attack, did not wait for the next blow. He aimed the Calico in Kirei's chest and pulled the trigger. trigger!

"It's useless!" The burning passion in his heart made Kirei speak. Three black keys flashed across his free left hand, and he activated the magic technique he had prepared before, turning it into a barrier to block the bullets.

It's just an ordinary bullet!

When the thought of contempt flashed through his heart, Kirei was overwhelmed by the pain of being torn apart in his abdomen.

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